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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Mt. Pugh Green Mtn. Sulphur Mtn. Vesper Peak Snoqualmie Mtn. (unmarked trail leaving from Alpental parking lot, on right just South of Snow Lake TH)
  2. They do the same thing in NCNP. Makes it tougher for the normal guy to get a permit, but easier for the guide services, as they can just send a lackey up there a day early. Don't know if that makes sense in MRNP though, since they only allow a couple of official guide services who probably get all the permits they want.
  3. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: For more information on proper and real chuckcraft, cunsult Royal Robbins' manual, "The art of Chuckcraft" I think Matt has a copy. It's chucKcraft you moran!
  4. michael layton should hook up with michael stanton the trip report(s) would be cool went up and suffered and scratched mightily as we plowed through bush hell. the thick dusty brambles tore at my sunburned thighs. i hate the sun. A beautiful day as the approach showed no signs of human passage. It was a wonderful feeling of absolute wilderness, just a mile from the car! the bloodsucking winged spreaders-of-disease puffed up in a cloud from my back whenever i'd get the strength to whack'em off with my axe One thing I'll say for those mosquitos is that they help motivate you to keep moving, one stop and they'll congregate on you like a cozy bed and breakfast! does anybody do this climb? loose blocks just about lept from the moss covered slimy cracks The climbing was easy, and it was a fun challenge to find the solid holds among the loose blocks! I followed Beckey's advice to always pull down not out! [... etc ...] We made it back to the car, tired but elated! What a fantastic adventure, with a fantastic partner! as i collapsed at the car i realized nobody brought any beer. i'm gonna have to kill michael because he smiles too damn muhc.
  5. chucK

    trail clearing

    ... speaking of "bang" for our buck, isn't that how the forest circus can legally and quickly remove major obstacles, blowin' shit up? That is, dynamite? By the way, I doubt all this avalanche debris across the trails is a plot by the feds. I think it has something to do with this last winter . That being said, it did appear that the mid fork road was pretty bad this last weekend. There were even a few junker cars that appeared to have been dug out of the woods and left right near the road. Must be a damn ploy by those steenkin' feds and eco nuts to convince everybody we need close down the Mid Fork Road .
  6. Gear up to about a #1 Camalot. It will go much faster if you can handle some runouts. Thompson (West Ridge) is a long ways in to carry rock gear for a pretty mediocre climb. The East Ridge is a fun scramble (4th class at top), and gets you the same awesome views .
  7. Speaking of fixed ropes...are those ropes still hanging up on The Tooth? There were two abandoned (?) ropes hung on The Tooth two weeks ago today. They weren't stuck or nuthin'. What was up with that?
  8. I saw that bolt! Is the 1st pitch of Lovin' Arms all dry as a bone right now? Mostly I'm just posting this to see if my little avatar-image thingy is working yet. How about now? [ 07-24-2002, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  9. More exploring on East Buttress of Big Snow Mountain. Broke off left from from the red line (previous route) where it makes the jog right under the shadow. Will post TR when pictures come back. Clean granite (until you get right of the crest [shadowed part in picture]). Many pitches. Easy descent right now. Go get it before they close the Middle Fork Road.
  10. quote: Originally posted by v: I think it's a shame to waste a beautiful sunny day inside. How 'bout something outside - Fiddler's Inn? Allison sez [it] blows! That's good enough for me!!!
  11. bobbyperu you are truly a sparkling diamond in the rough that is CC.com my hearty thanks for your many positive, stylized contributions to this board you rule! mountain view diner huh?
  12. ...or Damnation Crack -> Midway Direct Direct.
  13. chucK


    I am just posting this so Attitude does not get every post on page 2 of this topic. Celebrate diversity!
  14. chucK


    You bicyclin' dudes are the best man . I'll put up with some whiny attitude and stupid-looking lycra in exchange for that much less carbon monoxide in the air and that many less cars [with obnoxious horns] clogging the roads. Bike commuters are no more holier-than-thou than your average vegetarian or climber. Keep it up you poor oppressed biker guys !!!
  15. chucK


