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Everything posted by mtnrgr
SUU?! Come on! For all you non-Utahns (and no I'm not mormon so don't ask) St. George is the retired mormon capital of the world. Kinda like Florida for ultra-conservatives. There is nothing in St. George except for golf courses and a strip mall. I admit Moab and Vegas are close, but the heat (110 in July) and the locals would be unbearable. The only good college in Utah is the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. You're 30 min away from Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons, and Park City. There is Granite in LCC, Quartizte in BCC, and 10x the trad within the same distance from Seattle. Sport crags are throughout the Wasatch. Bouldering can be found out in Joe's Valley. Ice, desert rock, alpine, not to mention skiing and mtn biking, Utah has it all. Also, the central locatin of UT gives access within a day's drive to the Winds, Tetons, Vegas, all of Colorado, City of Rocks, even Oregon and WA. I have to admit that living in a theocracry sucks. But if you stay away from BYU and any young men in a black suits, you should be left alone. Salt Lake even elected a Democrat for mayor recently. I moving back when my stint here is done. WA is cool and all, but it doesn't have half the mountain oppurtunties UT has. Oh, by the way for, all those who care I'm back in the USA. I'm open to any drinking or climbing oppurtunties that come my way.
I'm planning a major expedition to the Hindu Kush soon. The best in top of the line equipment to include an A.L.C.E. pack, Jungle Boots, L.C.E., all kinds of expense and Hi-tech gadgetry, and the new Extreme Cold Weather System(to include GTX pants and top, long underwear, and fleece jacket and bibs) will be provided by the sponser. Goals of Hindu Kush 01-02 are to explore new routes in this very romote and wild country, and to provide targeting assistance for smart bombs. Peaks up to 20,000 ft will be encountered. Objective dangers will be 7.62x39mm projectiles and fanatical locals. Long, steep approach hikes will be incountered. Experence on high mountains (over 3,000 ft) a plus. Any glacier travel experence an atomatic slot will be secured. (All climbing equipment must be provided by individual.) Contact me at GOARMY.com or visit your local recruiter. Ask for the Hindu Kush option. Remeber there is 212 ways to be a soldier and a climbers is one of them.
Sorry coulcn't maake it I was protecting the free world and stuff. But I'll defidently be there next week, now that I'm legal.
Sweet, I'll be the guy with the high 'n' tight, pimping the beater pick up.
Litte Si is great, only been there once before. WWII wall was better than most the choss you washingtonians call rock.
Where and what?
Today's my 21st birthday, and all my partners are gone. I can't just spend today wasting away in the barracks. If anyone wants to do anything give me page [This message has been edited by mtnrgr (edited 08-31-2001).]
I LOVE Montrails. The Integrafit system is wonderful. The Moraine AT are made to fit the new mixed crampon (step-in the rear, strap-on the front). Had a pair for years, comfortable as hell. Waterproofed one piece leather uppers and insulated enough for most lower peaks (12,000 ft and below). It has quite a bit of flex in the shank, but great for snowfields and general mountaineering. I wore mine all over the Wasatch. Just got a pair of Verglasses too. The fully rigid and beefed upversion of the Moraine. I haven't got a chance to use them in the mtns yet, but fit just as well as my Moraines. Best part I bought them new for $100 off of www.rockandice/gearswap.com
I get off early all this week (before noon). Thank God for Rear D! All my partners are in Yakima, so I'm desperate to get out before the rain. E-mail me at daposlusny@hotmail.com
Y'all are forgetting about the spoon. I've spent many a cold night with very little snivel, let alone a sleeping bag, in relative comfort by spoon. Your comrades are losing a lot of heat just like you are. So, just huddle like penguins (sp?) or wrap up in a wobbie, and you'll be toasty. If you are in the middle. Everyone loses their personal bubble when its freezing. Also, always wear a hat. A snookie can save you the warmth of a fleece jacket, for a quarter the weight. Neck gaiters/scarves/balacalavas are wonderful too.
Who's up for a Weds. night? I have 24 hr duty tuesday. And I finally am legal on the 29th.
Jordo Don't be messin' with my peeps in UT. Utah great geography, crappy culture. But if your ever in the Beehive state don't forget Little or Big Cottonwood Canyons outside SLC. I grew up in the Wasatch, and the climbing in UT kicks WA's ass. I wouldn't suggest going anywhere near SLC this winter though the Olympics are coming. Oh, by the way you can now advertize liquer in resteraunts (sp) in Utah. But you still have to buy wine frome the cops.
What's the condition of D.C.? Are most of the crevases exposed? I'm thinking of going in a few weeks, any beta would be appreciated.
I've been out of town, Where and When is the Fall Megafest going to be?
I started through Boy Scouts. Well, I started rock climbing in scouts; I always was the "monkey" in the family. My troop had some great leaders, and my whole age group started climbing together when I was 14. Then my friends and I started going on our own. Our goal was to summit all 32 10,000 ft peaks in Salt Lake County in a summer. Two made it, but I unfortantly had to go Ft. Benning, GA. We all climb still, and are meeting bsck in SLC this week. So, if you have boys, or will have boys, I highly suggest getting involved with scouts. Find a good troop and get invovled. Boy Scouts was one of the greatest influences of my life.
