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Everything posted by mtnrgr

  1. mtnrgr

    Look at ME!!!

    (Warning Beware of Chestbeating Bullshit) Trying to prove my Alpine Hardman ability,I just completed an epic of epic proportions: the rarely attempted Mt. Si-Haystack enchainment. After honing my alpine skills at Spire Rock and the ultra exclusive Ft. Lewis Rock Room, I felt ready to try the first ascent of "Mega Gumby". I don't want to get into the numbers game, so I'll just say "Mega Gumby" was way harder than anything I've attempted before. Which all of you know I on-sight 5.14d, so Mega Gumby could possibly the worlds first 5.15b/c. I'll let future ascentist squabble over such details. I started at the Mt. Si at 11:55:25, carrying of course a full rack, rope, and 20 essentials like I was taught by my Basic Mountaineering course. The approach bushwack was disheartening, at times I never thought I would summit. I overcame my doubts, and reached the summit ridge of Mt. Si bloodied and exhausted at 13:45:15. After consuming some Gu, I made the periless traverse to Haystack. Not being able to find a partner able to make such a ground breaking climb,(House and Twight were both busy, something about washing their hair) I was forced to climb solo. Anyway the rockfall would have easily killed any belayer. I barely survived only by wearing a Kevlar helmet, flak vest, eye pro, and elbow and knee pads. On pitch 3, I was alarmed to hear the hunting cries of a large snafflehound. Thank God, I had remembered to pack my bolt gun. The crux move is on pitch 6: a double dyno from a figure 4 on micro crimps to a tiny pocket only my left pinky could fit in. After that it was only 5 easy pitches of 5.13. On the summit boulder I had 360 views of North Bend, I-90, and Seatle. However the views and elation could not last, fearing HACE, hypothermia, and hypoxia I was forced to beat a quick retreat. Eleven death-defying rapells later I was back at the summit ridge. Knowing most deaths happen on the descent, I cafefully made my way back to the car. Total time car to car: 4 hrs 35 min 32.67 sec. I believe that is a record but I have not consulted my Hiking Washington guide book yet. Next weekend, I will attempt the never before tried UW Rock-REI Spire enchainment in a day. The crux I am predicting should be the traffic.
  2. I have always filtered, even though it takes a week or so for the shits to hit. I've also used bleach for purification: 2 drops per qt. It doesn't taste half bad. I used only bleach water for 5 days, no problems.
  3. I want to be played by Arnold. "Get too tha Chopper!"
  4. see you all at the Swiss. I'll amaze you with my stories about Yakima.
  5. mtnrgr


