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but fairyweather, aren't your students also exposed to your deceitful political ramblings here?


I don't teach other people's children. But I do believe that teachers should be subject to drug testing (just like much of the private sector already is) since their job carries such a special responsibility. And if Ivan thinks his avatar protects his identity from his students, then his very naivete should also disqualify him from the job.


Ivan's habit has already gotten him into trouble at least once. I'm surprised he hasn't put down the pipe by now and become a responsible teacher/adult.

Edited by Fairweather
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but fairyweather, aren't your students also exposed to your deceitful political ramblings here?


I don't teach other people's children. But I do believe that teachers should be subject to drug testing (just like much of the private sector already is) since their job carries such a special responsibility. And if Ivan thinks his avatar protects his identity from his students, then his very naivete should also disqualify him from the job.


Ivan's habit has already gotten him into trouble at least once. I'm surprised he hasn't put down the pipe by now and become a responsible teacher/adult.


That's a bit of the kettle calling the pot, ain't it? Your profanity on this site pretty much falls into the same category of 'poor example for children', plus you've posted at least once about having a hangover, thus displaying your drug abuse for all to see. Adult behavior? What does smoking grass or drinking beer have to do with being an adult? The illegality hasn't much to do with it, either. Ever drive home with one too many under your belt?


Get off your high horse and accept that you're more demon than angel...just like the rest of us.

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A quick comparison of our posts would quickly identify to an attending psychologist who is more likely in need of restraints and a restraining order.


Indeed. Especially in reference to your obvious OCD with this site. Compare my post count with yours and divide it by the amount of time you and I have been registered members. As for the content, sometimes I wonder if you are certifiably insane, trolling, or just really that damn stupid. :wave:



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A quick comparison of our posts would quickly identify to an attending psychologist who is more likely in need of restraints and a restraining order.


Indeed. Especially in reference to your obvious OCD with this site. Compare my post count with yours and divide it by the amount of time you and I have been registered members. As for the content, sometimes I wonder if you are certifiably insane, trolling, or just really that damn stupid. :wave:



Hey KaskadskyjKozak.....STFU. The amount and the time in which it takes you or anyone else here to post are irrelevant and you know it. Who give a crap how fast ones post count grows? Step away from the bong!

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but fairyweather, aren't your students also exposed to your deceitful political ramblings here?


I don't teach other people's children. But I do believe that teachers should be subject to drug testing (just like much of the private sector already is) since their job carries such a special responsibility. And if Ivan thinks his avatar protects his identity from his students, then his very naivete should also disqualify him from the job.


Ivan's habit has already gotten him into trouble at least once. I'm surprised he hasn't put down the pipe by now and become a responsible teacher/adult.


That's a bit of the kettle calling the pot, ain't it? Your profanity on this site pretty much falls into the same category of 'poor example for children', plus you've posted at least once about having a hangover, thus displaying your drug abuse for all to see. Adult behavior? What does smoking grass or drinking beer have to do with being an adult? The illegality hasn't much to do with it, either. Ever drive home with one too many under your belt?


Get off your high horse and accept that you're more demon than angel...just like the rest of us.


Profanity: Not Illegal.

Alcohol: Not Illegal.

Hangovers: I don't recall posting my rare ills here, but it's possible.

DUI: Absolutely never.

Political expression: Constitutionally protected.

Occupation: Not entrusted with the lives and education of other people's kids.



Maybe if Ivan were a parent, he would understand. But this one's not even negotiable - if I became aware through my children, or their friends, that the running joke on campus was a certain teacher's illegal drug use, I would make sure that teacher was investigated and removed, if proven. And it would not be difficult. End of story.