Hey lamebone, I got a decent sport rack (rope, shoes, harness, 9 QD) and a set of BD stoppers, but that's it. Most importantly I ain't doing jack this weekend. email me at daposlusny@hotmail.com if you want to meet someplace.
I'm a sinner! (gospel music) I've been led down the wrong path for years. I've been hanging with the wrong crowd. I am a sport climber. For reasons of convenance and money, I've been damned. I take the easy wrong over the hard right. I am a member of the placated masses, a follower in others. I'm forced by my sin to climb only by roads on faces with short approach hikes. I've sunk so low as to climb at Fossil Rock. (sob) Never do I get to blaze new routes or experence wilderness. Solitude illudes me, crowds engulf me. The Mountains call me I must climb high away form civilazation! I don't want to be a sport climber. I swear I want to climb trad, I really do. Even Alpine. But I only know others like myself. Someone, please, show me the light. Someone save me from my continued sin. Help! before I go further into enternal damnation of being a boulderer or ...dare I say... a Gym Rat. NO!!!!!!!!
The only beer I can stand is Fat Tire. Liquer is a what a real man drinks! Any one up for some Jager or Capt. Morgan's?
I don't know if I could go as far as you did (I love tv and movies too much), but I try to free myself from the worlds distractions. I spent 6 months this year w/o communication to the outside world, w/o the thoughts of the daily grind, and w/o any expensive gear (Or sleep and food for that matter). You learn to appreciate comfort; when all comfort and happiness are taken from you, and all you know is SUCK. You know your sucking when: an hour of sleep, a moment of peace, or a piece of bread and some peanutbutter is an answered praryer. I learned a lot about myself and God through this challenge. I found my limits and surpassed them. I've found, since I've been back, that I've ignored a lot of learned. I believe that all mountaineers, deep down, want to experence some suck. Suck challenges you to find your limits. Suck reminds you of what is important. Suck opens your senses to the world. Suck makes you apprecitate all that we have. Suck tells us we are alive. We all should go on a suckfest once in a while.
"we're going to the khaki beret because of .. ammm. all the times we went to the ..aaa. desert, and as a ... amm ... mamorial (sp) to our fallen comrades who died in the ...aaa... desert." --actiual briefing from higher Halling- We switch on 26 JUL, at the Regt change of command. I'm not going to Ranger Rendevous though, thank god I hate Benning, I'm on rear-D. I think the SOFME kit is at PBO, I'll have to sign it out for "Squad Training" some time. So any one want to climb evenings this week?
I've been at 2/75 RGR for 2 years. Was in Ranger School classes 04,05, and 06-01, the best six months of my life. :rooleyes: There is about four climbers who I regularly climb with in my company. Being on a two hour recall for the last few month sucked, the only place we could get out to was Fossil. But I'm FREE, now! Leavenworth here I come. I was reading about the antics at spire rock, and those "army guys". Come on, we get only the BEST mountianeer training and equipment. There is no better (I mean faster not safer) way of rappelling then with a rope swiss sweat and snaplink ('biner) warp. Or better way to belay a lead climber than the good ol' hip belay. My personal favorite is fast roping. There is no better way of insertion, than hovering in a "shithook" 90 ft of the deck, wieghed down with 75 lbs of equipment. And sliding down a 3 in rope, with the only means of attachment(and braking) being your own gloved hands. All this while getting shot at Just think I get paid a $1.50 an hour to do this. No one said the Army was smart. The only bad thing is I've never aussie rappelled with my submachine gun. I guess I just haven't had to impress a General or his daughter yet. RLTW
I love when my Go Fasters fog up in these damn WA winters. Fogged up glasses, fogged up NODs, I can't see shit. Now what you guys need is some good ol' DRY Rocky Mtn weather. Remember Utah has "the best snow on earth", at least that's what the liscense plates say. Thanks Rodchester. I seriously considering SF. From what I've heard is you can't go to SFAS, Delta, or Ranger School with any eye surgeries, but SOCOM is paying for LASIK in Bragg.
Classes 04,05,and 06-01 Nothing like getting snowed on in Dahalonga, GA in April. I never have been as cold as I was in the "wormpit" in Feb. But enough about bad memories any one else "Property of the US government" out there?
The eye chart is just one big gray blob to me. I just got a pair of prescription Jublo Micropore from Opticus in CO for $300, which is about as much as I pay for regular glasses. I love glasses for the all time protection from sticks and dust. I'm in the Army, and I don't know how many times my eyes have been saved from a tree branch, while stumbling around the woods in the middle of the night. I'm hoping to get lasik, but had questions about the effect of altitude and cold (not just in mountaineering, but for sky diving, too).
Way to quote Rogers' Rangers Whopper. Most rangers (park or forest) I've run into in the Wasatch or Unitahs, UT don't know a coluior from a arete. Sua Sponte