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Everything posted by mtnrgr

  1. Hey I'll be in Bend/Smith Rock this weekend. I don't know what time on sunday I'm leaving though. Can you handle 2 Rangers?
  2. Sweet! The Ma-Deuce is an awsome weapon, one of my favorite. Almost a century since it was designed and still nothing surpasses it when you want to reach out and touch someone. Just rember not to shoot the person shoot their equipment. You wouldn't want to be charged with a war crime now.
  3. I was just at the North Bend Bar and Grill. i t is in the middle of town, big enough for a pub club, great burgers, good beer, nad across the street from Dairy Frezze (I like slurppes or if can't find them shakes, after climbing). But beware of cops on the way home. I had to do my first field sobriety test (I only had 1 rum and coke) on the way home on sr-18. I blew a .03, and no ticket! [ 05-18-2002, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: mtnrgr ]
  4. mtnrgr

    Fossil Rock

    Fossil Rock is a lovelly aesthetic (sp?) cliff near the bueatiful metroplis of Yelm, WA.
  5. It is 2:00 pm and I thinking of heading to exit 32/38. Anyone else intrested.
  6. Anna I did read your pm, but I have to use computers at the Library now and most the time they don't let me log in. I read it on my e-mail. Hey, who ever mentioned the clog cams on Rei outlet.com thanks. I just bought 5 for $150. Sizes 1-3. i hope there good I just couldn't resist the deal. I'm off to play army now.
  7. I'm finally going to bite the bullet and buy a rack of cams. Where can I get some cheap cams. I've heard goodthings about Canada, but I need to validate the $60+ I would spend on gas. What sizes should I get for hand cracks? On a unrelated note, all of my friends just deployed to the war. Slide is gone for all that met him at pub club. So your prayers would be apprectiated.
  8. The Boy Scouts of America are always looking for adult leaders. There are tons of local troops or Venture Crews, 14+ boys that do high adventure (climbing, white water, mtn biking, etc.) The secret is to shop around until you find a good troop. My troop was the main factor that got me climbing. If you are looking for a summer job, a summer camp usually will have a climbing staff. Search around though, like all organization their are excellent programs and jokes. The BSA is a great organization. I think now days more than ever, kids need challenging outdoor experences to get them of the whinning, lazy asses.
  9. I always miss Fred. I had to stay at the range till 2300, (thats 11:00 pm for you civies), and it sucked. Bygones. Well, I'm in Utah for the weekend. I'll see you all next week, with great stories of hard Grantite climbs of whoa.
  10. I attempted the 7 continents, 2 weeks ago. I flailed on it for an hour, but couldn't get past #5 (would that be Africa or South America?). It has to be rated V5+ I've crossed algae covered creeks with better traction than most of Spire Rock. But on the other than hand, I was the local Hardman for the hour I was there. All I need to do is dial a few routes and I could be a climbing god.
  11. There is a cordelette and biner on top of damnation crack, if any one wants it. It fell as I was climbing midway on Castle rock.
  12. I can't log in to read my pm's, but I got the email notification. Highlander (?) are your plans for alpine rock or snow? I was hoping to get to Lworth of Vantage.
  13. I'm all for the Swiss. If not, I just found a tavern in Tillicum(pton).
  14. All my usual partners are out of town for a few weeks, and I can't stand letting this good weather go by any longer. I have a half day on friday and no plans all weekend. So who wants to go climb? I'm up for anything, anywhere, anytime. Give me a PM if intrested.
  15. I was buying some new rock shoes at REI. I know I should go to hell for purchasing equipment from the "Wilderness Wal-mart", but I had my dividend check. While I was trying on the shoes, I realized that: 1. there is a 9 to 1, male to female climbers ratio (as is evident by the weekly suasage-fest that is pub club). 2. there is twice the amount of women's "climbing/bouldering apperall" than men's. Not just in styles of clothes, but also of rack space dedicated in the store. Now, I love halter top and spandex tight clad climber chicks as much as the next man, but I should be able to find a pair of Prana shorts in XL, or even XXL if I chose. I just thought this was wierd, I'll see you all in T-town, so I can spray about how much better the Wasatch is than the cascades.
  16. mtnrgr


    Charlie don't surf!
  17. I haven't done any single push climbs, but my job has provided long periods of time without sleep. (months with an average of 4 hrs/night, 3-4 days with average of 1 hr/night) In my experence, good food is a must. I bonk real quick without LOTS of calories. Unfortunetly, Ranger school was all about no food and no sleep. After a about 2 days without sleep you will start to hallucinated (I walking down a city street with people, stores, cars, etc., while I was actually in the woods). You get just plain stupid, you forget things, lose stuff, you don't understand what people our saying. The dangerous part is most of the time you can't understand that all this is happening to you. Sometimes you fall asleep and not even know it. I have fallen asleep while walking. While that isn't that dangerous in the woods of Georgia with people walking behind you, the danger is obvious while on a glacier or ridge. Some people just can't handle the lack of sleep. I know I will fall asleep if I am not actively doing something. My mind just starts to wander then I am gone. Interestly, I have very definate cyrcadian rythims, go through periods of deep sleepiness and alertness. I want to try some single push climbs when I have more alpine experence, because I know how I handle under sevre fatigue, hunger, and sleep depervation.
  18. Anyone driving up from T-town? I'll drive if needed, but I always have early mornings. I would like to carpool.
  19. I had a great time (also my 1st time) in Issaqauh. Great Spray and was had by all. And the Barmaid wanted me! Is Cpt Cavey going to get a cool symbol like Prince? I am tired of hearing people complain about the distance to pub club. I drove an hour to the bar, and I Have to wake up before all of you. When the pub club is incovienant (sp) for you just suck it up and go next week. I want to propose a Pub Club in the Greater Roy-McKena-Yelm Metroplolitan area. Great spray about the state's best climbing areas (Fossil rock and Spire Rock) can be spilled. Or if not there what about Tilicum(pton) or Lakewood. Come on if everyone else can propose a bar a few blocks from them, why can't I? [ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: mtnrgr ]
  20. I'm willing to find Issaquh. I don't know why y'all complain, Try 0600 PT formations. I love being hooah.
  21. I'm there! I like the new look to CC.com. I have been out of the loop for a while.
  22. Agian, I say were the hell is this place? I'm sorry, but I don't anywhere in WA well. I have to look on a map to find Ballard or Auburn. I make an honest effort to show, but 0600 PT is not condusive to late night drinking. Someone please use one of those mappy things or write down directions. Thanks
  23. I assume Dexter and Hayes are in Seattle? Please help the new PNWers by explaining were stuff is at. If it's not on I-5 between Olympia and downtown Seattle, I don't have a clue were it is at. Thanks
  24. I'm all for Tacoma, I just mentioned Fed way as an alternative to all the winny seatlites. Who don't enjoy Tacoma "rustic and blue colar" atmosphere. Where is Jack's Tavern?
  25. My first pair of wp/b pants were the REI "elementals" trail pant. cost $72 No full side zips though. Worked ok, until I did about a 3000 ft glissade in rocky summer snow. Slit the ass all to hell. [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: mtnrgr ]
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