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Sad End Of An Era


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Went to 11-worth with Fast Eddie on Saturday...stopped by Index on the way and was horrified to see that the stinky, rusting old hippy bread truck had been removed from the "parking lot". The truck was legendary. How many of you sat in there out of the rain and cooked your dinner when the roof was intact years ago...raise your hands...uh, that's what I thought, many of you "old-timers". And how many of you climbing Betty's and climbing Barney's lost your virginity in the back of that truck? Raise your hands...come on, don't be shy, put them up! uh huh, that's what I thought...most of you reading this. And how many of lit something on fire in that old truck just to be a rascal...a bunch of you, or threw some garbage in there when no one be looking, and how many of you crapped there or used it as a crapping decoy at one time or another? I'd would venture to say all or most of you. And then it disappeared...someone with no concern for history or rusty aesthetics has ended an era. One can only imagine the arrogance and self-righteousness behind such a foul deed! Here's a big beer to the old hippy bread truck, that played an important role in so many of our coming-of-age experiences and bodily functions. [big Drink] Here, here, I say, another is in order, [big Drink] , and I propose that the next pub club, wherever you bickering fools decide to have it, should be dedicated to this lost monument. [big Drink] (By the way, anyone know if they took it to the local dump? Maybe we can tow it back to it's "home".)Anybody got some memories they want to share while I grab another Mickey's? - Dwayner

P.S. And somebody be alterin' the approach trail to the Lower Town Wall. Seems they don't like getting their little tootsies wet in the natural stone-lined creek path that has served us well for years. Acts like they thinks they being doing us a favor- could be an agent prepping the way for the Vantage overflow.

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That sucks, the truck was cool. frown.gif" border="0

I think that new trail variation is bullshit...

What was the point of doing that anyway? The old trail was just fine. Plus, whoever did that has obviously never built a trail before. That new short cut is going to be an eroded mess in a couple of years.

Sorry to bitch, but it just pisses me off to see a bunch of vegetation all tore up for no reason. Why fix it if it ain't broken? And if you are going to fix it at least try to do a good job...

Ok I'll shut up now. BTW- there will be an index cleanup in May, I forget the dates...I'm sure it's been announced already somewhere.

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Originally posted by Lambone:
BTW- there will be an index cleanup in May, I forget the dates...I'm sure it's been announced already somewhere.

Not that I've seen. Let us know.

I've been out to Index about 4 times since the truck was gone and all with different partners who's concerned reaction are all the same when they get there. "what happend to the old bustruck? who took it?" This is starting to crack me up. smile.gif" border="0

Who cares about the trail or the bustruck, are you going there to climb or stand around the parking lot and cry in your expresso?


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I saw a flyer posted in the gym. All that I remember is that its a volounteer clean-up sometime in May. Stuff will be provided (gloves, bags, coffee, etc.). I'm not sure who is promoting it.

I'll get the details and post it soon. Someone else must know about it... smile.gif" border="0

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I have heard from reputable sources that the old van was recycled. The rusting hulk was cut up and used to make bolt hangers to replace those stolen out at Vantage. To honor the bus's ultimate sacrifice to give life to ailing bolt-lines, Boschido is going to be renamed Bus-chido in the new guide. That is soooo cool.

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An Index clean-up? What's there to clean up? If you're looking to pick up garbage, maybe somebody could wade into the old quarry swamps and find something down there, or the occasional conspicuous "tat" sling way up on the walls. I say it's a 1/2 hour job for two funny characters drinkin' beer. If people want to volunteer for something, maybe they should concentrate on pulling nasty alien weeds at the Peshastin Pinnicles or the Icicle. (Although at Index, I noticed some sort of plank bridge construction laying down in the swamp..perhaps another example of someone's attempted "improvements"?) And if you insist on volunteering at Index, there's a couple of bolt ladders next to cracks that could be removed... yet we digress...we are here to mourn the bread truck.

- Dwayner [big Drink]

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Originally posted by Dru:
Why not just buy an old school bus, drive it there then puncture the tires so no one can drive it away.

