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Let's see those trip reports


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It's a run through golden gate park, everyone dresses up and drinks as much as possible. It is hilarious!!! I had the only kids there. The costumes are insane though!! I made one of my nephews go talk to big bird.



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Oh you mean like Tazz did coming over here?? *gasp* apparently Tazz is the only woman in three states that gets any.


I think i am so intimidated i have to stop posting on cc.com now :cry: i want my mommy :(

:lmao: I like you...you are too funny! I just have to respond to this... :D


First off I was not trolling to stir things up. I was responding to ML's post slamming my trs...again :rolleyes: . If addressing her post with the truth is stirring the pot then so be it. BTW I did post images from my trips in the past 2 weeks. Can I see yours? I love mountain porn!


Second. Not sure what you mean by "gets any" but the way I interpret it, is you are talking about getting sex..?? Wow I have been getting some? New to me! I must have been passed out.

I don't need to get some/any (sleep around)to climb. Thats not what it is about for me...what about you?


Now if it "Gets any" means climbing...??? OH yeah getting lots of that several times a week! You?




Third. I have been around here for several years just never posted much. I don't plan on leaving just because I post on other sites. This is a great site with many good folks and some of the best beta and TRs. I am sticking around. :fahq:


fourth. I want my mommy too... :grin:;)





First, you are dumb as fucking snot. posting over here where there is a long history of bad blood between your site and this one, to beat up on someone who has history HERE, well that is just LAME. you are not here. you do not have history here because you do not post here. so fuck off.



second, i never post TR's and there are many reasons for this. I don't climb that hard, and i don't climb so that other people can know what i do. i climb because i love it. if i take a camera it almost never sees the light of day because i am way to busy living in the moment. The only ONLY reasons to post a trip report in my never to be humble opinion is because you did something note worthy. leading your first 5.7 at vantage is bull shit and only means any thing to YOU. how self centered can you possibly be? so no you can't see my mountain porn. I would be more than happy to direct you to the nakid picture of me on the internet though because i do enjoy actual porn.


and for the record i was out climbing 5.7's today and now i am going to get fucked so am am getting all kinds.


I don't climb much during the week, because i have a successful career, spend time with my kids most every day and have 50% custody of them. I have a functioning co-parenting relationship with my ex husband, i have many friends, a multitude of hobbies and interests and a wonderful boyfriend and extended family.


marylou had every right to post her opinion of someting she thought was lame, I happen to hold the same opinion. if you can't handle the idea of someone not thinking you are the cats kitty every time you clip a bolt or summit some moderate peak, don't post about it on the internet. no one obligated to be nice to you.



posting while drunk? :):brew::lmao:


not that there's anything wrong w/ that...


No, just the brutally honest Muffy Smackdown.


Sure have missed it! :moondance: :moondance:

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I see some shorts over polypro!



No.... put your glasses on now. Those are great pants with a reinforced ass for glissades....they even have the knees with extra heavy duty material. BTW none of us are or have been in the mountaineers :fahq:

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Oh you mean like Tazz did coming over here?? *gasp* apparently Tazz is the only woman in three states that gets any.


I think i am so intimidated i have to stop posting on cc.com now :cry: i want my mommy :(

:lmao: I like you...you are too funny! I just have to respond to this... :D


First off I was not trolling to stir things up. I was responding to ML's post slamming my trs...again :rolleyes: . If addressing her post with the truth is stirring the pot then so be it. BTW I did post images from my trips in the past 2 weeks. Can I see yours? I love mountain porn!


Second. Not sure what you mean by "gets any" but the way I interpret it, is you are talking about getting sex..?? Wow I have been getting some? New to me! I must have been passed out.

I don't need to get some/any (sleep around)to climb. Thats not what it is about for me...what about you?


Now if it "Gets any" means climbing...??? OH yeah getting lots of that several times a week! You?




Third. I have been around here for several years just never posted much. I don't plan on leaving just because I post on other sites. This is a great site with many good folks and some of the best beta and TRs. I am sticking around. :fahq:


fourth. I want my mommy too... :grin:;)





First, you are dumb as fucking snot. posting over here where there is a long history of bad blood between your site and this one, to beat up on someone who has history HERE, well that is just LAME. you are not here. you do not have history here because you do not post here. so fuck off.



second, i never post TR's and there are many reasons for this. I don't climb that hard, and i don't climb so that other people can know what i do. i climb because i love it. if i take a camera it almost never sees the light of day because i am way to busy living in the moment. The only ONLY reasons to post a trip report in my never to be humble opinion is because you did something note worthy. leading your first 5.7 at vantage is bull shit and only means any thing to YOU. how self centered can you possibly be? so no you can't see my mountain porn. I would be more than happy to direct you to the nakid picture of me on the internet though because i do enjoy actual porn.


and for the record i was out climbing 5.7's today and now i am going to get fucked so am am getting all kinds.


I don't climb much during the week, because i have a successful career, spend time with my kids most every day and have 50% custody of them. I have a functioning co-parenting relationship with my ex husband, i have many friends, a multitude of hobbies and interests and a wonderful boyfriend and extended family.


marylou had every right to post her opinion of someting she thought was lame, I happen to hold the same opinion. if you can't handle the idea of someone not thinking you are the cats kitty every time you clip a bolt or summit some moderate peak, don't post about it on the internet. no one obligated to be nice to you.



posting while drunk? :):brew::lmao:


not that there's anything wrong w/ that...


