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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Guys...Did you read the small type or just click your favorite team's helmet? You may not like the local team but by clicking on their helmet you will be helping charities in our neighborhoods. Let's try to raise the Seahawks in the overall clicks score and feed more people here in the PNW.
  2. $46 for 1 year, $88 for two in the US. I got this publication this year and did not renew my R&I and Climbing subscriptions. I think I actually ended up saving a few bucks, and I will have fewer crappy articles and way fewer ads to wade through. Bummer is it only comes 4 times a year.
  3. Don't know whether it's true, but sounds interesting. I have a friend at school who works at a hotel. I'll ask him and let you know. In the meantime if you're not using your work address and a corporate card you don't really care is stolen, why not destroy the card if there is no penalty for it?
  4. That's why the Dems are putting on a good old fashioned filibuster. The worst provision is one which gives blanket protection from lawsuits to gasoline manufacturers who use MTBE in their formulations. MTBE contaminates water and it's strong smell and taste renders the water undrinkable. MTBE is also being implicated in increased cancers and other health problems. It's a poison that was poorly researched when it was rushed to implementation as a necessary addidtive to gas in areas with poor air quality. This is one more blatant attempt to help big business at the expense of joe/jane public. I give kudos to John McCain and other republicans who oppose the bill and supported the filibuster. Democrats who support such a bad piece of legislation because their constituents grow corn should be ashamed IMO.
  5. I had bare feet too, but thought I'd spare people the full horror I experienced when I was younger (I think I was about 10 at the time).
  6. The "front"country was fun today. A little icy at times but not too bad, except right off the chair :whipeout: Got in 8 runs before my legs felt like toast and I got sloppy. It was way fun to carve turns on the blue runs. Can't wait until next time.
  7. I had an apartment on Queene Anne Hill (seattle), and the cat was the reason that we had rats in there once in a while. The cat would drag a half dead rat into the house, and eventually it would come to and start running all over the place. That cat was bringing you its catch and giving you the satisfaction of the kill. Actually the thing probably never learned how to kill the rats. I think they have to be shown by another cat during the first few months of life. Otherwise they just follow their instinct to chase it and play with it. Believe me, dead baby birds on the doorstep are worse...especially when you don't see them before stepping outside.
  8. I sympathize. What gets me is when people leave their cell phones on when they are out to dinner. And even worse is that they answer them. I couldn't believe how may phones rang last night while I was out. I used to crack up at the people who had to turn their phones on and check voicemail the moment the plane landed and were on the phone before takeoff until the attendants told them they had to turn them off. I always treated the flights on my business trips as a little break from the crummy job and my personal time since I had to be away from home for days. There are only a handful of people who need to be that connected to their business and I'm pretty sure they are not flying coach class on United. They're probably in their private leer jets...
  9. Alex Lowe dropped a rope on my head in Bozeman once...I was pissed...but what could I say. I guess my point is that not-only dolt gumby climbers can be assholes... So are you calling Alex an asshole? That's totally counter to everything I have ever heard about him. I'd be amazed if he didn't apologize to you.
  10. It is so sad that you can't recognize the N. Face of Shuksan. I thought you were a climber...
  11. chelle

    I have the stoke!

    Yep. Relaxation is the key in the next 6 weeks. Physiology is awesome, it's totally cool to understand how/why stuff in our bodies works. It was one of the prereqs so I've already had it.
  12. chelle

    I have the stoke!

    Thanks everybody. Staying in Seattle, thankfully! Going to Shoreline.
  13. chelle

    I have the stoke!

    Life turned a 180 degree corner for me today. Be it karma, good flowing chi, or just damned luck...I will be going to nursing school after all!!! Yeah! I am so incredibly stoked I want to go do some cartwheels in the rain.
  14. Hey Dan. You in town next week? We should have a pub club on Fri or Sat eve. There's a good pub out on McHenry we can go to. I'll have to ask my brother-in-law what the name is.
  15. chelle


    I skied for years and finally tried snowboarding because they looke dlike they were having more fun. Got injured and still went back to snowboarding because...they are having more fun! And the boots are more comfortable. IMO Snowboarding is just a more natural way to get down the slope.
  16. chelle

    CC.Com Personals

    Yep. Ahhh! Finally!
  17. I dunno there E. I saw how much you enjoyed that tweaker flick.
  18. Yeah, maybe it is weightlifting, but poor technique is poor technique and injuries suck. So Muffy initiate the movement with your mid back to support your shoulders. Use your shoulder muscles to complete the pull up, lower with control and hey throw in the abs for support of your back too. Mike - you trying to fill your patient roster?
  19. So Seattle is only 3 hours away. Why wait until April?
  20. chelle

    CC.Com Personals

    Turtle...are you serious?
  21. You were addicted to really bad tv huh? I think a few cc.com sprayers used to be addicted to work and now they've found some other way to spend their work hours. Why? They don't "really" have to interact with people and relate to them as fellow human beings.
  22. Muffy - make sure you warm your shoulders up a bit before hitting the weights or doing pullups. Also think about initiating the pull up with the muscles in the mid-back. Don't just pull down hard with your arm/shoulder muscles. This is how I tweaked my rotator cuff. I'd hate to see you sit on the sidelines...
  23. chelle

    Crap Movies

    No there are worse endings. Most things that come out of hollywood have to tie up all the loose strings and let you rejoice in the fact that the guy gets the girl. Like Pirates of the Carribean for instance. Overall an entertaining Disney flick and great performance by Jonny Depp, but the ending nearly destroys the film. Those are worst endings ever.
  24. So I couldn't fall asleep last night and watched David Letterman. One of the guests was a 9 year old actress named Dakota, she's in the new Cat in the Hat movie. She starts talking about life and how 12 and 13 are the important years for her to focus on right now. At 12 she can have a dog and at 13 get her ears pierced and get a cell phone. Dave pulls out a wrapped gift for her that will help tide her over until 12 comes around. She unwraps it and it is a stuffed snaffle. Not a stuffed animal version a real stuffed snaffle probably form central park. She thought it was cool and named it Chloe. She plans to buy it some clothes and a carrying case. I'm sure all the cool kids in Hollywood will be wanting one.
  25. chelle

    Crap Movies

    I liked it. Kinda slow at times, but I thought the effects during the storms were good. And I was pretty amazed that they could repair the damage to the ship at sea after battles (maybe that's just wishful hollywood thinking). That scene where the doc did surgery on himself was gruesome. And perhaps the most important part is that...Russell Crowe is a pretty fine male specimen to gaze at on a big screen for 2.5 hours.
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