    OK, OK, so listen to this.... I'm picking up my kid at a day camp at Carkeek Park the other day and the lot is all backed up and totally locked because everyone's gotta wait for their kids to show up (stuff was running late) so they're all double-parked n' shit, some people probably just stopped in the throughway etc... anyway...I found my daughter and I'm walking back through the throughway which is now basically a parking lot with NO WAY OUT and suddenly somebody LEANS on their horn. I tell my daughter in a patronizing tone, "ooo, somebody's impatient". Well, it turns out, unbeknownst to me [i'm usually the biggest dickhead only unintentionally ] the hornleaner is right next to us with her window open. Of course, she's already pee'd off, to be honking like that, so now she's probably totally fried and tells me to "mind my own business, or there'll be trouble." Well let me tell you lady, "IT IS MY GODDAMNED BUSINESS when some fool is polluting my soundscape because they're pissed off and need to vent with their big tough loud horn! Oh yeah, I'm sure that leaning on that thing for 10 minutes is really is gonna help get this traffic going. Please think before honking. Unless you can confine your honking to polite little beeps to remind someone that the light does change to green from red, and has done so about 5 seconds ago, then you're ALL getting your horns taken away. That's what I tell my kids dammit!" I didn't actually say any of that to that lady though. She sounded pissed So anyway UP YOURS KEN SCHRAM...and I'll tell you whut, Andy Rooney can f*ck off too!
  16. Oh yeah, and I must add a couple more on-topic recommendations fer eatin'. The Squirrel Tree (Hwy 2) has never done me wrong, but the hours don't mesh very well with a climbing schedule. The Darrington IGA Espresso Stand makes a mean brew and is oh-so convenient. That place in Conrete with all the antique/junk everywhere is pretty friendly. Especially good for if you have kids. The place in Marblemount with the bunnies is good for kids too. The Whitehorse Mercantile used to have some killer ice-cream cone deals, and a good view of Whitehorse. It's tough to go in there though, now that they tore down that cool little general-store building and rebuilt it in the form of a gas station that would sully a strip mall in a trailer park.
  17. quote: Originally posted by mattp: Knowing climbers who go that way take the Cook Road exit. Maybe we should start a new thread and we can slam each other over this. I have a hazy recollection that they did something to Cook Road the last year or so that made it slower? Like add those little flower- garden roundybouts or something? Or was that some other place? AM I LOSING MY FREAKIN' MIND?!!??
  18. Perhaps the climber didn't know how to anchor, untie and put the rope through the chains, so needed biners so he could just clip in. OK, I admit it. It was me. Please send me my biners.
  19. That Mexi place in Terrebonne is awesome. The Golden Harvest in Vantage rules Alberto's on Charleston (Red Rocks) was fantastic one time, meza meza another. Index Cafe used to have great pancakes. I heard it changed hands though. That 24 hour diner in Cle Elum is terrible. We ate there after a marathon day on Stuart and still hated it! [ 07-15-2002, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  20. chucK

    wowa, dirty!

    OK, since noone else has bitten... How do you get fractional climbing partners? Is it something like this? Make tentative ("sometime in August") climbing plans over a beer [first base, .25] Hang out a bit at the gym or parking lot of the crag. [second base, .5] Worked a boulder problem together or belayed in the gym. [third base, .75] Actually climbed an outdoor pitch sharing a rope, belaying each other [1.0 Homerun woo hoo!] [ 07-15-2002, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  21. I don't want "close" you dope. I want the verbatim quote. Sheesh.
  22. Pope, What's the exact quote from the Eiger Sanction where that dickhead Euro guys says something I'll paraphrase as "Vee vill leave the plans of retreat to Doctor Hemlock". Can you like, check one of those official scripts you said you had? That one you said was actually used on the set and was autographed by the guy who played Dwayner. You know that one? Anyway. I'd appreciate it.
  23. Fluorescent Green Crab Traverse The Anticipation of Tapping in Rhythm Makes Me Feel Oh So Light Barfing Hoof Descent Route
  24. Hey TG, Have you considered the possibility that you might be poisonous?
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