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Everything posted by fern

  1. it's still trespassing and you may get arrested. your choice to ignore.
  2. so go climb there then. no-one other than BC Rail is telling you not to anymore. that's the deal.
  3. fern

    a donut and coffee

    when I was at the Big O the waitress grabbed my friend's (he is half asian) face and said things such as "are you sure which border you came across?" and "we didn't have to let all you canadians in". and when he told her that she was being offensive she said "no it's all rightm most of our kitchen staff are mexican". Quality establishment
  4. fern

    a donut and coffee

    quote: Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer: 1) Biscettes and gravey with a side of french toast ha. this is so Oregon. I never heard of biscuit gravy until I went to the Big O.
  5. skip them and just take a multivitamin once a day? there was a thread on this before, but I'll let you do the search. Also have you seen this ?
  6. myself wedged in a chimney ("backed up" to a loose root in the dirt at the back) directly under some big creaky blocks that my partner had to pull on and around while the only gear between us was an RP. fun! ... I will go back sometime. Anybody like a dirty chimney climb?
  7. quote: Originally posted by iain: quote:Originally posted by fern: I already have the jacked pickup. anyone know where I can get a deal on a sled? if you're referring to some unimog again you've got it all wrong. A Ford F-350 with mudslingers or similar makes this picture. Stickers of famous Nascar numbers on the back and a mirror-polished rear differential are brownie points. the unimog is snoboy's not mine. I got my own wheels.
  8. delerium tremens is too much of a hike. i am fat and lazy and want to belay off the bumper.
  9. quote: Originally posted by jkrueger: Hey Erik, Unfortunately, I can't make it to Utah... but I will make the trek to Delirium Tremens with you - unfinished business, you know! are you trying to steal my belay slave jk?
  10. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Course no rednecks would buy a silent one which is probably one reason why there doesn't seem to be any major shift to 4-Strokes. a couple of years ago 99-North had an article about sledding across the Powdercap traverse, and the last paragraph had the (completely sincere) 'tip' that you should be sure to bring a cellphone and a large-limit credit card in case you run out of gas and need a helicopter to come get you
  11. I hope it turns out all right ... why is this in the Gear Critic?
  12. I will be there ... possibly a day or two on either side of the weekend as well.
  13. I already have the jacked pickup. anyone know where I can get a deal on a sled?
  14. ah SIN ih boine - the matterhorn of the Rockies
  15. fern


    David Persson and Alexander Fuglesang had all their gear stolen out of their car after doing a new route on Ossa a few months before David died on rainier. David named it 'Odin's Ice' in a punning reference to a nordic legend of Odin sacrificing one of his eyes ('is' in norwegian) in return for the gift of the runes. Their sacrifice was their gear in return for scooping a cool new line.
  16. fern


    this is kinda like the Odin's Ice story - don't going skiing liberty ridge any time soon
  17. it's hanging off my harness on a sling. chimney technique yo.
  18. the stanleyburger is too hard for a toproping gaper like me. did I carry that pack up the whole climb? ... what for? I have worn holes in the ass of 2 pairs of carhartts
  19. quote: Originally posted by salbrecher: Word has it you can climb them snow gullies most of the way up except for a little scramble at the top. well then you wouldn't be climbing the teacup handle (right skyline) would you? it's the aesthetics of the line !!!
  20. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Actually, haven't the asian gangs been getting more active up there? Dru? Last time I was up there I heard about a couple shootings. stay away from the bubble tea houses and sikh weddings and you will be fine.
  21. disqualified. page top doesn't count if you got the previous page bum.
  22. fern


    quote: Originally posted by Dru: climbed the north face of Crazy Mountain. Great couloir route. cool quote: Car broken into sucky ... I guess it's not insured either
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