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The Decline of America Condensed


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Fast food made it possible for women to have the time to think.

This fissure in the continuum has created havoc for the last fifty years. The next thing was that they wanted to work. Then educate themselves. The next thing you know your kids are being brought up like cattle in day care centres and your wife is giving you shit for not helping around the house because she is all tired from working all day.

On the other hand when you can make dinner in fifteen minutes and just throw away the packaging instead of doing the dishes what is the point of getting married?




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On the other hand when you can make dinner in fifteen minutes and just throw away the packaging instead of doing the dishes what is the point of getting married?




this is a question that everyone should seriously contemplate before saying "i do"

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On the other hand when you can make dinner in fifteen minutes and just throw away the packaging instead of doing the dishes what is the point of getting married?




this is a question that everyone should seriously contemplate before saying "i do"


just funnin ya

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Original caption:


"Note for the curious: yes, his scrotum is the size of a cantaloupe; he's a regular at San Francisco anti-war protests who's a fan of a procedure called "scrotal inflation" in which the testicular sac is infused with saline solution until it almost bursts. If you would like to try scrotal inflation yourself, click here to order a Scrotal Inflation Kit."


Figured I'd use a text-link instead of a hotlink to spare the innocent.

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Original caption:


"Note for the curious: yes, his scrotum is the size of a cantaloupe; he's a regular at San Francisco anti-war protests who's a fan of a procedure called "scrotal inflation" in which the testicular sac is infused with saline solution until it almost bursts. If you would like to try scrotal inflation yourself, click here to order a Scrotal Inflation Kit."


Figured I'd use a text-link instead of a hotlink to spare the innocent.


Thank God for the 12 billion a month it's costing to protect these freedoms! Fuckin' ingrate.

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