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UGH. Lost # 4 Camalot at Index


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I can't believe I started such a beauty of a thread. Donations would be of course be appreciated, though hardly necessary, given that losing my cam was probably my own damn fault. Better to put that money towards better use, like the Index fund, or beer.

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Nothing to be proud of here man.

Prouder than you and you're beer-thievery whining and douchebaggy responses to a guy's lost gear.


Hey nkane, BDEL sez they need $85 to replace your cam.

I'll buy it for you if you ropegun me up NR Stuart, full lower east side variation.

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nice that summitchaserJO's first crappy reply was left

Not anymore, counterfeitfake...

find the cam.



Edited by summitchaserCJB (Yesterday at 08:14 PM)

The douchebag edited out his original slag comment. What incredibly poor form, and not a very good attempt at stealth editing. :rolleyes: Douchebag can't even face the music after the heat rises in the kitchen, so I'll put his original reply back for everyone to enjoy.


ya...well. Not my problem you lost it bro.
There, fixed it for ya, summitchaser! :wave:


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Trip: summitchaserCJB's Inner Walls - The Route of All Weevils- 5.0 X


Date: All Day, Every Day


Trip Report:

Someone cleaned and put up a route at summitchaserCJB's Inner Walls over the last couple weeks. Most likely an FFA, FA, and FWFS but let me know if you know otherwise. Checked all available sources already. It's right on the new totally RAD 15' 5.9 PG FFMRA that all the mags are signing the praises of.


Here are the pictures- Photos

Thanks to the Huber Brothers for the Belays and PSYCH


Gear Notes:

One Number 5.


Approach Notes:

To the left of Toxic Shock at the Inner Wall. You'll have to break a new trail, it's such virgin territory.


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Choda, didn't you just put up a FA at the gym I heard about? But you blew the onsight? While you spray, some of us actually climb. I onsighted a 5.10b 8 pitch route yesterday and come home to this. Stop sitting in your basement concocting whatever BS you are going to spew at the world. And I know anything I say now will get spray so whatever. I can't imagine what lives you guys have. Seriously. :tdown:

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Summit Chaser...I'm very dissappointed in you. Your not nearly as much fun anymore. Don't be so agreeable, or else we can't have as much fun. BE YOURSELF AGAIN! LOL. I want to laugh again and I can't do this unless you go back to you ignorant ways.


Speling police alert: dissappointed is spelled disappointed and YOUR is the correct word up there, YOUR.


YOUR welcome :grin:

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