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Everything posted by fern

  1. fern

    Projects for 2003

    I sure hope this thread gets saved in the archives so we can resurrect it next december and mock all the people who failed
  2. I don't get what you find so confusing ... must be a 49th parallel thing
  3. you should test it with multiple burials in the same pit. that can be tricky. before my CAA course I did beacon searches at the beach at night. dark + logs to jump over + running in sand = challenging.
  4. friends and I got 6 kinds of lost trying to find this last weekend following the Beckey description. we got to the right place eventually but not with enough time to summit and descend before dark. you don't need a bike to get in, but it will make it faster to get down.
  5. Yosemite and J Tree are not in the PNW.
  6. "the 2nd/3rd pitches of Classic Crack in Squamish" where's this?
  7. I don't sharpen my picks all that often either, unless I've whacked a rock and the tip has bent over. But I also do what freeclimb says about filing them curved at the tip which make them stick better and shatter less, and I bevel the top edge and the teeth which makes it easier to remove. Basically if you looked at a cross section it would be a heptagon
  8. pipeline is only .10d, does it count as a 'moderate crack pitch'
  9. I dropped my left glove into a crevasse in Peru. The remaining one is a right size medium MEC 'Mixed Master' ice-climbing glove, with leather palm and removeable liner. I would like to get something similar (smaller if possible) for my left hand to make a pair. Doesn't have to be identical type or in very good shape. It is not worth much money to me as the original pair was exceedingly cheap, but I would be willing to make a trade or pay a small sum. PM me
  10. I think it's pretty simple that you get better at the things you practice.If you put a little more focus into practicing the things you are weakest at (including mental skillz) then you will improve in everything. I mostly seem to climb in the 85%-to-100+%-chance-of-success range of my abilities so I don't REALLY know what my upper end is, but I would guess that my onsight level is the same for Squamish and Smith, which could be interpreted to mean I suck at sport climbing , and that level is 5 letters below what I have bothered to hauled my fat ass up on toprope (sport or crack, same number) non-climbing specific strength training has improved my confidence and power for all types of climbing, though with some coincident sacrifice to technique since I haven't got out cragging a whole lot this year.
  11. I get text running off the right side of the screen, farther than the R/L scrollbar lets me scroll.
  12. "Rogers Pass: on the East side of the pass are some really nice looking lines to 5 that are probably not climbed often. Really compelling looking, but huge av terrain." maybe I am wrong but I think these are within the "closed area" which means not just avy danger but Howitzer danger as well?
  13. I wasn't gonna post one...can't take the internet to the mountains after all. I know Rebecca Goulding, I'll tell her your plan.
  14. it's a (now closed) mine. follow the images back to the source URL you'll get the story
  15. The map is updated for the last 2 ice seasons as far as I can tell. The quality is low enough that scans probably won't turn out. I will try tonight.
  16. quote: Originally posted by plexus: What town is that? Cassiar, like it says.
  17. pm mailing address and I will make a photocopy of mine. The ones Lyle mailed are photocopies themselves so the quality is not super.
  18. you ask for the most remote range that people almost never visit and then lament the lack of photos? does the paradox escape you? fairly crap photos of the mountains around Cassiar:
  19. {proprietary information deleted} patience grasshopper [ 11-26-2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: fern ]
  20. fern


    quote: Originally posted by pindude: Of the different types of flagging, from talking to surveyors and timber cruisers, glo-orange is the color that stands out best. how much timber and survey work is there on whited-out glaciers?
  21. <1% of climbs in the guidebook. But I hope that access re-opens for future years, so that the crowds can reconverge to Kicking Horse and stay away from the other climbs I haven't already done.
  22. fern


    quote: Originally posted by iain: when people say "go to the Rockies" are they talking about a specific area? dunno. My trips there have involved lots of driving from place to place. Like climbing in the Kananaskis one day and driving up to Saskatchewan Crossing the next. Canmore and Banff are good bases to do lots of climbing, but Lake Lousy, Golden, Jasper and any of the hostels on the Icefield Parkway are OK too.
  23. fern


    I will go around new years, partner dependent.
  24. how do you define "mountain group"? my vote goes with some of the areas in the Northern Rockies.
  25. maybe it's time to kill your IE window then
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