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I voted for Obama, but I'm really not going to do as you say. To be perfectly honest I didn't see him as being that great from the get go. I really didn't know that much about him. But then the competition: John McCain and Sarah Palin. John McCain is still alive to date! This means that Sarah would not yet be president. I can't say that we would be in a better place with them in charge. Maybe you can prove so, and I invite you to do so. Maybe if the Republicans want to remain in charge they shouldn't fuck things up so bad as they did with Bush Jr.

Then the whole country will be behind them.

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I voted for Obama, but I'm really not going to do as you say.


You're not going to punch yourself in the balls like he says? LOL! Nice call! Me either.


Bush handed the man a 700 billion dollar hole and said, have a nice day I'm out of here. How fucked up is that? President Obama needs to get government programs and government spending under control without crashing our economy. There is no larger issue for us and our country IMO. Who the hell wants another borrow and spend Republican in there when we haven't dug out from the last one. In fact, it's appears that it's been a borrow and tax and spend democrat that took over means little to your kids who will be paying the bill for all of this. Hope and change means not having this tired old Bush and Obama drunken borrowing and spending shit continue. I doubt the health care bill which will be coming online soon will help there and I expect it's the reverse, but pulling us out of needless wars in the middle east will. As will tightening up our energy usage to match supply so we don't have to send fine men like you to fight in stupid-assed needless wars Mike. I still believe in hope and change, but I'm thinking along the lines of balancing the budget and taming our trade imbalance.


Take that bitchez!!



It looks like Ariana Huffington's one year love affair with him is over now. So at least she won't have to hit herself in the balls. Perhaps once she starts seeing her personal tax bill increase, while we all dig a deeper financial burden hole for her kids to suffer under, she'll see the light too. I'm not talking about someone like Bush coming in and spending us into hell and making a new hole either.


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Put the 44 mag to yer skull and pull the trigger if you think EITHER PARTY is going to bring hope and change to the working folk. This country, and the world, for that matter is run by big business and nothing is going to change that (IMO). The power is just going to continue to get more consolidated and we will just struggle more to keep off the streets.


Funny to watch the opposing sides battle it out, either side always pointing out all the flaws of the other, yet never recognizing the same (or worse) flaws on their own side. Fawk'n politics.



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Put the 44 mag to yer skull and pull the trigger if you think EITHER PARTY is going to bring hope and change to the working folk. This country, and the world, for that matter is run by big business and nothing is going to change that (IMO). The power is just going to continue to get more consolidated and we will just struggle more to keep off the streets.


Funny to watch the opposing sides battle it out, either side always pointing out all the flaws of the other, yet never recognizing the same (or worse) flaws on their own side. Fawk'n politics.


Thanks Dave, I couldn't have said it better.You know what they say, point a finger and there are three pointing back at ya. nineteen eighty-four (is today); eric aurthur blair pen name george orwell Edited by oldlarry
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Can I add to this exquisite corpse?


Here, the words of the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk seem relevant: The Grasping Hand. One needn’t speak no longer of parties. There is only the modern welfare state and its actions. Though one could image it somewhat differently and speak of the welfare-warfare state or the corporate state as Murray Rothbard wrote about.


We might yet see the fulfillment of a world where real freedom is completely replaced by a semblance of freedom. First, I would say that freedom is defined partially by minimization of government inference in your life. The opposite of that, pervasive government involvement, is appearing increasingly likely with technological advances including developments in medical imaging and behavioral analysis. Of course, individual possibility can be enhanced by government directed initiatives but only for the ultimate purpose of producing an individual who cannot live apart from his dependencies on the state.


The fascist-like consolidation of power between business and government that we’re currently witnessing with the unfolding of the financial crisis is another indicator. The culmination of that consolidation will be the turning inward of the global security apparatus as the eye on terror focuses domestically to pinpoint dissension and discontent within the state. Social coercion will take the form of both soft means such as through mass media and by harsh means through government intimidation and quasi-military force.


The semblance of freedom will be characterized by pervasive interference which is actually experienced as the course of normal contemporary life. Take, for instance, credit purchases. How often does one see a person conducting economic transactions solely in cash? Rare, isn’t it? It wasn’t always that way if you are old enough to remember the 70’s. Historians will convince you though that this is merely social progress. The underlying message is: Accept your enslavement to a better future. The evolution of the system will culminate in a rising tide that lifts all boats…


The continued presence of mass advertising would be an argument against the lack of influence. Why would so much money (think Superbowl ads) be spent annually if advertisement didn’t work? It is the pervasive subtle nature of advertising that incorporates its message into the very fiber of your being. The choice isn’t between Coke or Pepsi, Democrat or Republican. It is between the status quo and a truly liberated position of thinking outside the system. If you see money as manipulation then you may see the reality of this.


You might ask, so where’s the oppression? We’re still free to make our own decisions, right? One can be sold on the convenience of a cashless society but with little recognition of the immense information that can be compiled and parsed to reconstruct the history of an individual’s economic and social behavior. That information is used in turn along with neuromarketing to convert you into a captive consumer, only you don’t recognize the chains binding you. And, some of us are only too happy to be corralled and herded in the security of the master who changes faces through time but remains rooted in a monied caste.


The system is required to staff and fund advanced research projects to enable the leap to a transhuman future where consciousness may transcend its biological roots, in a sense, deus ex machina. What type of systems could support massive research projects such as characterized, for instance, by the space programs or by the multinational endeavors including the Hadron Large Collider? And, concerning the latter is it merely to disprove or lend support to a pet cosmological theory?


What actually lies at the heart of the motivation for things such as greater knowledge? Is it really human curiosity together with an altruistic sense of love for mankind that motivates research at the cutting edge or is it more base instinctual drives such as the fear of death? The motivating spirit appears to be striving for immortality, godlike in its quest, and by its mechanism also appears to be opposed to the spirit of individual liberty


But the final thought is the realization of the paradox that to be truly free one must be faced with oppressive conditions to temper the soul of authentic being.


How’s that for complete utter bullshit?


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Worse - there are no more combat units in Iraq, 'cause that sumbitch Obama cut and ran.

So, your idea was we should stay for another 5-10 years, soak another half trillion and 4k or so more young Americans? And you'd be expecting the situation then to somehow be different than it is today? Do tell, in what way?

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Additionally if you have responded to this post in a manner which indicates that you STILL believe in hope and change, punch yourself in the balls really effing' hard 10x's.


sorry, can't


i really hope that we can change all this negativity into positiveness.

can we all have a group hug now?

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Worse - there are no more combat units in Iraq, 'cause that sumbitch Obama cut and ran.

So, your idea was we should stay for another 5-10 years, soak another half trillion and 4k or so more young Americans? And you'd be expecting the situation then to somehow be different than it is today? Do tell, in what way?


Ummmmm... no?


I was being sarcastic, suggesting that Serenity is pissed because the last combat units left Iraq. I was, sarcastically, suggesting that Serenity is pissed because a bleeding heart librul mooslum is president, and as a direct result a perfectly good shooting war has been completely ruined, with the US armed forces reduced to nothing but training and support roles.


My "idea" was - and still is - that invading Iraq was a stupid thing to do in the first place.

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WHERE THE HELL IS TRASHIE to tell us all how it REALLY IS/WILL BE??? He can't post and climb at the same time? Maybe he is not as smart as he thinks he is afterall???


(Um, no, we all know that is impossible).

JO has the real shit Dave: alien beings, people living in center earth, Armageddon, the poor Israelites being oppressed,buy gold(he hasn't in the 25 yrs he's been telling me to), Jesus is the only way to heaven; and more. just 4 fun stuff.
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