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Everything posted by mtnrgr
Maurice: the participants do, if your lucky we might weasel some money out of Recuirter command and other sponsers. Erik: The race is run by the same folks that do the original Eco-Challenge. The Armed Forces have there own because of the historical bad showing by US military teams. I might be wrong, but I think last year was the first AFEC. And from what I was told the competiors out did the course. The military does poorly at these events, because all the real good potential racers (SF, Ranger, SEALs, etc) are busy training for war. All that are left are pog bastards like myself. The only reason I might be able to compete is because I just got transfered to a leg unit.
Come on icegirl, daisy, ehmmic, courtney? Someone out there has to know a woman who wants to do an adventure race. [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: mtnrgr ]
I'm with Alpinek, it is time for a tacoma pub club. Or even Federal Way area.
I'm trying to form a team for the Armed Forces Eco-challenge. The race will be held in Alaska on Aug 10, 2002. Right now we need a women who is or was in the military. If anyone out their knows of a properly inclined women, please send me a PM. P.S. If any of you disgruntaled ex-military males (caveman, wopper, trask, panther, etc) are intrested too, send me a PM
Dwayner your the man! The one time I met Dwayner I throughly enjoyed are conversation on the middle east. Too bad his name is not really Dwayne, I don't know anyone else who climbs name Duane or Dwayne.
Anyone coming up from Tacoma, and want give a poor sucker a ride? I've been having lot's of trouble with my truck lately. Will pay for gas and/or a pitcher.
What is the best cord to sling BD hexes? I recently purchased a few, but the 5mm cord I have won't fit. How do you fuse Maxim tech cord? The core won't melt with a regular lighter.
Why are there so many more snow bunnies than climber chicks? I think I chose the wrong sport. No, wait a minute, ski resorts (snowbird ) suck. They all said that they climb too, maybe I'll meet a hot climber chick one day. Hell, one of them was from my home town. Salt Lake kicks ass if you can handle the molly mo's.
What size? Does it have Pit zips?
If you want info on the winds look at www.geocities.com/yosemite/meadows/7616. It's my friends site, and he remembers all sorts of beta. Write me if you need more info.
The Sheet bend is for connecting to ropes of different diameter. To tie a Sheet Shank you coil as much rope as needed. Then wrap one hitch around each end of the coils. I've used it in scouts, but not to rappel. One of my favorite knots is the taut-line hitch, used to tighten a system (i.e. tent stacks, clothes lines, truck hoods)
Thanks for the info. I had the UT first responder, but it expired. I want to get into SAR when I get out of the Army, so I want more experience (i.e. EMT-B). Also, I trying out for Special Forces this fall, and I want to get into their medic course (Paramedic in 6 mo with a bunch of other stuff added) so I'm trying to get back in the learning frame of mind.
I finally may have some time to take a few college courses. Does anyone know if there is any Wilderness EMT or MOFA courses being offered soon in the south sound area? Or what community colleges offer EMT?
Dan You're in "Division" weren't ya?. Or maybe The "Screaming Chickens"? Both are shitbag units riding on the reputations of WWII. Anyone everytell you about the "combat jump" into Panama? 2nd Batt was there for 3 days and had all ready secured the airfield. When all of a sudden the Eighty Duece comes fallling, and starts shooting. The only effective fire 2nd Batt received was from the men of the pink beret. And just because you were victor qualified doesn't make you a Ranger.
I have a four day weekend, anyone want to climb/hike/get the hell out of the city?
Has anyone else gone to a ski resort after the melt? You find the coolest stuff that people los in the snow. My buds and I found a ski, sunglasses, parts to ski boots, Avalanche warning signs, "slow" signs, and other miscallaneous junk strewn across the runs.
I don't have an office, but I work out my barracks room. So I tell what is up in there: big wall map of Rainier, poster of Everest's West Ridge, Mallrats poster, and my favorite a Winter Backcountry User warning sign I "found" in Alta Ski Resort, UT. I'm the odd one, because I don't have any porn or pictures of Brittney Spears hanging on my wall.
Yup. Quite the sight an entire theartre filled with hooahs in spits and starches at Tacoma Mall
This has nothing to do with climbing, but this is the spray forum. EVERYONE must see Black Hawk Down. I just saw it with my Battallion this morning. It was the most accuate portrayal of my brothers' and my life as Hollywood can make. I felt the same way I did when I first saw Saving Private Ryan (another Ranger movie). Hopefully, this film will shed light for the general public on what happend on 03 Oct 1993, and why 19 men gave there lives.
Faust, My schedule should be clearing up for the forseeable future. (with no travel restrictions!) I have a P.O.S truck that runs most of the times. I'm free most weekends and nights.
Worst: a toss up between 6 months in Ranger school or 6 months of having a desk job. Best: Climbing twice as much as last year. Snowshoeing Christmas day
Oh I forgot. All the Ice routes in Salt Lake are in rightt now, to include Storm Mtn, for all those planning to come by. Snow is perfect looks like a good year for the Olympics. Merry Christmas
I went snowshoeing up to Gobbler's Knob in Big Cottonwwod Canyon today, and it was PERFECT. The sun was shinning, 2 feet of dry rocky mtn powder, there is no better way to spend a Christmas afternoon. (Expetially if all of your family is out of town. Go Utes kick USC's ass) I even kept up with my friend on tele skis on the way down. Anyone else get out on Christmas?
I confess I went to Vworld last week. My only climbing in WA has been at Ex 32/38, and I sport climbed. I've looked at Rainier for 2 years now and my high point remains the Paradise ranger station. Why do I pretend to be an mountaineer? I suck. But even though I sport climb by nessecity, I will never wear spandex tights (I don't think they make spandex that could hold my massive ass). I will never be a skinny, wussy, number chasing gym rat. I will still build my trad rack, until I relize my dream of being in the Kascade Trad Klan. Someday I will go on an expediton and climb something truely big and hard.
You guys kick ass! It was great to hang out with some people on the outside. Dwayner you're the man. See you all in February