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Everything posted by chelle
Anyone else battling this lil bugger? I've never really worried about what I eat and figure all things in moderation. I don't have a weight problem, but both Mom and Dad have high cholesterol (but they are also overweight and aren't active). So I thought I'd get mine checked. Turns out I have elevated cholesterol too. 232 was my number. The HDL is great, but the LDL is too high. So...I guess I gotta start watching what I eat now. No more sausage and fries nights at Schultzy's. Gotta cut out the egg yolks and butter, and the peanut butter sandwhiches I like to make for a quick lunch. And make sure I get enough fiber. I found these bagels at PCC that have 16 grams of fiber. They kinda remind me of sawdust but what the hell. Smother them in hummus and they're okay. Any other tips, substitutes you've found would be useful.
"Fook you, Elliot." - E.T. My preference is to yell 'Sorry about your penis!" at H2 drivers, then park my exceedingly dirty 2wd pickup next to their immaculately clean vehicles in parking lots. I think the same thing about those raised full sized trucks with all the flair and stuff. They're compensating...
I saw Fred working the ladies last night. He was in fine form. Overheard him talking to a 30 something blonde hottie... Fred: "So you rock climb?" Woman: "Yep, I think its fun." Fred: "Yeah it's fun. Good for you." I giggled and walked away. Another Fred story was related to him eating with a stick. He sat down at the table in camp4 last Fall and asked what a couple friends were eating for dinner. I think it was cous cous, and they offered some to Fred. He finds a swiss army knife on the table, opens the blade takes the pot and digs in. He ate the rest of their dinner. No one minded though, cause hell it's Fred!
Anyone have a recommendation for a shop in Seattle where I can rent some skis, boots, poles? It's too expensive to rent at the ski area. I sold all my ski gear last year. Sellers remorse...
Make sure you get the right The Climb. Wasn't there a tv movie by the same title last year that was basically a religious movie?
No bud Alex. Don't touch the stuff. Makes me feel stupid. My plants are a fig, a palm, a ficus, and a puple flower cyclomen (which may not last the week...).
But to a 9 yr old girl it was a likeable character. Kinda like a space lassie.
Anyone know if these can help plants grow? My studio is not getting enough light and the plants are all starting to look like they are suffering.
Don't get the scifi channel, but saw the promos. I guess I was too young to fully understand the plot when the first one was on the air. I liked the show, but just thought they were fighting other aliens, not machines... And the "dog" Mopit was a cool character.
Cool. Give me a call.
I'll take it.
Hhmm. I didn't know there was controversy. Thanks. I read the first part of the Crystal Mountain and there were a few references to it in there. The book was so poorly written I just couldn't get through it. As for high altitude brain damage, there was a really interesting Nova on the subject a few years ago. They did pre and post CAT scans and brain mass calculations on climbers before an Everest climb. It showed they lost some cells up there. I think Breshears and the other climbers were using O2. Since Messner doesn't use it he probably loses more grey matter.
Does anyone have an online subscription to WSJ? That lead in is kinda weird. Are they insinuating that something underhanded went on in 1970?
Careful. Trask took the red one the other day and wasn't pleased with the view from the other side.
Hadn't noticed the lack of blinking. When he ran in 96 I thought some of the stuff he said made sense. That was before I got reaquainted with my liberal leftist roots.
Now you're starting to get it. Keep taking those spray classes klenke.
Just raised the left-liberal score.
Who's this year's libertarian candidate? Perhaps you should write Steve Forbes in on your ballots.
They've got a new name for it now too. Gastrointestinal-esophageal reflux disease...or GERD for short. And the newest over the counter remedy requires you to take it for 14 days for full effectiveness. Caaching$$$$$.
The councilwoman was drinking (or at least holding the can). Maybe he'll face a recall from the good citizen's of Arvin. The dude seems to think police are leaders and forgot that he was one too.
They sell little paw protector things for fido, I imagine it being much easier on a dogs paws than duct tape. Unles sof course the dog is into pain and having fur yanked out when you remove it.
Jay - from what I have read the people who benefit the most are seniors who are very poor, which is a very good thing. Those in the middle will get some coverage. And wealthy seniors get very little. The tiering is a good approach. Unfortunately those seniors that have some level of perscription coverage through their company pensions will likely see that disappear because the companies willl want to save money where there is potential duplication, which would mean that they will pay much more under the new system. I understant the benefit to be about $600 per medicare participant. That's not a lot given the meds many seniors pay for, but yes it is better than nothing. What I wish congress had delivered was a real benefit rather than a confusing sandwhich benefit where they get some coverage after a high deductible, then no coverage for a period then some coverage again after a maximum outlay. And the whole thing doesn't even start for 2 more years. On the trade war thing...when is the last time the US has effectively used this strategy? (An honest question)
sunny in winter? probably won't find those kind of conditions up here.
eternalx- Guess I shoulda checked out the other side of the mountain. Maybe next time. I was over at chairs 7/8 and 5.
So the american consumer ends up subsidizing the rest of the world's access to new drug therapies, and the elderly (and their families) under the new medicare program will likely foot a larger part of the bill than they do now. And the drug companies and their executives continue to get rich. Who benefits from this "free" enterprise and "improved benefit"? I agree that price controls might stifle R&D in the pharmaceutical industry, but it seems to me that the whole process needs some overhaul. The American public seems to be the one to repeatedly get screwed by our capitalistic free market, while the rest of the world benefits from different rules and pretty much equal access to the benefits of our contry's investment in R&D. I imagine that they sell the drugs cheaper elsewhere because they are still sold at a profit, and some profit to offset R&D and increase share prices is better than standing on principle with viable product and few markets to sell it into.