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John Frieh


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you should select your windshirt based on outside temperature and windspeed. you need to calculate the windchill and then select a windshirt based on 10 degree increments. in short you should have at least 7-10 different windshirts


and 4 dozen neutrinos

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oh, i thought it more anabell lee'ish, ya know - wanna to shack up w/ a dead chick?


It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of ANNABEL LEE;...

My Anna lies over the ocean

My Anna lies over the sea

My analyze over the ocean

Oh bring back my anatomy.


you misspelled "anal-eyes"

Edited by Dechristo
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now seriously, did i hear somethign about pink climbing in california someplace?


Pink may have climbed el cap eight times or whatever and yes that is super rad but what has he done lately? When was the last time he climbed el cap? Was it in this decade?


Pink reminds me of the classic "Uncle Rico Napoleon Dynamite" type... sure he may have taken his HS team to State and loves to tell you about it but you ask him what is going on in his life now and you get a blank stare... maybe pink is retired from climbing?


john, your a tool. i don't read your trip reports no do i care to post them. i climb because i like moving over stone, it makes me happy. you on the other hand are a walking premature ejaculation (coitus interuptis). i climb plenty but bring a #4 instead of a camera. i wish a had time to climb 250 days a year like back in the day but i feed fifteen families and take pride in other things. i offered you the olive branch months ago but you were a DICK HEAD about it and now i will always flip you shit. you just can't quite admit your wrong and i think you should grow the fuck up.


john, nobody cares what you climb and how hard you train, try climbing with ovals, wool and for yourself you fucking premadonna.


peace :toad: love :kisss: and angst :mad:


your favorite el cap partner,





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Pink reminds me of the classic "Uncle Rico Napoleon Dynamite" type... sure he may have taken his HS team to State and loves to tell you about it but you ask him what is going on in his life now and you get a blank stare... maybe pink is retired from climbing?

naw - he still climbs (and to my limited knowledge, at a higher grade on rock than you - come climb both pitches of flying swallow and flying dutchman w/ me this summer and we can both see how we measure up to what he's done) but he doesn't have the same alpine ambitions as you, john - he doesn't do big mtns/ice/extreme adventure stuff. similiar to you, i don't understand how anyone can love and be so good at one part of the equation and be so lackadasical about the other, but that's the way it is. at any rate, jim opdyke considers him as a son, and that's good enough for me to stick up for him, regardless of him climbing el cap or anything else, 10 years ago or 10 minute. i think well of you too, so let's just talk about climbing, which we all love in one form or another, in whatever shape we find ourselves in, from the depths of our slothful torpor or the zenith of our driven training routine.


i'd add, i generally like chestbeating - for fucks sake, what's the point of doing something if you can't get a crowd of nameless/faceless fucks to salute you for it? does anyone really think we've evolved away from our simian, primitive need to vindicate our preternatural excursions (our meaningless combats, far from the eyes of the world, as terray put it?)


good on ya :brew:

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