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Bad Belay "I got that on video!"


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damn, now that i've watched the video a few times, i'm beginning to wonder if this is a common occurrence with this particular group...I mean not one person of the five in the video even flinches when the climber decks. I dunno about that, having come within a few feet of decking at smith myself (thanks to a just WONDERFUL belay *reeks with sarcasm), I can say that people in the area definitely reacted to seeing bad fall with a lot more gusto than these jerks. And I wasn't even hurt.

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Gotta say that video is bogus but I say that about a lot of stuff.


Anyhow, are you the dude that had to catch himself when his belayer let the end of the rope slip though the Gri? I was there with my girl and she won't climb anymore b/c of it. If that was you, good catch.

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