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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Since we don't have a "geek spray" section, it 's getting shipped to the regular one. Not much relevant to climbing here...
  2. No arguments CJ. Go back and read the two comments above your last post for some more context for my reply to TomTom. You're talking about a different issue entirely.
  3. And these experienced folks continue to die in the backcountry. How many were listed in Twight's slide show? I think a lot of those deaths fall under the "shit happens and boy doesn't that suck" category. Just because experienced people die climbing does not mean that KCClimber's statement is not true.
  4. In England they have a public transit system that you can take to almost anywhere. In London the Tube rocks as a way to get aroudn cheaply and efficiently, and while the trains and rails need a little repair work they still pretty much run on time and get you to your destination.
  5. CBS - you could or the HH Valley could?
  6. Incrementing? Strange choice of words there. It goes up as traffic goes up from what I know. It's a volunteer thing and so there's a need to "spread the love around" so to speak.
  7. Dan, you know you want to leave that stinky state of CA and move up here with the rest of us.
  8. Sorry to have to edit your post CBS. That m!%#^y&* word is banned in this forum.
  9. Cj's suggestion is a good one. There are a lot of guidebooks available at the Mountaineers bookstore in Lower Queen Anne. You can also check for info at the adventurous traveler bookstore online. Depending on the type of climbing you're looking to do, I have a book that covers the 4000m peaks in Europe. Get in touch via pm.
  10. I guess I need to see the extended version to see the stuff I missed out on. Woke up this morning and saw the sun and thought... There is still good in the world Mr. Frodo. All hope is not lost.
  11. chelle

    New Book

    Lemon, you might enjoy reading Dark Shadows Falling by Joe Simpson if you haven't already checked it out. I think it is one of his best.
  12. Thanks for the tip on the NIH website Norman. Some pretty interesting stuff there that will be a good resource in the future. I'm less than 1% on the risk scale. Courtenay - maybe it is stress. My stress levels have been pretty high for the past 6 months and my exercise has dropped off but I am making some changes there. I guess I won't worry too much about it at this point.
  13. I thought leaving out Tom Bombadil and some of the cool stuff in their journeys with the Ents was a bad move. The Ents and the other tree characters whose name I can't remember were largely responsible for the win over Saruman's army, not the men.
  14. It's just going to be about the big war, then they'll all ride off into the sunrise. The movies suck compared to the books IMO.
  15. Pretty interesting Dan. Thanks.
  16. Holy cow Lambone! 3 bags at 70# each and they were maxed, and they didn't have your hardwear in them? What were you smuggling in?
  17. Hey Layton, I am assuming that you are completely kidding in your post. Or is this what they are teaching in Chiropractic school these days?
  18. chelle

    A new game show :P

    Damn. I forgot to check my calendar about when "Celebrate a Redneck" day was. Thanks for the reminder.
  19. RBW - I don't think the "rule" is that you can't insult a woman, it's the way the insult is slung that will determine if it is mysogonistic or not.
  20. Does not.
  21. chelle

    bored of spraying?

    true. true. advertise away.
  22. I did three the other day after my upper body workout. A good way to see if I worked hard enough.
  23. Thanks. I'll give them a call.
  24. chelle

    bored of spraying?

    Maybe you and Layton shoudl get together. You seem to have similar "needs" at the moment.
  25. Fred = lummox?
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