How about just slashing the tires of some yuppy SUV that's already been boughten and driven there...or better yet...TWO of em!!! shocked.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by DLunkman:

How about just slashing the tires of some yuppy SUV that's already been boughten and driven there...or better yet...TWO of em!!!
shocked.gif" border="0

I bet I can fit more coeds in my cool bus than you can in your dime a dozen pair of SUVs. wink.gif" border="0

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Hey Dwanker,

Don't bother coming to the Index Cleanup. Nobody wants you there. Seriously, all of the climbers would just make fun of you. Actually, we will make fun of you even if you don't come. There will be climbers participating in the cleanup and your little fantasyland climbing stories won't fly. Maybe you can convince some juvenile's at Spire Rock that you are a climber, but it ain't going to fly with the big boys. How does it feel to be an old, bitter, pathetic "never been"? And what's funny is that you continue to desperately seek acceptance into a tong where you don't belong. When are you going to give it up? You're not fooling anyone.

As for your comments regarding the Mountaineers (or any climber that lacks proficiency), I think it hilarious that you regularly comment negatively about them considering it would be very difficult to find a Mountie "Basic Grad." that you could out climb (or out scramble). Give it up!

How's your one friend?

"When you think about death do you lose your breath or do you keep your cool? Would you like to see Pope on the end of a rope, do you think he's a fool?"

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Originally posted by Blight:
How does it feel to be an old, bitter, pathetic "never been"? And what's funny is that you continue to desperately seek acceptance into a tong where you don't belong. When are you going to give it up? You're not fooling anyone.

Mr. Blight,

I'm confused by these comments of yours. Last time I went to pub club, Dwayner was the life of the party. The only thing he was trying desperately to do is get the gals to stop buying him drinks. He's a witty, entertaining, intelligent guy who has certainly done some climbing. You.......you are just a blight. Also, I notice that you include yourself among the "big boys" of Index. By this may we assume you've found very little success with Slim-Fast, or are you foolish enough to believe you're some kind of Sky Valley stonemaster? Send me your climbing resume (by PM if you wish). I'll let you know whether you are justified in being such a pompous ass. Pope.

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Hey Blight! Where'd you learn to be so mean? I doubt if you know me very well; apart from my students, I've regularly either climbed solo or with a small number of trusty pals over the last ten years. You don't have to like my opinions (about bolting, Index, the Mountaineers, etc.) but you lower yourself when you initiate such trash-talk about individuals. I've read all of your previous posts and you've been quite civil in the past. I've got a good idea who you are and the fact is, you don't know me very well and vice-versa. My fake internet name is "Dwayner" but my real name is Don Ryan, as you probably know. What's your real name, Blight, so we can know who the mean-talkin' guy is?

To address your unkind comments:

"Hey Dwanker,"It's "Dwayner" or "Don", "Mr. Blight", but if it helps your self-esteem, you can call me "Dwanker". rolleyes.gif" border="0

"Don't bother coming to the Index Cleanup."Fine. Maybe I'll go out there with a couple of pals and be one of those two guys spending a half hour doing a little cleaning, as I suggested. If you find a lot of garbage to pick up out there, then I was wrong.

"Nobody wants you there. Seriously, all of the climbers would just make fun of you. Actually, we will make fun of you even if you don't come."We really must run in very different circles. Most of the climbers and adults I associate with would never speak or act in such a way.

"There will be climbers participating in the cleanup and your little fantasyland climbing stories won't fly."Just trying to entertain the masses and a lot of it is more real than you could possibly believe! And I get positive feedback for my funny stuff regularly. Sorry you don't like it!

"Maybe you can convince some juvenile's at Spire Rock that you are a climber, but it ain't going to fly with the big boys."Actually, I haven't been a "regular" at Spire Rock in several years. I'm a busy guy and there are actually too many juveniles hanging out on top breaking beer bottles, peeing on the rock and such. Who are these big boys? I know many great climbers but I don't know where you draw the clique lines.

"How does it feel to be an old, bitter, pathetic "never been"?I wouldn't know. Would you?

"And what's funny is that you continue to desperately seek acceptance into a tong where you don't belong. When are you going to give it up? You're not fooling anyone."

Don't know what you mean by "tong". (Do you mean "thong"? You're right, my doesn't fit anymore.) Sorry, mister, but I don't need your acceptance or really anyone else's other than my loving family and my close friends. I won't give that up. If you think I need to prove myself as a climber...that might have been the case 20 years ago back when climbing was the focus of my life (and employment), but I've moved on to more satisfying and meaningful things. I still deeply care about climbing (as you might tell from some of my posts), and I think I'm a much better climber in many ways than ever, but I could really care less if you or any other "anonymous" poster on this board thinks I'm a good climber or not. Your personal brand of negativity is bothersome, however.