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i have children - is the next step in your inane argument going to be that, site-unseen, i'm an incompetent parent?


profesional teachers have a clear line of what is and is not acceptable to discuss w/ their students regarding their private lives - who they're fucking, how they're fucking, what they're drinking, who they're voting for, etc all fall neatly on the tabboo side of the line - in a decade of teaching i've never taught w/ anyone i knew to be stepping over that line. as a teacher of social studies i do routinely discuss law and order issues like drugs - i present the arguments both for their legalization and continued prosecution. it's my job to show them how to think, the process of acquiring, sorting and weighing arguments, not to do the thinking for them. it's really not that hard to figure out...or did you just watch "reefer madness" too many times as a child? do you really think smoking a joint turns people into monsters? to my experience it mostly just makes them want to eat twinkies, bullshit and take a nap - now if that's not a threat to the New World Order, i don't know what is :P


anyone, while on the question kick, and sincerely, do you honestly feel no cognitive dissonance in lauding your country for its freedoms (such as the 1st amendment) but then advocating its gross intrusion into the private, non-violent pecadillos of its peaceful citizens? you don't sense even a trace of irony? how do you not feel like big brother? "god i love my free country - now let me check my list of the 10 government-approved ways i can show my patriotism!" why do you think the prohibition amendment was wisely abandoned, but support the continuance of a ban on a plant that grew wild in north america before the first honky showed up and whose enforcment has resulted in your land of the free locking up a larger percentage of its population than the people's republic of china?


9th and 10th amendments? limited government? that goverment governs best that governs least? these things have no place in your heart?


would you also advocate teachers signing loyalty oaths? firing them for having affairs? speeding? spitting on the sidewalk?


some one please post the "arguing on the internet" picture again :)

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If they started drug testing teachers the education system would fall apart, seriously. I don't understand how conservatives can reconcile their supposed love of personal freedom with their want to impose harsh sentences on things like smoking pot that have no impact whatsoever on people other than the user. It's fucking ricockulous. Same with abortion, and gay marriage. Cognitive dissonance much? Or what Ivan said, apparently.

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Shouldn't you be spraying over at Ass.com with your fellow hate-mongerers?


wait a minute -- FW is expressing a different view. i COMPLETELY disagree with him as usual but there is absolutely nothing wrong with they way he is expressing himself. it is certainly much more civil than some discourse on this site. he may not approve of Ivan's position but there's nothing wrong with him expressing it. If we chase off everyone with a different opinion, this place is no better than ass.com. things don't have to be one big giant group hug.

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You know...all this hate mongering against teachers is a little disturbing. FW….im talking to you. You’re sounding a little too straight edge for my likes….what ever. It’s a free country. At least it is for now.

I have met Ivan and I think he would make a fine teacher. In my opinion he does know his boundaries…..when is comes to the children and there influences.


Now back to original topic.


Why are we in Iraq? Can anyone really answer this question?


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things don't have to be one big giant group hug.



Agreed. But somehow his immature prattling on about "I'm going to squeal on you to the police, or the secret service, or my buddy bush, if you don't completely agree with me" is over the top.


Get back on your meds FW.

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Now back to original topic.


Why are we in Iraq? Can anyone really answer this question?

if you're interested, read "fiasco" by thomas ricks or "the end of iraq" by peter galbraith


there are many people who can answer that question - but would you agree w/ their answer?

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If they started drug testing teachers the education system would fall apart, seriously.


If teachers only worked their contracted hours, and spent none of their personal funds on their classrooms without reimbursement, the education system would crumble even further than it has already.


If teachers were effectively teaching students how to think, then we wouldn't be using phrases such as "President Bush".

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If teachers only worked their contracted hours, and spent none of their personal funds on their classrooms without reimbursement, the education system would crumble even further than it has already.


So you believe that teachers are more akin to assembly line workers than professionals?

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If they started drug testing teachers the education system would fall apart, seriously. I don't understand how conservatives can reconcile their supposed love of personal freedom with their want to impose harsh sentences on things like smoking pot that have no impact whatsoever on people other than the user.


Amen. Given the demands on teachers these days if they light up once in a while who cares? I'm surprised more of them aren't main-lining. Loads of time, unreimbursed school supplies for kids, and ever increasing demands from administrators and parents make it one tough job. Given the pay rate if you start drug testing - good luck.

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