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Everything posted by chucK

  1. What is this? The Revenge of the Nerds thread?? Mounties ROCK!!!
  2. Did you set your keys down for even a minute or two whilst at the pub club?
  3. This might be some good reading on your trip!
  4. chucK

    Pub Club

    So if it's the gear swap (or somewhere else??) where is everybody going to be 10pm or so (for those of you not home snoozing by then)? [ 09-10-2002, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  5. Was up on Sherpa a couple of days ago and it was mizable cold on the fingers on the north/shady side about noon. It started snowing around 3. Does that help any?
  6. chucK

    Pub Club

    I wish that Dave Shuldt would hurry up and get back from his vacation. Pub club is CHOAS I tell you!!! As Dave would tell you THE BALROOM IS ABUTO A BLOCK WEST OF COMRAD LENIN ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LEERY!!!! or check this out ballroom diro's [ 09-10-2002, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  7. Just in case anybody else wants to know...no snow travel necessary verified. Oh, and we went up the basin just below Sherpa (on West), not the Cascadian. [ 09-09-2002, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  8. Maybe the arithmetic makes sense but the suppositions do not. I haven't been in the market for a job for a while, but I find the premise that it is easy to get 50 hours of 10$/hour work a bit hard to believe. This is far above current minimum wage.
  9. Dude, cut it out. You're soiling my name. [ 09-09-2002, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  10. chucK

    Look at ME!!!

    quote: Originally posted by mtnrgr: Total time car to car: 4 hrs 35 min 32.67 sec. Nice time. You must have had a good parking spot. OK folks, the challenge has been made.
  11. OhhhKaaaay, and those are also the ones who like being verbally abused? Thanks for the tip.
  12. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Ever notice how whenever something really shocking like someone dieing or someone beating up girls comes up, that the board sorta goes dead for a while? What do you mean? I just noticed that when you posted about the "the ones who like the rough stuff", and earlier when Jon posted that his mom was dead that there was a noticeable gap in the time before the next message was posted. Did you really need a clarification? I guess it makes sense. People see that stuff and just don't want to touch it. Don't know why I specifically did. I must be a freakin' idiot
  13. Ever notice how whenever something really shocking like someone dieing or someone beating up girls comes up, that the board sorta goes dead for a while?
  14. But this time in a day So are you soliciting for solo-climb or "regular"-climb ideas?
  15. Perhaps Peter Puget plays Projecthex?
  16. quote: Originally posted by trask: In Hamlet, Polonius counsels Laertes "Neither a borrower nor a lender be!" If more people heeded this advice, much of our current financial chaos might be avoided. Like what?
  17. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: An individual has the right to move to a different employer if he wants more money, better benefits, etc. Ah, but there's the rub, the crux of this whole debate (I think ). First, an individual has the right the leave his current employer. There's no rights (beyond welfare I guess) that he'll gets another source of income. Second, all have the right to quit a job, but many do not have the freedom to do so. If you're working the above-stated 50 hours/week, it's quite difficult to be looking for another job. If you quit your 50 hour/week 24K$ job you (and your family) are gonna go homeless. Please don't reply with the assertion that your typical 24K$/year wage earner (that's not living with his parents) is gonna have nice little nest egg to pay the rent and buy food while he looks for another job (while not being able to use his previous boss as a reference because the previous boss is mad at him for quitting).
  18. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: I think that most of those earning minum wage desire to work less than full time. And I believe that is the case throughout US Canada and Western Europe. Please explain the reasoning behind this "belief".
  19. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: quote:Originally posted by chucK: This is far above current minimum wage. Please explain how that enters into your reasonong. OK. I assumed that if it was easy to get any job, it would be easy to get a minimum-wage job. Maybe not the best logical support for my belief that steady 50 hour/week 10$/hour work is not easy to come by. Fence Sitter, Why don't you just do 60 hours per week at 18 $/hour, then you can show everybody should be able be making more than 50k/year! Those with a degree of course, and not high-school students.
  20. Erik, Where is this elusive quest? Is it in a guide? Is it climbed yet? I gather it's at Index and that it's an offwidth.
  21. Anyone accessed the W. Ridge of Sherpa Peak this year without having to traverse steep snow/ice? Long Version: I am planning on climbing the West Ridge of Sherpa peak tomorrow, approaching via the Cascadian Couloir. I am wondering if the snow/ice patch up at the notch is now gone so I don't have to bring ice axe/crampons/whatever. Thanks! [ 09-07-2002, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]
  22. quote: Originally posted by Wired Knut: the old brown becky says it goes to A1, the 2nd edition says to 5.7 what's your estimate on the grade? There are two routes (at least) listed in the old Brown Beckey. I think we came close to doing the 5.7 one once. It's about 5.7. The A1 one is the "prominent dihedral". I think we looked down this thing the last time up there. It looks sweet (and quite steep). There's quite bit of terrain up there. I don't think I ever did exactly what's in the Beckey guide (maybe we did?) Two times found some cool 5.9 pitches, but most of it was around 5.7. Some places run out. quote: standard alpine rack ? Depends on what you call a standard alpine rack. Brought stuff up to Camalot #4. There's lots of roundy flared stuff. Not really great protection everywhere. quote: sound like quality rock, yes/no ? Varies. There are huge expanses of clean bomber rock. But once you get turned onto the North flank of the upper part it gets all bushy, mossy and crumbly. I think the strategy is to try to stay on the South flank, but it gets very steep up there. Is the road closed down yet?
  23. I'm so bored I wouldn't hang up on one of those damn phone solicitors. I'm so bored I'm reading my spam email I'm so bored I'd watch "Room with a View" I'm so bored, I'd listen to the Grateful Bore-Me-to-Sleep
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