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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Hey Mattp! Who did the cooking on your trips ?
  2. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: I find it hard to get worked up over 20' of trail in an area that was heavily quarried not too long ago. True true Bronco! "But when put into the context of the grand scheme of todays society, your complaint is laughable, both in this counrty, and especialy in countries/cultures much less privilaged than us. The vision of the monk pouring gasoline all over himself comes to mind." Who's the "hierocrat" now Lammy??
  3. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: The thing that bothers me is that whoever decided that there should be a new trail, made no attempt to erase the old trail... Maybe they did? Maybe all those logs and debris currently piled into scar #2 were originally in scar #1, then some irate traditional do-gooders restored the original trail by dumping all that sh*t into scar #2. That would be my guess.
  4. Wouldn't no crevasses be the ticket for people on their first mountain experience? Thus, perhaps Adams South (walk up) route. What about Mt. Shasta? I've seen tons of internet deptictions of people getting freaked out trying to summit Sahale. Would that be a good recommendation for total novices? Isn't Mt. Ruth supposed to be a good one?
  5. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: that new section of trail someone carved on the approach to the lower town wall...WTF! That is what realy bothers me. Who would have the nerve to do that? Why? And how is that crappy new scar supposed to be any better than the old one...and what were they planning to do about the old trail? Sorta playing devil's "advicate" here... It looks like someone thought the old trail was in an erosion trough , and were making a less erosion-prone trail. However, I can't really see how the old one is really even on enough of a hill to have erosion make any difference . But then again, I am no trail-building expert. I've gone on a couple of trail build/fix days headed by people who supposedly are experts. They did a lot of things that I thought did not make sense. So there you go, either I don't know WTF I'm talking about or the trail "experts" don't. Hmmm.... Last I was at Index, that new trail was all covered up like people were attempting to erase the mistake. You were there just the other day right Lammy? What's up with scar #2 now?
  6. Hey Charlie, I left a braille version of the topo up at the base of Snow Creek Wall for you. You can start reading/feeling the topo right at the base of the big tree with a dead top that is shaped like an "S".
  7. But Mattp perhaps you are missing the twist! You see, mayhaps, Pope was actually clued in to his inconsistency by the heel nippers. He then felt bad that he might be contributing to the degradation of a fine area. The obvious easy way to undo any possible environmental damage (AND not give in to the heel nippers and save some face) was to now lie and say the trail doesn't exist, it's just a joke. Food for thought? That being said, even if perhaps there IS a fabulous shortcut to SCW, if you have only have ONE chance to go do your dream climb on SCW, I would suggest that you take the sure way. I've always suspected that ScottP's mythical "Beckey" shortcut to SCW was just a ruse, spammed to E-climbers, to send them off on a bushwhack while he himself got ahead of them by taking the normal trail. Much like the scenario Pope is now playing. Jeez, Pope, you don't even have original material!
  8. Did the rap early Aug 1999 with one 60m rope. It was plenty. I'll bet a 50m would have sufficed that year.
  9. I thought it looked like it would be a way cool climb, but I remember some of those raps were so steep you could just let the rope slink away, no rope throwing necessary. So, it might be pretty hard! Rapped it last summer after climbing to the top via one of the western routes. I have no projects I embrace the transience of life.
  10. Orbit is one of those climbs that's pretty cool to figure out yourself. But just in case you got a schedule to keep, below is the way: . . . . . . . . Head over South of Outer Space. Climb up to the big tree with a dead top shaped like an "S". Climb up the big LFC (one move chimney here) until you reach a left trending ramp. Take the left trending ramp left. Go up the cool finger crack then exit left when it gets hard. Climb up to a smooth slab in verylarge RFC. Slab has a big bolt right in the middle (actually two, as some do gooder upgraded an old bolt but did not remove the old.) Climb up the slab, exit right, go up up up the path of least resistance. Pass a few veryold bolts. Get to a ledge to the left of a dihedral with a giant block that wobbles but probably isn't going anywhere unless you're really stupid. Up the dihdral, exit right, then up chickenheads and such to an alcove to the left of a ramp through a roof. Go up the ramp then climb up easy but runout chickenheads. Stick to the left of the crest. Gear to 3".
  11. quote: Originally posted by trask: I always heard money talked There are other ways to get laid Trask
  12. Wouldn't it be cheaper (and lighter weight) to give your moderator password to someone else while you're gone? [ 05-06-2002, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  13. quote: Originally posted by MysticNacho: What is y'all's beef with this one [...]? Here's my main beef: Did you notice she says the sites get to retain 80% of the fees collected? How about stating it in another way? When one pays the fee demo, 20% of your fee goes to the Federal coffers, to supplement the rest of the money you already pay them. Or to put it another way, when you pay your "usage fee" you are assessed a 25% federal tax. Tax on a tax. That stinks
  14. Oh I see! Nacho, I got some guidance for you too. Tell ol' Uncle Dwayner that you've got some homework to do, or need to wash your hair, anything. Just, whatever you do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, accept his invitation to check out the Re-Bar. Sauna sausage may be a bad idea too.
  15. quote: Originally posted by jon: I think I'm just going to sit in the forrest outside my house and drink beer and throw eggs at cars. If anyone wants to join me throw me a PM. Oh yeah!! Well then I am going to drink beer and throw eggs at bicyclists!
  16. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Duchess aint east side. It's East of Ballard!!
  17. I say enough of this schoolyard bullying. I don't care how young MN looks. Hell! I don't even know what he looks like!
  18. What happened to the Roanoke Tavern? Or what about the post that said you go with Juan?
  19. quote: Originally posted by trask: [QB]I'd show up just to make him eat crow, or SK, or Allison or something. hahahahahahahhaQB] But show up where, trask?
  20. quote: originally posted by AlpineK So lets fight this out on the !st of May thread. Nice dodge, closing and locking the thread that refers to it as the EASTSIDE pub club. But whatever, Duchess is good for me. Close to home.
  21. But half the Eastside contingent (or maybe only 1/3 if you're committing Bronco), said they'd go for the Duchess. The Duchess has boneyard almost next door to it, so there's someplace for those Eastsiders to sleep it off before they drive home.
  22. Well??? Is it gonna be at Index or what? Where? ARe we still having the 6/21 one at Index?
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