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"We are winning"


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I seem to remember one person telling the US that they would invade Iraq, find no WMD's, end up in a Vietnam-esque guerilla war, and after many years of casualities the US would flee with their tail between their legs.


In Europe, there is little if any talk of the Iraq war (sans the UK). The people there have decided that if they just ignore the US, maybe they will finally pull the foot out of their mouths and realize that they are going to have get off of their high thrones and actually cooperate with other countries rather than "go it alone".


Oh, and it was Saddam himself who predicted the situation we are now in. thumbs_down.gif

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C'mon dude. Talking shit about each other and calling each other names is all well and good, but even in the midst of this free-for-all, most folks draw the line somewhere, and that's line is usually drawn a ways short of baiting someone by insulting wives, kids, etc - who have neither entered the fray nor deserve to be interjected into it.


I know what you are doing, and I suspect that Fairweather won't take the bait, but this was uncalled for and I plan to lobby behind the scenes to enforce the "no spouse and family" rule in here. Doesn't seem like too much to ask of everyone.

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C'mon dude. Talking shit about each other and calling each other names is all well and good, but even in the midst of this free-for-all, most folks draw the line somewhere, and that's line is usually drawn a ways short of baiting someone by insulting wives, kids, etc - who have neither entered the fray nor deserve to be interjected into it.


I know what you are doing, and I suspect that Fairweather won't take the bait, but this was uncalled for and I plan to lobby behind the scenes to enforce the "no spouse and family" rule in here. Doesn't seem like too much to ask of everyone.


Ya missed the point JayB wave.gif

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Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I think you could have made whatever point you set out to make with touch more class. If you can't make the point without insulting someone's wife, even if the insult is rather tangential to some other point that you are trying to drive home, then you lack both class and imagination IMO. I don't necessarily think that you lack either, which is why I don't quite understand why you chose that tack.

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Hahaha. My, my, my. This thread is full of surprises, isn't it. Next we'll see the evil homonym chiming in with his own riposte. Moderately more clever, but very un-Zen of you, nonetheless, comrade.


I think that both the hourly pay and the hours during the average residency are such that most prostitutes might well decline the opportunity to trade places, so perhaps she would be less insulted by the comparison than you think.

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C'mon dude. Talking shit about each other and calling each other names is all well and good, but even in the midst of this free-for-all, most folks draw the line somewhere, and that's line is usually drawn a ways short of baiting someone by insulting wives, kids, etc - who have neither entered the fray nor deserve to be interjected into it.


I know what you are doing, and I suspect that Fairweather won't take the bait, but this was uncalled for and I plan to lobby behind the scenes to enforce the "no spouse and family" rule in here. Doesn't seem like too much to ask of everyone.


Ya missed the point JayB wave.gif


We all got the point: you're a classless asshole. thumbs_down.gif

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Are you being so sensitive because your wife is in the profession also?


BTW - wasn't it not so long ago that you swore off posting on account of the fact that you found that it brought out the worst elements of your personality. I remember some such parting declamation coming from you not too long ago.


Given the tenor of your last post, it would appear that your interactions with me are especially potent in that regard. With that in mind, who is really getting the worst of this exchange, kemosabe?

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Are you being so sensitive because your wife is in the profession also?


BTW - wasn't it not so long ago that you swore off posting on account of the fact that you found that it brought out the worst elements of your personality. I remember some such parting declamation coming from you not too long ago.


Given the tenor of your last post, it would appear that your interactions with me are especially potent in that regard. With that in mind, who is really getting the worst of this exchange, kemosabe?



If you would remember correctly, I said I grew weary of argument with those that in a different context I might actually like; nothing above contradicts this sentiment, as near as I can tell.


Not that I couldn't be wrong, mind you. Arrogance and un-grounded viewpoints are a rather common lot for humanity, especially the males of our species (perhaps they have the most to lose?).

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Are you being so sensitive because your wife is in the profession also?


What would a butt-pirate know about normal sex, anyways? wave.gif


You mean that whore of a wife you have hasn't taught you about the delights of sexual chocolate? Oh dear, what you are missing!


Why am I not surprised that you enjoy wallowing in filth? Enjoy your daily feast of E. coli, you bunch-munching sodomite pig. wave.gif

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JayB - it's clear you missed the point. I will fight Fairweather or yourself in a duel if our seconds cannot find satisfaction.


We all got the point: you're a classless asshole. thumbs_down.gif


nah, I'm just a registered Republican. I'd be a classless asshole if I voted that way evils3d.gif

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You mean that whore of a wife you have hasn't taught you about the delights of sexual chocolate? Oh dear, what you are missing!


Why am I not surprised that you enjoy wallowing in filth? Enjoy your daily feast of E. coli, you bunch-munching sodomite pig. wave.gif


Be nice, KK - you are from the party of Santorum blush.gifhahaha.gif

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