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Hey Climbers!


Just thought I'd introduce myself here and connect! Just call me Pica! I'm not a well-seasoned climber but just have bagged some peaks (Mt Baker, Prusik Peark, Early Winter Spire on the Liberty Group). It was a common story....ya know.... BF got me started climbing/ mountaineering, we got hitched, then he found a better climber to marry and left. Oh well, it's all good! No regrets!!! He was a cool person.


I live in Fairbanks, Alaska at the moment and found it's not a grand place for the outdoors if you don't have access to a plane or boat and the approaches can be hideous, not to mention the grizzly bear that may eat you. Plus the trails are not well drained and so very mucky in the summer... hence..tundra. Good place to visit...and there's Denali.


As some of you saw, I'm moving back to WA (Wenatchee) but will still work in Alaska (I work on the North Slope of Alaska for a major oil corporation...yes, I rape and pillage for crude oil and like it). I get paid well and work 2 weeks on, 2 off! MAGIC!! XOXO


Also, I'm a big time fitness enthusiast (train with weights for 2 decades) and compete nationally in Figure Competitions (actually am competing next week in Vegas!)...not trying to impress anyone, just want to extend the invite...if you have questions about exercises, good healthy packable meals for the trail, feel free to pick my brain. Since I travel a lot, I learned some good tips...sure you guys have too! So, we can learn from each other!


Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you guys...I have tough skin, so flame on!




-Pica (meep!)

Edited by Pica_Whisperer
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Hmmm.. Ya got any pictures from your climbing adventures. Please post them


This Amber chick used to post here but moved to Alaska. Have you ever run into a climber named Amber.


Hey Feck,

No, haven't heard of Amber, but I haven't done much climbing here (more sport stuff and not much to be had for sport routes in Alaska). Hopefully Amber moved to Anchorage, which isn't considered Alaska by "real" Alaskans here. It's more like a dirty Seattle with just as much rain and more snow, BUT the Alaska Range is closer and they have a great climbing shop!


I admit; I'm NOT a bad ass climber, but Amber must be. I don't like bush whacking devils club at all and bears. No sir-ee, Bob. I pretty much can climb 5."fun" only climbs and approaches less than grade 3. I'm a wuss.... working on being better though.



Edited by Pica_Whisperer
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A little advice, though: your troll comes across as too eager. At least put a fake name on the fake FB account and dredge up some pictures that you can pretend are you.


Also, the whole "professional figure competition" angle was a bit much. Next time, start more slowly and build up the deception a bit, otherwise you'll only nab people like kevbone.

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Pica is a pattern of eating non-food materials (such as dirt or paper). Symptoms: Children and adults with pica may eat: Animal feces; Clay; Dirt; Hairballs; Ice; Paint; Sand. This pattern of eating should last at least 1 month




Whispering "ralph" most like.


Now Ochotona, the alpine lagomorph, is Pika with a K




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I REALLY am a female and not a troll, and really am going to Fitness America in Vegas next week! I understand for not believing me, though.


Yes, why anyone would want to leave Fairbanks is beyond me.... :rolleyes:


I work for a big oil corporation up on the North Slope..."crude pirate" sounded funny. I'm one of the Production Operators who process crude oil from Prudhoe Bay that goes into the Trans Alaska Pipeline to Valdez.


PEACE peeps!

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Hi, everybody! I'm really cool, I make a lot of money and I even I compete nationally in the Las Vegas Big Dick competition, so you know I'm hot. I'm 6' tall, muscular, and have a black-belt in pussy licking. I'm also a rocket scientist, but have lots of free time for midweek climbing. Come join my fake facebook page I just created that doesn't have my real name or any pictures of me or any of my friends!

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Go Beavs! What didja study there? engineering of some sort I'm sure. Musta been one of those gals the entire COE was drooling over...

Hey 111!!

WOOT! Another Beave!!

Actually, I graduated with a degree in Rangeland Resources, worked for the BLM, and later decided to change careers since agriculture was on it's way out and I really did not enjoy working for the government. I went back to college and got another 2-year degree from UAF in Petroleum Technology. I am SO glad I did!


Actually, no one ever drooled over me, and I was a late bloomer. I never even had a bf in college.

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