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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Since you asked ... Got up late on Saturday figuring it was gonna be wet and was surprised by the sun. Talked Jeff into climbing one more thing with me and we headed up there (Sultan Basin Recreation Area) at about noon. It was pretty wet up there and the road is somewhat overgrown. Someone has cut some of the saplings away from the spur road, and we cut a few more, but I would suggest getting someone else to drive you if you like to baby your fancy ride . After some vacillating over heading out into the mist or going home, we went for what we thought would just be a nice hike through the woods. The old logging road is now getting overgrown enough that it's more like a trail than an ugly road. I guess I was in a good enough mood despite the damp to think it was pleasant. After the usual hump up through the scenic old growth we arrived at the "Point" to find it dry (between the wet streaks). We knocked off Online in surprisingly quick fashion AND it had not started raining on us. In fact the wet streaks were even drying up and we'd get some intermittent sunshine. So we decided to go for Offline too. At one point I was leading up the fourth pitch and the sun came through the clouds. It was at the perfect angle to make all the little knobby ripples cast long shadows. The temps must have been perfect for slabbing as it just felt like you could walk up anything. The slowest part about the climbing was waiting for the belayer to pull up the slack. I led the crux pitch of Online without incident even though the toe of my left shoe got blown out lower down. We headed back down around 7:30 and were home by 10. Pitches go by pretty quick when everything is a hold and there's about 3 pro opportunities per pitch! Chuck
  2. Matt cheated death on Sunday too. He is truly a Cascade hardman. He doesn't do Gu though. Go figure .
  3. I Since noone else will fess up... I officially hold the record, until someone posts their better time. 2:26, from filling out Wilderness Permit to verifying there was no parking ticket on my windshield.
  4. Static Point is OPEN! Jeff and I went there yesterday afternoon. The spur road is a bit overgrown and there's a large (2+ foot diameter) tree down that adds about 10 minutes to the approach. But the granite is still smooth and grippy .
  5. Matt you are a jokester. To get to the couloir walk South from the summit on the gentle bowl on the East side of the Dragon's "Tail". The couloir comes up just North of Pandora's Box. See this stuffon MVS's page. The 4-6th pictures are all relevant. You can't see Pandora's Box from the summit of Dragontail, but you'll find it if you keep walking South near the spine. As I said, right now, that couloir down to Colchuck Col is very benign. It might be worse with less snow. We followed Mattp's advice and camped on the moraine. No bugs up there and made the approach to the start of the route trivial. It did make the descent via Colchuck Glacier almost mandatory though.
  6. Zeno, When I went up there a few years ago ('99?), if you came by the RS after hours you could self-permit if you were going to camp in the less popular areas, like not in Boston Basin, like over in Boston Glacier area. The next night you could sleep anywhere you pleased (i.e. Boston Basin). So we just made it a point to come by the Ranger Station after hours.
  7. Climbed Backbone Ridge on 6/24. It is in good shape, no water anywhere. Rock is dry and grippy. There is some snow in the gully leading up to the Fin, but you can easily get around it. You can easily avoid the snow on the 3rd class beginning. Great easy plunge stepping down the couloir leading to the top of Colchuck Col.
  8. Colin and Caveman climbing ROTC. That's what I wanna see, maybe followed by Pope and Dwayner. Thatta'd produce a good trip report.
  9. chucK

    yet another rescue

    Bonzo??!? --- Grrrrrrrr
  10. Hey Bob, I wnet and climbed the Tooth. I did that sequence of little holds up the final headwall. I am spraying about it. I don't care what you think, but I do enjoy pissing you off by chestbeating about my latest accomplishment.
  11. Dude, you should just go for the Tooth. It rules. It'd be a scramble for you. A poster huh? That sounds lame . What's their problem? If they don't like Exit 38 they should just go to the Tooth and mind their own business. [ 06-22-2002, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  12. Did Peter Puget withdraw his Soltsice get-together at Index when he left the board?
  13. You guys are a perfect pair, a marriage of convenience made in heaven. Dave needs transpo, Rodeo needs dough! Have fun up there guys. Dave, Make sure Rodeo picks you up and gets you home on time. Rodeo, Make sure Dave coughs up for the vehicle depreciation.
  14. chucK

    2 things

    Harness pack? That sounds like a cool idea. Does it have gear loops on it?
  15. Chris, If you leave 'biners when bailing 'cause you can't pull the crux, then those 'biners are booty. Molly does not have to give them back, nor the yellow Alien and #1 Camalot you left. [ 06-20-2002, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  16. Mattp, I think you have both 60's and 48's
  17. The only thing better than a yellow alien is an old (out of print) WC #6 Stopper with the stock peach tape. They suck though now that they changed the color of the tape .
  18. Reminds of the time I brought old cloth diapers down to The Rock one damp day for drying off my rock shoes. I'd offer them to other boulderers to use but when I told 'em what they were noone was interested ?! I washed 'em first, really
  19. quote: Originally posted by Lowell Skoog: Andrew McLean has posted some of his pictures from Mt Buckner on his website. [...] And here's a direct link to the photos: http://www.pawprince.com/2002/cascades/home.html Wow! That's one cool page. Check it out!
  20. Someone told me it's all happening at the Zoo.
  21. Cool! Peter Puget is gonna show at a Pub Club! Pope! Pope? What about you?
  22. Though I have never frequented either establishment in question, I can sincerely say, without a doubt in my mind and without the smallest bit of hyperbole, that The Zoo totally and clearly kicks ass on the Alki all the way down the block and around the corner.
  23. quote: Originally posted by Highlander: The last pitch ends in an overhanging hand crack, overhanging haaaandcraaack, aaughuuuhagggg
  24. quote: Originally posted by jordop: Tough one; its deep in the Cascades but surprisingly close! Close to what??
  25. Was Cyndi Lauper a pre-Madonna?
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