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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Make sure and look up TG when you're in the neighborhood.
  2. I'm not registered for that site, but I'll assume it is good news and the guy is alive.
  3. Wanna post a link there Mac_10? Don't see anything on Seattle Times...
  4. G E O L O G Y T E R M S T H A T S O U N D D I R T Y , B U T A R E N ' T . BY VANCE ANDERSON - - - - orogeny thrust fault spreading ridge horst and graben overturned beds cross-bedding dry hole subduction zone cleavage
  5. Kinda judgemental there cbs.
  6. Can't be all that bad now Lummox. I thought you had some new hotties waiting in the wings.
  7. chelle


    Nope. Makes no difference if I drink one or four.
  8. chelle

    i'm free

  9. chelle


    PBR does very bad things to me. Everytime I drink it I end up running to the bathroom the next day for several hours. Very nasty after effect IMO.
  10. chelle

    Internet Access

    Decided to go for a one month trial with netzero high-speed. $15.95 and it IS WAAAAY faster than my Earthlink connection. Bye bye EL you Suck!!! It honestly seems as fast as the DSL connection at my parents house that got me to thinking about how SLLLOOOOOW my surfing was. p.s. if any other dialups users switch over to NZ based on my endorsement, send me a pm and I'll give you my id for the referral. I could use the $20. Starving student and all.
  11. chelle

    i'm free

    Changing the spelling and uping the volume does nothing to help me understand this bs.
  12. chelle


    Don't you get tired to the morning after effects of PRB? All that running to the toilet? My favorite beer right now is Newcastle. I was getting bored with all the hoppyness in the local microbrews. With this cold spell I'm thinking it's time to start drinking porters again for a few months.
  13. chelle

    i'm free

    I'm lost in all this techie talk...
  14. chelle

    Internet Access

    Timm@y - what's netstumbler?
  15. chelle

    Internet Access

    I need to change my ISP because I'm sick of not being able to get a connection faster than 45kbps. I can't afford to pay for DSL or cable modem service, so I'm thinking of trying that NetZero hi-speed service or buying a wireless modem and taking advantage of the few free access places in the neighborhood. If it is slow at least I won't be paying $24.99/moth for it. Anybody have any experience with either?
  16. Geordie - I'm allergic to sulfa drugs, so can't take diamox to help acclimate. I've found that giving myself a couple more days to get used to altitude and drinking copious amounts of fluids (about 1.5 gallons a day during my Ecuador trip) worked for me. No AMS.
  17. chelle

    Mabton Burger

    and it takes 10 - 20 years for it to start effecting you. So you'll surely have either fully pickled your liver by then or you'll have died of the many STDs you picked up from those "hotties" you always spray about.
  18. Well...if her man would just learn to do the job right, he wouldn't need to waste his money on this stupid contraption.
  19. Brama - how long ago did you live there? In 98 when I went there on business it was crazy hard to get around the train stations without some assistance. In 2000 it was a little easier and with more English signs around and in the stations. It was quite a humbling experience to be functionally illerate and made me feel for the tourists that come to America and try to get around.
  20. The road cuts had some good looking ice driving on I90 between the summit and Exit47 earlier today. Not that you can climb it, but might be a clue to conditions elsewhere.
  21. Cool TR and the skiing pics are Hey Will...we were having so much fun horsing around last night at a lil NYE gathering that we missed toasting midnight by a couple minutes. So we stayed up late enough to see 2004 come in up in Anchorage in your honor.
  22. chelle

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! Everybody. Had fun ringing in 2004 with friends last night. Good company, funny stories/controversies, poker and darts, good quantities of consumed, and some all around silliness. Perfect IMO. And today we got to play in the freshies up at Snoqualamie pass. Don't think I've snowshoed in powder that deep or steep before. Very fun!!!
  23. chelle


    You guys take the meaning of gear head to a whole new level. All this discussion of torque, metal melting points and personal plug devices.
  24. Maybe Supertopo.com
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