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Vick not necessarily guilty


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He'll find Jebus first.


leave it to TTK to weave both Iraq and Christian mocking into a thread on animal cruelty


Vick should have hired Cheney to finish off the unwanted dogs... he has a shot gun and he likes shoot'n stuff, that would have given his underground operation some credibility, something that seems to be very lacking, and could have helped his PR.


Better yet, he should have hired Halliburton to consult on his operations, that would have gotten the entire executive branch on his side...


Finding Jebus will certainly help, it helped improve W's image with the righties... and once the righties are on your side, watch out!


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Hell, MIke Tyson was allowed to box after serving his time for rape, for which he seemed wholly unrepentant. I don't believe being a convicted felon would preclude employment in the NFL. Though, if any team takes a chance on Vick, you better believe there will be a huge personal conduct clause in his minimum scale contract.


Kind of interesting how the NFLPA has not weighed in on this. Upshaw's silence is deafning.

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Hell, MIke Tyson was allowed to box after serving his time for rape, for which he seemed wholly unrepentant. I don't believe being a convicted felon would preclude employment in the NFL. Though, if any team takes a chance on Vick, you better believe there will be a huge personal conduct clause in his minimum scale contract.


Kind of interesting how the NFLPA has not weighed in on this. Upshaw's silence is deafning.


Tyson wasn't playing for a team, though, so the only PR issues he had to deal with were his own.


He's also lost millions in future sponsorships & advertisements. I've forgotten if it was the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times that calculated that Barry Bonds has lost about $38 million in possible advertising bucks that went to others because the companies wouldn't touch him and they went for someone with a 'cleaner' image instead. They mapped it all out - the companies, how much, etc. How many ads do you see Tyson in? Do you think you'll see Vick selling Nike or Ford? He's lost millions right there. Look at the ads Tiger Woods does, and his reputation and image. How long do you think they would keep him as their spokesman if he were caught molesting kids or something? The advertising money would disappear, as it has for Vick and Bonds.

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Tyson wasn't playing for a team, though, so the only PR issues he had to deal with were his own.

He's lost millions right there. Look at the ads Tiger Woods does, and his reputation and image. How long do you think they would keep him as their spokesman if he were caught molesting kids or something? The advertising money would disappear, as it has for Vick and Bonds.


R Kelly seems to be doing fine--both as his own product and as advertising for that product.

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he sucked as a quarterback anyway. he's done in the nfl. they will impose a lengthy suspension, falcons will sue his ass to get part of his signing bonus back, he'll spend $$ on lawyers, he'll sit in jail, he'll get out and try to play in a couple years, he'll suck again, he'll get cut during training camp, and he'll be back hanging out with his convict bro marcus.


the silver lining in all of this is gonna be watching joey harrington try to carry the falcons this season. :grlaf:

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The CFL passed a rule after the Ricky Williams signing that no ex-NFL'ers with criminal or drug problems could be signed.


Vick will next play for Mark Cuban's pro league, probably on the New York squad. Free media coverage like whoa.


Personally, I think they should let him play, no suspension, after he does his time for the feds and the state. Every incomplete pass, electric shock. Fail to pick up the first down, repeatedly slammed into the ground by the neck. Turn the ball over? That's a slug in the back of the head.


I'd gladly watch that with a Coors Light and some of my fat buddies.

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