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Everything posted by chelle

  1. It they string them up on a himalyan expedition what's wrong with that? They are honoring the local custom and helping to make their sherpas more comfortable with the climb. If they string them up on Rainier, unless they are a group of Tibetan climbers, they may be guilty of posing. I have some flags strung up in my closet. Brings back fond memories of my trip to Nepal. And possibly helps me safely summit the mound of laundry blocking acess to my dresser.
  2. Did you guys read the original post? 542 noticed that his SISTER's text is wrong and sent her to school with ammo to prove the teacher wrong. Nothing was solicited from the teacher. He/she can accept that the book is wrong or not. Who cares? If 542 thinks it is such a big issue he should write to the publishers. Are a few elementary school kids going to care if the teacher announces in class that the caption for the photo on page #@$ is not accurate? They are probably not listening anyways.
  3. Lummox -
  4. chelle

    Crap Movies

    Yoy may get all hot and bothered, but not everyone reacts like you do to short hairy men who fight with swords.
  5. chelle

    Got Parasite?

    So that's what is wrong with the French! BTW Toxoplasm is thought to cause miscarriage in pregnant women. The ideas behind sybiotic critters being necessary is pretty interesting. Not sure I'd drink worm eggs though, unless it was guaranteed to cure my asthma and allow me to tollerate dairy again. Parasites took away my ability to enjoy a scoop of haagen das 6 years ago and I am still bitter!
  6. chelle

    Crap Movies

    Totally agree on that one ChrisT! He and Legolas make those movies worth watching, since the directory/screenadapters left so many of the good parts out of the actual LOTR story.
  7. Let it go. It doesn't really matter what the teacher thinks or who is right. It's a WA state history class textbook, not a climbing guidebook. Send an email to the publisher and they'll probably correct it in the next version. Textbooks have errors in them. Hell, my medical terminology book has quite a few big errors in it's brief discussion of respiratory physiology. Now that's got a little more consequences. Thankfully it's a med-term book, not a physiology text.
  8. Power? Tom is hot and strong... but having Ron Kauk as his climbing mentor/stunt man probably had more to do with that move and there were pretty low consequenses since he had a cable tied to his back the whole time...
  9. For a hauler you can't beat the protraxion IMO. Also, for knee pads you can just get some from a sproting goods store like big5. The metolious ones are more expensive and not that comfy. They're gloves rock though. Get a second set of BD nuts, and a full set of HB offset brass nuts. FOr the valley I also like their larger offsets. I have them up to a #10. They work great in the pin scars. And you will want the black and blue alien. They look small, but they will feel more secure than a nut and are totally worth it, and the red alien is the largest one to buy. Go with TCUs or BD for larger sizes. The offsets are sometimes hard to find but the Pagan Mountaineering store in Utah should have them. Getting the blue/green, green/yellow, and yellow/red will probably cover most anything.
  10. Stoneyfield Farms soy yogurt. Vanilla or BlueBerry. Stuff is the absolute best! Or did you want to know about a climb?
  11. dirtbags = no job = can't pay rent (they are also stinky ) Some I know remember to shower at least once a week. Also dirtbags have their priorities straight. They're not chasing that all american dream handcuffed to their cubicle and the 8-6 job... They are living life. Here's to dirtbags...
  12. Johnny - those are too funny to be offensive.
  13. Okay Lummox, are you possessed by some other person today. You quoting the bible freaks me out.
  14. chelle


    That was a good thread. Learned something interesting about male urethra anatomy this quarter. The urethra is eliptical shaped and if it did not have a corkscrew turn at the end you guys would have no aim. This is what lets you write your name in the snow and if you look close enough you can see how the stream is kinda corkscrew shaped at the exit. Women don't have this "feature". BTW, please use your gifted ability to aim better next time you leave the toilet seat down...
  15. Nope. It seems that you just like to rotate through the ladies, so I'm sure if a women "held" a gun to your head about being romantic you'd just move onto the next one... So has there been any sort of correlation between the length of your chivalrous attitude and the "relationships" you participate in? Also, the point of my original comment wasn't really just about relationships. It was more about how some women view a door being opened for them by a stranger as a little slice of romance that brighten's her day, not some insulting action from the stronger sex about how weak women are.
  16. chelle

    buy a nut sack

    looks more like a sack 'o nuts. Good price too if you get everything in the pic.
  17. Good suggestion Erik. Sometimes elbow tendonitis originates from muscles in the forearm. Stretching and trying not to overgrip can help, especially if you are climbing little crimpers in the gym. Training those muscles using a grip ball or by working your extensors with silicone putty (Powerputty works good for this) will also help with recovery and prevention if it is a forearm issue. Mattp, you are right. It could show that it is not dangerous and that climbers are concerned about safety. Data can be cut many ways. It would be really nice to have a broad based survey that showed that climbers and climbing is inherently safe so I could get some life insurance again...
  18. Griz - probably only interested in injuries that require (should require if you didn't seek it) medical attention. Agree with Layton on which "health care providers" the data is intended for. I'm skeptical of anything that can further classify climbing as high risk and create a reason to deny coverage or treatment. DocErik - Please define the objective of your study (intended use of the data) for us.
  19. Cavey - do a google search for bushbodies.com and see how many suspicous deaths there are around GW and his forefathers...
  20. This is the age-old question that nobody has ever given me a satisfactory answer to. Sometimes that dog just don't hunt. Insecurity and lack of self esteem that makes them see they deserve better. Will - some women dig it when they are treated like a lady. The only ones who don't IMO are insecure about their place in the world. If you have a confident woman who knows she can achieve what she wants in the world, she will enjoy it when a guy opens the door for her, offers to carry a heavy bag, buys her flowers, smiles... Whether she knows him or not (well maybe getting flowers from someone you don't know would be weird...) It's a little thing we all appreciate called romance. Maybe Trask's list spells out why some guys in the 20-40 something range have "forgotten" what romance is, they're afraid of getting beat up for it. It's a sad shame.
  21. So you get hit on. Be flattered and say no thanks.
  22. Why you so jaded Trask? You're sounding like a victim... It must be confusing to be a man with all that judgement, huh?
  23. chelle

    Fuck Me Running

    Some WD40 on those hinges will get the squeaks right out. Careful not to apply too much though. It drips.
  24. chelle

    Hey Ehmmic!

    Yeah. We've discussed his avatar pic. I guess I never thought of Kermit as sexual, even with his advances towards ms piggy. I've come to accept it.
  25. chelle

    Hey Ehmmic!

    No probs...It's not necessarily jumping anywhere. Just happy. Jumping is a good thing. I think that's why little kids do it when they're excited. And I think if we all stopped being so serious and just acted like kids once in awhile the world would be a better place. Frogs are one of my favorite animals, ever since I was a little kid. When I was 10, I captured about 50 of them at one of the local lakes and put them in my parents garden cause I like the sounds they make.
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