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[TR] Lower Town Wall - City Park 1/28/2007


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Trip: Lower Town Wall - City Park


Date: 1/28/2007


Trip Report:

I went aid climbing for the first time today. I went with Jeff Hansel who showed me how to do it and provided a patient belay as I bumbled up City Park. It was a great day, cloudless and way warmer than the predicted 30 degrees. When you get up front and personal you can fully appreciate how impressive it was that Mikey was able to free that thing. We also climbed Godzilla, which was pretty much totally dry, even at the bottom. We left a rope hanging so I could learn how to clean on while jugging up, that part is teh suck. We are lucky to have such an ideal place to learn how to aid.




Gear Notes:

Cam hook

lots of nuts

Sparks at the store


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