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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Three of us scored 4 cams, a keyhole hanger, a low-ball and several nuts and biners from the base of the trade routes there in a couple of hours. Its good to be a pirate ARRRRRR!!!!
  2. Greetings fellow Portlanders, You guys make me drool of my fav Lucky Lab Brew. I too have slept many a nights just yards from the Brewery. Right now I'm getting honed here at Indian Creek but the beer is so freaking week. Never, never, never have a Utah pub club unless you need to rehydrate after a hot day at the crags. I can't wait to get to the Valley and have a big old E. Good luck on the assembly gentlemen and if your lucky, ladies. Until I return to the motherland -Carpe Diem aka Drink your asses off.
  3. While balanced on one foot on the summit of ancient art
  4. When I did the Coop Spur it was in July and instead of 50 f-ing degrees it was more like 60+ at the top in mushy conditions with a partner who was wearing crampons for the first time. I wasn't thinking about how scary it was. I was thinking lets get off this thing before it gets any warmer and we ride a big snow slide to our death. At the top we had to traverse around the stuff they call rock up there to the right to make the summit. Now, anything below 50 degrees is a slog.
  5. You guys can have booze and Gu parties where you stay up 60 hours straight listening to butt rock.
  6. Will do erik
  7. I will be there in a week or so. Carpe Diem
  8. So if I'm eating my 10999th packet of Gu while driving in Seattle and your wife starts screaming and banging on my window can I wipe a little GU on her face and cap her ass off with a thoroughly shaken colt 45 tall boy.
  9. You guys should stick to climbing and stay away from the poetry shit
  10. texplorer

    Club Pub, Oslo

    You must have spent alot of money. Beer is expensive over there. It's libel to be a bit frigid over there right now.
  11. Well Cody that depends on your definition of ice. Your more likely to get in some really scary dry-tooling but if anyone can find ice, herbs, or general debauchery in P-town, Will's the man. There have been rumors that from time to time the gorge has ice for short periods. In some cases you have a matter of hours to take advantage of the conditions. Anyhow, good luck to you gentlemen on your ice capades.
  12. That black spider looks like a total choss climb. Someday when my balls grow a bit more I'll do it and yockum both. By then I'll be able to write my book about all my partners that have died climbing with me and I'll put a cool pic of the BS route on my cover that will kick wicky's yockum ridge pic. . . or I'll just climb south side for the 100th time. [ 03-16-2002: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  13. That Methusy crap only applies to bible believers.
  14. Great topic kweb, I have wondered about this also. Good luck on the big D
  15. Doesn't Mystic have some kind of dance that he does?
  16. Hey Sayhay, I did the N Face last year and what a confusing climb. I agree with Ian about Leuthold's. For the time of the year you are climbing I would suggest the wy'est route. You can start from the lodge and descend the standard route. Whichever route -enjoy!
  17. texplorer

    COOL! New forum

    When there's a website called Canukclimbers.com
  18. Barrabes is fresh out of bibs but sippy-cups are still in stock for a fraction of the Petzl titanium ones sold here in the US.
  19. He may be a machine but having the best Patagonian season EVER might have helped him a little. They have had something like 20 good climbing days or something. [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  20. texplorer


    I have a feeling Red will be getting sprayed into oblivion soon if he doesn't take a chill pill. Remember Red, "The best climber is the one having the most fun." Alex Lowe So those little 5.2 climbing shits may be as good a climber as you and might be having more fun since they aren't the ones having a bitchfest on our little forum. eh
  21. Hundreds of First Ascents, Hundreds of Women. . . . The Life and Times of the Ultimate Dirtbag Climber
  22. Haaaaay kids, wanna get high?
  23. I agree with the posts on this thread except for the comment about all us posters who are not guides. I have climbed with "guides" before and they are many times less knowledgeable than many of the posters on here. I am not saying that RMI or any other group has poor guides just don't diss the posters of CC.com. There are some real bad asses in here that do more climbing than most guides.
  24. You can take a bright colored sewing thread and simply sew a line through the sheath. It will not fade, runs through the belay device well, and you can feel it in the dark.
  25. Yo Pump, I get tired of seeing posts about these routes too but I remember my intrepidation about climbing up there my first time. I would have been on here asking about it if there was a website like this out there. The fact is that Hood is a really cool looking mountain and when you look at it from Portland you think, man I want to climb that. And so you go up the easiest route with the least difficulties and then you remember how fun that was and you hear about Leuty's. The next thing ya know your posting to try to find out the beta on these climbs (usually which we answer with -don't be stupid and you'll be ok). So there you have it. Many people don't know about Jefferson or Washington because they aren't as visible or close to a metro like Portland. Frankly, if they want to keep herding up the south side that's ok with me. It'll keep them from showering rocks down on me on other routes on Hood and will allow for experiences like being the only people going a classic route like the jeff park glacier route. This is my oppinion. -Carpe Diem
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