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Prole's Utopia in Decline


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I dare say that no one here, not even jb or Prole, is supporting the man.


Wrong 'bout that, Bill. They've been singing his praises here for some time now.


Liar. What I said was that agrarian reform and getting rid of the oligarchy was a good idea but I was leery of Chavez's Bonapartism.


As for that BBC article, it's hardly objective. inflation has been high in Ven for decades now and I seriously doubt their GDP is very much outside the trend found in latin Amrica.

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I dare say that no one here, not even jb or Prole, is supporting the man.


Wrong 'bout that, Bill. They've been singing his praises here for some time now.


Liar. What I said was that agrarian reform and getting rid of the oligarchy was a good idea but I was leery of Chavez's Bonapartism.


As for that BBC article, it's hardly objective. inflation has been high in Ven for decades now and I seriously doubt their GDP is very much outside the trend found in latin Amrica.


no, he no lying.


i was singing his praises at one point, as were a few others. but, my praises were simply aimed at specific aspects of his behaviour and personality, not the entire package. hell, i admire certain aspects of george bush junior!

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When you're done knobbin' GGK, you might want to read up:


Main Entry: orig·i·nal·i·ty

Pronunciation: \ə-ˌri-jə-ˈna-lə-tē\

Function: noun

Date: 1742


1 : the quality or state of being original

2 : freshness of aspect, design, or style

3 : the power of independent thought or constructive imagination




do you yell "SSSSUUUUUUEEEEEEIIIIIYYYY" at sloppin' time?

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Rob, I like your location.


LOL, I don't recall seeing those before! Rob's location is "with FW's wife" while Proles is "Arguing w/ A Dining Room Table" and Bob's is "in the gutter".




Yeah, it's just kind of a joke. Actually, I wouldn't touch her, on account of her herpes. :eek:

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When you're done knobbin' GGK, you might want to read up:


Main Entry: orig·i·nal·i·ty

Pronunciation: \ə-ˌri-jə-ˈna-lə-tē\

Function: noun

Date: 1742


1 : the quality or state of being original

2 : freshness of aspect, design, or style

3 : the power of independent thought or constructive imagination




do you yell "SSSSUUUUUUEEEEEEIIIIIYYYY" at sloppin' time?


Rob's the one yelling "SSSSUUUUUUEEEEEEIIIIIYYYY" lately

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When you're done knobbin' GGK, you might want to read up:

Main Entry: orig·i·nal·i·ty


Function: noun

Date: 1742

1 : the quality or state of being original

2 : freshness of aspect, design, or style

3 : the power of independent thought or constructive imagination

Such a big word for shellac load slurping tea-bagger and pig fucker. Here is something for you:


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Rob, I like your location.


LOL, I don't recall seeing those before! Rob's location is "with FW's wife" while Proles is "Arguing w/ A Dining Room Table" and Bob's is "in the gutter".




Yeah, it's just kind of a joke. Actually, I wouldn't touch her, on account of her herpes. :eek:


I know they're not as warm and fuzzy as TTK, but you should give 'em a try:





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Rob, I like your location.


LOL, I don't recall seeing those before! Rob's location is "with FW's wife" while Proles is "Arguing w/ A Dining Room Table" and Bob's is "in the gutter".




Yeah, it's just kind of a joke. Actually, I wouldn't touch her, on account of her herpes. :eek:


I know they're not as warm and fuzzy as TTK, but you should give 'em a try:




Going to Cambodia for the boys soon Fairweather?

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Going to Cambodia for the boys soon Fairweather?

No he is frequenting a pig farm after last elections.


Bobby, not to be too offensive - that was marginally worth a chuckle the first time you posted it, however, it seems to have a limited shelf life and in fact for the last 20-30 times it's started to sound like either Geo Bush speaking or fingernails on a chalkboard. Certainly has lost it cache and become a tad stale. Who writes your material? Perhaps you can suggest to your teacher to teach you some new humor in your English as a second language class?





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Going to Cambodia for the boys soon Fairweather?

No he is frequenting a pig farm after last elections.


Bobby, not to be too offensive - that was marginally worth a chuckle the first time you posted it, however, it seems to have a limited shelf life and in fact for the last 20-30 times it's started to sound like either Geo Bush speaking or fingernails on a chalkboard. Certainly has lost it cache and become a tad stale. Who writes your material? Perhaps you can suggest to your teacher to teach you some new humor in your English as a second language class?


Stale and offensive is now a crime in Spray?

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