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Everything posted by fern

  1. how apropos. I watched "Bowling For Columbine" at a matinee.
  2. reason's to look forward to winter: 1) ice-climbing, 2)skiing. enough thread drift. I am out, have a good Sunday all!
  3. when I am busy I can always think of things I would love to do if I had time, and then when I have an empty day I don't feel like doing any of them ... I've never seen those films, but I hear they are good. was it Philip Glass who did the music? ... I forget....
  4. I bailed on the trip to do marking . I wuz gonna go to Sq today but it rains.
  5. buy a fern, they are nice plants
  6. is sinsemilla a sport climb?
  7. quote: Originally posted by fern: did he have big coke bottle glasses and a bushy mustache? Jim Sinclair the Vulcan's Thumb is in the Fairley guide described as the only peak unclimbed due to difficulty (or something like that). An ascent of the similarily unclimbed Teacup Handle on the Table might make a good warmup. Good luck
  8. [ 10-25-2002, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: fern ]
  9. I don't think I am old enough to have done stoopid things when I was young yet.
  10. it looks like ice ... how come it's called Observation ROCK?? is it like the edge of a glacier or something? looks like a way to spend a day.
  11. fern

    I'm okay.

    what is MSN? I take glucosamine + chondroitin sulphate, although I think the effects (on me) are largely psychosomatic. It seemed to make my old dog more peppy in the last year of his life. and page top! [ 10-25-2002, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: fern ]
  12. fern


    quote: Originally posted by allison: Missed the whole thing. you started it! you should be proud
  13. I don't think it would be hard to calculate/measure at all. But I don't think you would learn anything interesting. Also ropes may be hard to break, but biners are not.
  14. I think the answer to the question of 'how long is the recovery time of the rope after it's been stretched?' is something on the order of tens of minutes or more. Clyde Soles said something about this in the depths of the Death at the Coulee thread.
  15. fern

    Insert Caption Here...

    new picture needs caption
  16. save the wontons!!!!
  17. quote: Originally posted by Dave Schuldt: Things to consider when choosing a location. Drive time- 2+/- hours from Seattle why? what's so special about Seattle?
  18. quote: Originally posted by Eric Rayl: I'm looking for some tele boots for my wife. Something like T-2's would be great, but I'm not too particular. 8.5 mens, 9.5 womens, 42 euro, 26.5 mondopoint. Thanks, Eric Rayl are you sure you have that mondopoint conversion correct? I don't know too much about it, but I think that I am a 38 euro and 25.5 mondopoint, so the 42-26.5 doesn't seem correct
  19. grow up .... sheesh
  20. I slept in one (Stepheson Warmlite) once, not much head room and I am only 4foot13. My friend has used hers for 2 multi-month ski tours (Vancouver to Skagway + complete St Elias) and seems to have pretty good durability. The thing is so light and flimsy feeling though, I don't think I'd want it with me if I was climbing Denali.
  21. fern

    ice tools

    good luck trying to find 70s shit. that's not what I meant. If you can find Rages or Rambos or Machines or whateverthef@#$ for a good deal on the InterNet then buy it and just go climbing. You won't know what's best for you 'til you get out there, like you said with the prophets Caveman.
  22. fern

    ice tools

    there's always a market for used beginner's tools, especially ones that can do alpine duty adequately as well. Just buy something inexpensive and go climbing and figure out what features YOU need. If you don't like them after a while then sell them and buy something else. just my opinion. People were climbing WI4 before I was born with wooden shafted droop-picked shiz and strap-on crampons. You don't need tech and flash to get out on classic moderates.
  23. fern

    Women are heat sinks

    quote: Pardon my pc...someday maybe I'll learn to edit these thingsRobBob: on each of the posts you want to edit click on this symbol
  24. fern

    Rope Up!!!

  25. what about the 158ish skier? anybody have ski recommendations for a short person?
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