    I got a great Fire=waste money story. When I was back home in Salt Lake, a fire somehow started at 9000 ft. on Broads Fork Twins. I never heard the offical answer how it started, there was no clouds in the sky, and it was about 6 miles into a trailess area. The small fire (apporx. 40 acres) was surround by talus in a hanging valley, but the FS or state, I don't know who, decided they needed to put it out with helicopters. I guess because it was in full veiw of the entire city. The best part was on the news they interveiwed a homeowner who was afraid he lose is house. He lived 6-10 miles away and 4000 ft. lower than the fire! I love dumb asses. I Government love to spend money on useless shit. It's what it does best.
  6. I love my new 5.10 Heucos (sp). I have big feet (12-13 normal shoes) with the same length big and 2nd toe. The Heuco are as comfortable as sneakers. There is no pain when jamming in cracks, even with my large fat ass (230 lbs). The cushy heal and dot traction provide bone friendly falls, good walk-offs, and surprisingly great hold on heel hooks. You can't beat C4 rubber either. bitches: At the flex point of the toe, the rand is seperating. I re-learned today it is not a bouldering shoe, but than agian I'm fat, big, and a lousy boulderer.
  7. You need a satellite phone. No problems with signals, and can work all over the world. For those guided trips to the Everest. They even even have GPS options now, so you can tell the SAR exactly were you are. It is the 11th essential, right after signal flares.
  8. Pub Club was a blast, much beer was had, and was sufficently drunk for packing, and plane ride. I got home at 1 am, went to bed at 2:30, woke up at 4:15, was at the airport by 5:20, stood in line for ticketing and secuirity (which was at the highest I've seen it all year), on the plane at 6:10 (6:15 depature time), and finally home in the beautifully brown state of Utah by 9:00 MDT. (twice as much because it's only 3.5%)
  9. Hey I started thread proposing the PC, but I quess no one reads the site on sundays. Anyway, I don't care where it is in Tacoma, or even anywhere south sound, however it is the South's turn. As I said in my other thread Sleigh (kevin) is suppose to be back tomorrow, from far off lands and I taking him drinking to celebrate his safe return to the US. So if any one wants to join us thats great.
  10. I know it's early, but I'm calling for the belated Tacoma Pub club to welcome home Sleigh and comrades from parts unkown. Also, I'll be gone for the next month or so in the wonderland that is Yakima Training Center. The Swiss or Engine House 9 are great establishments. So come one come all to T-town. And drink heartly.
  11. I'm still here. I just been to busy to get the library for some good spray. Good news! Sleigh (Kevin) and the rest of my comrades are on their way back home for places unknown. I want to call a Tacoma pub club
  12. The 1st time my kid wants a crash pad, chalk bucket, or a beanie for christmas, I'm going to beat him with my alpinestock. But, then again, that will never happen; my offspring will only be bigger, burlier, and harder then me. It's evolution. As long as I find a moutain hardwomen to marry.
  13. I'm all for the Alki and T-town next week. Hey Dwayner I have your soiled sweat pants in my truck.
  14. Speaking as a jack-booted government thug, the reason mattp gets harrassed is those shifty little eyes. Supverseive pinko communist insurrgants always have shiffty eyes. You can just tell Mattp is up to something. Today he's not paying for his forest pass, tommorrow he is trying to overthrow the government.
  15. Moses was a Land Nav no-go You will be one to oh Lordy Moses was a Land Nav no-go You wil be one to oh Lordy Moses was a Land Nav no-go You will be one to oh Lordy Way across the Blue horizon David was a Small Arms Expert You will be one to oh Lordy "" "" Way across the Blue horizon Noah lead a Small Boat Movement You will lead one to oh Lordy "" "" "" Way Across the blue horizon Samson had a fucked up haircut You will have one to oh Lordy "" "" "" Way across the blue horizon I think you get the point Jesus was a Fire Team Leader Jesus had a wooden Tripod Johna was a Scuba Diver Jesus was a SERE school Graduate Sorry, about that but I just got going. Nothing like Ranger songs.
  16. What always amazed me, was that a 1st wave Indiana National Guard Infantry Battalion (1000+ men) ceased to exist in 3 minutes. I can't even fathom that. Accrording to doctrine we (the army) are not suppose to fight anyone unless they are 1/3 our size. (i.e. 9 US soldiers vs. 3 enemy soldiers) We never train for the cluster fuck. bad juju. Another amazing story was the 2nd Ranger Battlion assult on Pointe du Huc. They attacked up a 100 ft crumbling shale cliff, with germans throwing grenades on them, to destory 6 cannons that over looked Omaha beach. The cannons were moved inland before the attack, and were destroyed by the First Sergeant. The Rangers held the cliffs for 3 days before being releived and sustained 75% casulties. I always wonder if I could do something like that, too bad I'm not over there with my comrades and friends to find out. RLTW Blacksheep, Bad Muthers, Earth Pigs, and AT [ 06-06-2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: mtnrgr ]
  17. Damn! I've been thinking of doing that route as my first too! I may have to rethink that. Good Job TG!
  18. I don't think I can make it, but I'll try. I've got bad video games to play. I want to spray about all my gapping at smith rock. Dude, I watch I guy sit on Chain Reaction fot a whole minute man. I was trying to send my 3.14d project. Dude it rules!
  19. Such a long thread and trad climbing was barely mentioned. Smith rock is not as bad as I thought I had a Blast. Thanks sk, jk, Anna, Bell, and E & J. Want to know what the gov't wastes it's $$$$ on? Really bad video games... ahh... I mean... Combat simulators. I'll be playing pong for the next 36 hrs.
  20. That is what happens when you actually meet the people you spray too.
  21. You're the timmy. Thanks for the great evening of cartoons, beer, and dogs. The mighty Ducks rule.
  22. sk you're a wuss! What ever happened to the hard core punk of old? Long drives and Kids are just an excuse to stay home and go to a fair or something.
  23. mtnrgr


    According to my local Central Oregon Hick friend. The piles of rock are to anchor the fence, while tightening the strands. The ground is to rocky to dig good holes for the posts without a good auger. I'm working on my hick knowlege.
  24. Wahoo! I got out of playing tron all night. I'm so there. Dude, now I can spray all night long about my project at Smith Rock. It's burly!
  25. ... If you travel more than an hour to climb a sport crag (aka a moss-infested choss pile).
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