No, just the brutally honest Muffy Smackdown.


Sure have missed it! :moondance: :moondance:



BTW there is no smacking this chick down no matter how hard they try. :fahq:;)

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Oh you mean like Tazz did coming over here?? *gasp* apparently Tazz is the only woman in three states that gets any.


I think i am so intimidated i have to stop posting on cc.com now :cry: i want my mommy :(

:lmao: I like you...you are too funny! I just have to respond to this... :D


First off I was not trolling to stir things up. I was responding to ML's post slamming my trs...again :rolleyes: . If addressing her post with the truth is stirring the pot then so be it. BTW I did post images from my trips in the past 2 weeks. Can I see yours? I love mountain porn!


Second. Not sure what you mean by "gets any" but the way I interpret it, is you are talking about getting sex..?? Wow I have been getting some? New to me! I must have been passed out.

I don't need to get some/any (sleep around)to climb. Thats not what it is about for me...what about you?


Now if it "Gets any" means climbing...??? OH yeah getting lots of that several times a week! You?




Third. I have been around here for several years just never posted much. I don't plan on leaving just because I post on other sites. This is a great site with many good folks and some of the best beta and TRs. I am sticking around. :fahq:


fourth. I want my mommy too... :grin:;)





First, you are dumb as fucking snot. posting over here where there is a long history of bad blood between your site and this one, to beat up on someone who has history HERE, well that is just LAME. you are not here. you do not have history here because you do not post here. so fuck off.



second, i never post TR's and there are many reasons for this. I don't climb that hard, and i don't climb so that other people can know what i do. i climb because i love it. if i take a camera it almost never sees the light of day because i am way to busy living in the moment. The only ONLY reasons to post a trip report in my never to be humble opinion is because you did something note worthy. leading your first 5.7 at vantage is bull shit and only means any thing to YOU. how self centered can you possibly be? so no you can't see my mountain porn. I would be more than happy to direct you to the nakid picture of me on the internet though because i do enjoy actual porn.


and for the record i was out climbing 5.7's today and now i am going to get fucked so am am getting all kinds.


I don't climb much during the week, because i have a successful career, spend time with my kids most every day and have 50% custody of them. I have a functioning co-parenting relationship with my ex husband, i have many friends, a multitude of hobbies and interests and a wonderful boyfriend and extended family.


marylou had every right to post her opinion of someting she thought was lame, I happen to hold the same opinion. if you can't handle the idea of someone not thinking you are the cats kitty every time you clip a bolt or summit some moderate peak, don't post about it on the internet. no one obligated to be nice to you.



posting while drunk? :):brew::lmao:


not that there's anything wrong w/ that...


No, just the brutally honest Muffy Smackdown.


Sure have missed it! :moondance: :moondance:



awwww E, it's good to be back. I have missed my climber family!!! DOOD when are you goign to rope gun for me at Smiff? I need me sum TUFF!!! :moondance:

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I think carting your own "name" from site to site can be a good thing, at least it's the same entity standing behind what they spray on the net.



I totally agree. Any chance you've got the mod powers to Draterize this ID?

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whoa -- people. this is totally lame.


how much of your life does clicking on a TR really consume? you can usually tell right off if you're interested. close it and move on if its not your style.


all kinds of TRs are encouraged. you gumbied your way up your first 5.8 gear lead-- excellent! you've just had a great alpine trip--even better. but really its the 84th dragontail TR posted--so what! go for it.


i love the pictures as much as anything. post away!


all of that said, i don't post many TRs b/c i don't feel like writing them. sometimes i just e-mail them to my friends who might be interested.


my TR for this weekend. i did a lot of stuff. some of it was really really a big deal for me. none of it was climbing related so i'm not posting it here. since i didn't get to climb, i'd love to live vicariously through the rest of you who did. get to it! post away.


for the rest of you elitist snobs, scag off. what the hell makes you think no ones interested in anything but the hard, unique stuff? that stuff is for magazine. this is a local little internet forum not a gloss issue of alpinist.

Edited by minx
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I vary on how much I read a TR. If it's a climb I want to do or have good memories of having done then I may read the whole thing. Other times I may not want to take the time to read them, but I enjoy looking at the pictures.


If you're going to post a TR of Das Tooth then you'll get more interest if the account of the trip and the pictures are mixed with funny and possibly stupid stuff that happened on your climb.

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I vary on how much I read a TR. If it's a climb I want to do or have good memories of having done then I may read the whole thing. Other times I may not want to take the time to read them, but I enjoy looking at the pictures.


If you're going to post a TR of Das Tooth then you'll get more interest if the account of the trip and the pictures are mixed with funny and possibly stupid stuff that happened on your climb.


that is so going on my list.

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hmm - makes me wonder - da toofwand really doesn't seem to get that many tr's - what is the most tapped out climb then on our board? hood south side? serp arete?


thats actually and interesting question. what is the BEST TR of each individual climb? maybe we should have a contest?

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