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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. It's nice to see this site doing some good and the CC'ers coming together. You guys (and the two girls) are money
  2. Good, cause I don't want any gear that hasn't seen action over 19000 ft. PS See ya at the inagural Portland Pub club
  3. The lab Stout is my fav!! I'm in but may be in a little later - around 8:00ish. 7 days to road trip!
  4. texplorer

    CC.com Women

    So I was just wondering how many women actually surf this site. All I know of is ehmmic and hollyclimber. I guess unless we use a new flowery border or something we can expect it to continue to be a sausage-fest.
  5. texplorer


    seems like alot of ass kissin in here?
  6. Congrats on your first post Quinn. As you can see I've spent way too much time on here.
  7. One other good way to practice pull ups is to use the wall in front of you. You can screw in really small jibs and push off of them with one foot.
  8. Some friends and I do these at the Portland Rock Gym after our fingers are fried. I think they are excellent. You can also find out how many total pull-ups you have done by squaring the number you go up to. For instance, if you build up from 1 to 8 and go all the way back down to 1 again you have done 64 total pull-ups.
  9. huh huh Rev says he performs services for people [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  10. Oh yea, when I start sloggin up a mountain I like to whistle the imperial march from star wars. Sometimes when I get up high I even wheeze like Vader.
  11. Next year tell her you want to take her to this great new resort in north central mexico called El Potrero Chico.
  12. I agree with the Courteney (she's a CSCS)for the most part but if you aren't able to do at least 6 pull-ups/chin-up of any kind you can benefit from the lat PD. Do a weight that you fatigue out on in 8-12 reps. I started with lat PD and then moved to pull-ups. I still can't do a one arm but can do sets with a 35lb plate.
  13. Why isn't the Pub Club ever in Portland? Maybe we should just name this site the washingtoncascadedrunkclimberswhohavedisavowedtheirportlandianneighbors.com
  14. You are definetly one of the elite sprayers of our time.
  15. Holy Gri Gri's Caveman, It's Cornicopia!!!!!!
  16. Damn, this could be interesting. We could call it "The 50 Greatest Sprayers Favorite Climbs in North America" [ 11-26-2001: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  17. Since companies like TNF, Eddie Bauer, and Royal Robbins have gone to the mass market thing at what point is it not in vogue for climbers to wear such brands? I mean like I still have an old TNF mtn lght jacket. Since it is old school can I still wear it and be cool. . or should I burn it, deny ever owning her, and cut the logo out of all the old pics I have of me wearing it? Just trying to figure all this stuff out.
  18. Actually Dwayner, In 1972 I wasn't even a twinkle in my father's eye. I too went to the Recreational Evil Impire on Saturday in Tigard. It was an interesting mix of fat boy scout type mountain men wannabes and 30 yr old eco-snob women searching for that perfect color nalgene. While walking out I felt raped for some reason. Luckily I went in to a Powell's books the next day and found two of the old Beckey Books used for $20 each.
  19. Well, I don't think you guys actually read the first post. Anyway I think of climbing when I hear the "last of the mohicans" soundtrack. Songs I like to have while climbing either real or in my head are:The Prince, Metallica(not the formerly-known-as-guy)Highway to the danger zoneHighway to hellFuneral March of the Marionettesand of course Danzig's Mother
  20. I was wondering what I was going to do with that extra 1.5 million I had sitting around. I mean those kung-fu grip Harry Potter Ice Tools I just got set me back a little. Still, I should have just have enough to purchase those special edition Sandy Pittman rinestone laden pink onesport's for my trip. Oh, do know if there are any porter's I can hire to carry me up if I get a little winded.
  21. 1) retrieved 2 pieces of booty gear on the 3 climbs I've soloed2) saw a 70-something yr old beckey try to pick up on 20-some young girls last year at Smith3) N. Face of the grand in 26 hours car-to-car going on 40+ hours without sleep.4) Successfully infected two CC.com climbers who have climbed with me with the "Texas Bush disease." Ok so I'm pretty lame, come climb with me and see if you feel sick the next day.
  22. PS. be careful driving over the passes. I had two friends get in a bad accident going over Mt. Hood last weekend.
  23. I hear it's supposed to snow at Smith this weekend. Yall will be ok unless its a heavy snow and then you'll have to just climb that overhanging stuff n the dihedrals. Some friends of mine and I are talking about putting up a tyrolean traverse on the Monkey Face this winter, dressing in clown suits, and hauling a pony keg across into the mouth. What a great cover photo for Rock and Ice it would make.
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