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Marble Canyon bolting


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How about these protection bolts at Marble Canyon. There are seven of these protecting a 5.4c. All have hardware store "biners" afixed, so those don't even have to be brought to the crag.




I don't have a particular problem with a well bolted beginner route, but the large fixed chains in leu of QD's, and the dangerous use of non-carabiners is pathetic.





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I'm not a fan of the fixed chain QD's on steep routes because they seem to add a ton of rope drag and make the rope feel heavier.

Rifle has a bunch of them.


It is pretty scary how weak some of that hardware store stuff is.

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Not only is that bad practice, it looks like crap. What people are too lazy to clip thier own draws? What next, leave the rope up for out door TR'ing? Beginners have to learn to clip bolts and think about rope drag at some point. Better on an easy route than on when they are pushing thier personal grade.

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Clearly the next picture posted here should be Don's favorite Via Ferrata picture. Actually after the Tacoma Narrows that thing looks pretty fun.


Nice try with the cool looking bridge. (if the bridge breaks, won't they all go sliding off the end?)

Anyway, I have yet to see a via ferrata photo that exudes the same power and emotion of the favorite below. There's a little village below and the guy just crawled out of his bedroom window late in the morning, walked a block to the rungs, and set out to meet his buddies on the summit where they'll pass around a girlie magazine and swig down a couple of tall ones. This exuberant fellow seems to be saying: "Hey you! That's right, you! This is where the big fun is and I'm having some!"




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Agreed, looks like crap. I sure could use that hardware for some other stuff, so....where.. exactly is this rig?


Ya, man. It kinda of looks like "Rap Wall" up at Snoqualmie.




Hey I own that drill rig! I love it. Great power over my old Bosch. Using at my new proj out near Black Diamond, sinking steel faster than paper boats in my bathtub!


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Hey I own that drill rig! I love it. Great power over my old Bosch. Using at my new proj out near Black Diamond, sinking steel faster than paper boats in my bathtub!


You proud of that?

Dude....if I didn't know you personally, I'd think you were a complete BOZO.




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Hey I own that drill rig! I love it. Great power over my old Bosch. Using at my new proj out near Black Diamond, sinking steel faster than paper boats in my bathtub!


You proud of that?

Dude....if I didn't know you personally, I'd think you were a complete BOZO.



OK OK, calm down - he meant to say: STAINLESS STEEL.


Now all is well with the world.



Heh heh funny stuff: Thats a vicious looking lil Via Ferrata there Jon!

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