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Why do we call it pro-life? Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it anti-choice?



The Bible says, "You will know them by their fruits."

Which track is most effective at decreasing the overall number of abortions?

Teaching abstention, eliminating birth control education programs, and locking up the birth control?

Or teaching people how to have protected sex and provide easy access to birth control?


It seems like a no-brainer to me.

And once you have them trusting you, you can start teaching them about the other things you beleive.


In the end, the choice is theirs. No one can force morality upon another.

Our Example exemplified leading by example and using unconditional love as the primary tool.





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I've always found it interesting, in regards to conservatards, that when it comes to issues they are against, such as legalizing gay marriage, they always demur, "oh, that's a state's rights issue."


But when it's an issue they support, such as anti-abortion, suddenly there should be federal legislation.



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Don't give a fuck! Man don't get Pregnant!!! Let the women vote on it,i get so sick of hearing men bring this up!You should rent the movie "A BOY AND HIS DOG" the best line in the movie is at the end when Don Johnson(who was gay back then)looks at the dog and said "Well at least were not hungry"!!

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this is just perfect! the election is over so now we, the collective genius of spray, are discussing and therefore about to solve the very straightfoward issues of the day like abortion. damn i love spray!


i let y'all guess where i stand on the issue but if you're anti-choice but pro death penalty then you're a friggin hypocrite.

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