"As for your comments regarding the Mountaineers (or any climber that lacks proficiency), I think it hilarious that you regularly comment negatively about them considering it would be very difficult to find a Mountie "Basic Grad." that you could out climb (or out scramble). Give it up!"Again, you don't know me well enough (or at all) to make such comments. If it makes you feel better, you are free to believe all of that. Keep laughing. It's supposed to be healthy. I have some serious issues and encounters with the Mountaineers as do many others. They are trying hard but there are way too many of them and I strongly disagree with many of the ways they conduct themselves. You are mistaken if you think I resent "any climber that lacks proficiency". That's a very broad and erroneous statement. I train about a dozen a year myself to the best of my ability, and I, too, am always learning new things. I am more than happy to assist new climbers (Mountaineers or otherwise) should they want some suggestions. On the other hand, I do not care for the Mountaineer's factory nor the gym-trained instant sporty climber approach. You are welcome to disagree.

"How's your one friend?" Actually, I am very blessed with the fact that I have more than one good friend, but even one good friend is better than ten flakey ones. I hope you have many good friends. I assume you're talking about "pope", because he's the guy I climb mostly with and we back each other up on this list alot. I haven't talked to him in a couple of days but I assume that he's fine.

Good luck, "Blight". Sorry you don't like me!

- Don

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Well said, Dwayner. Mr. Blight: still waiting for that hot-shot resume. Hope you're embarassed for yourself. You should get to know Dwayner better: you'd never say such a thing. So quit talking out of your ass. Channel some of that anger at the Taliban (or the rock rapers). And cut out the caffeine and get yourself screwed (as Big Ben Bowman suggests to a similarly up-tight female). And loosen your shorts.

I'd be impressed if you'd out yourself (promise I won't laugh).

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hey prof,

seems a lot of ancient cultures were intersted in cones. calling them "stamps" might limit understanding of the significant shape. the pyramids are roughly conical, so is a church spire, and what of the cone shaped pots that the egyptian bakers used (actually two cone pots joined base to base). and then there are "event (light) cones" and them cones the ancient greeks were so fascinated with. cones rule man.

blight you, like dan larson, suck.

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Oh, how quickly his disposition changes. Can you say 180 deg. shift Dwanker? Have you ever considered politics? Mr. sprayfest that is the authority on everything and conveys nothing but negativity is now the poor little sensitive victim. All the other kids are being mean to him and he doesn't know why. Maybe he should sue. He loves everyone and just wants everyone to get along. Maybe you should take your ball and go home now you little teen chat line queen. Sorry, I didn't read your detailed trail of tears. You must have a pretty exciting life though based on the effort you put into it. I did see your little minion spouted off with a response though. That would be the little popester. The little popester called me a pompous ass because he couldn't handle the truth. And then he asks me to send him a copy of my resume so that he can determine if I meet his criteria. That would be called calling the kettle black, eh?(pompous ass). Sorry little guy, I don't maintain a resume and when did you become part of the resume review board? Hopefully, both of you will be able to deal with your insecurity issues and move on with life. Regardless of your little change in personality (to the sensitive little victim), we'll still make fun of you at the cleanup.

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Just what I thought, Mr. Blight. Go ahead and have a laugh with "the big boys" of Index (I can't imagine that you're older than 15, however). I'm conjuring an image of your peer group and, let's see, in addition to taking cheap and anonymous pop shots at my buddy Dwayner, you're probably into cutting farts and looking at lingerie catalogues. Very juvenile.

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Mr. Blight, he say:"Sorry, I didn't read your detailed trail of tears.Your comments suggest that you did, but if not, maybe you should. You'll learn more about me AND yourself."we'll still make fun of you at the cleanup."Be my guest! Let me get the fun started: [laf][laf][laf] Sounds like you need a little aloha in your life!ALOHA!

aloha!- Don

P.S. WHAT'S YOUR REAL NAME? Don't you think we should know?

[ 04-08-2002: Message edited by: Dwayner ]

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