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That's ok flash I'd be ready to bash your face in if you want to meet any time. Until then it's the "Jock" world you want to call it. Right now I can only suspect that off white and DFA are one in the same after viewing the spy online page. Fucking loser. The reason I bash on you is because I dont like you.It's not like I need a reason to hate you anyway.


I never said I was friendly asshole. And since you cannot claim your identity I will treat you like the jackass I konw you are. I hope someone runs you over next time you cross the street.

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I could waste my time going round and round with you DFA but I wont. I'll just note you are a worthless oxygen thief. I hope Bush's army drafts you into a Saddam Hussein rage of chemical death. Later on fruit.gif


While we are on the subjects I like so much-


Nobody said I had to like other climbers or drool over their goals and accomplishments. It is not a law that I have to be friendly to people I dont even know or care to know.


Sometimes I think if some idiot jackass falls to his death or serious injury near me I might just - asess the situation and if I decide he\she is a fuckwad leave them for death and walk on by. If they are my friends of course I would help.



If this is a troll I'll call Fishing the West to get you on after the bassmasters segment.


PS If this is your real personality in person I pity you. pitty.gif

Posted (edited)

I would like to point out that I have it under good athority that cavey was No "jock" in high school. And that he reminds me more of the punks that I knew when I was young than does DFA (no offense DFA). Cavey has the raw hard in your face kill you attitude that I met amongst the homeless angry fucked off generation of punks that actualy lived on the mall and were not just visiting. The punks that I had the priviledge of knowing were not ALL from resonably normal middle class familys, and they were also some of the most straight up honest people i have ever had the joy of knowing in my life. That is what I understood the punk movement to be about... perhaps for those of you that are younger and came behind us, it was a diffrent experience. Life is strange. Do not be so quick to judge.


p.s. I would like to lead a 5.9 sport climb next season...

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer

Fair enough, Muffage. True the Doctor oughtn't be so quick to label. And don't worry, DFA knows he's not that "punk." Just another loser ex-skater with a smart-ass attitude, leftist politix, and and affinity for loud, fast, real muzak.


Capt. Caveman sounds like he'd make a better skinhead than a punk (which is not to say that he's either, of course). He's already got the lust for violence and the rabid blind nationalism; all he needs is the haircut, the boots, and twenty other like-minded thugs to hang out with. Oi! Oi! Oi!

Posted (edited)

RE: thanks for the rage. i was getting sick and tired of the saccharine sweet cpt. caveman. drink, spew, fight.


Proof there are others like me. I am not alone


There will always be someone to back your play, Captain. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif A good man once said that there should be more fights at the crags.


My guess is that DFA was never a punk but one of those poseurs who could talk the talk but never had the balls to walk the walk. This is a nice place for him to hide behind a monitor and mouth off like the tough guy he always wanted to be.


Greg W

Edited by Greg_W

Since when is punk rock about being a tough guy, tough guy? As far as tough guys mouthing off behind monitors, DFA hasn't exactly been threatening to kick the ass of any and all who disagree with and/or upset him, unlike other madgo_ron.gif individuals on the board. And don't think the Doctor didn't talk plenty of shit as a youth, either. Being a skinny smartass teaches you how to run pretty damn fast.


I don't know about prtland but I got my ass kick by some seatle skin heads at a show, I was going to say once, but that happend twice shocked.gif




Maybe. Coming from a small and fairly hip town, they were all peace punks with Crass patches. Whatever; the concept of "punk" has gotten so diluted and scattered, it's pretty meaningless now. Skate punk, peace punk, hardcore punk, gutter punk, skinhead, SHARP, rude boy, mod, new school, old school, sellout. Fuckit; bring the rawk.


i heard some where that there will always be punk because there will always be some kid in his garage trying to learn how to play...


punk means and meant something diffrent to every one, to each group. who cares. If cavey wants to be a dick that is his deal... we all have our way of dealing with the world, weather it is sarcasim, brutality, sexual inuendo what ever... :rolleyes:


heres what I think... when ray stops threatening violence and starts actualy kicking the shit out of inocent people, then we have a problem.

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