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Why are Americans so scared and sheltered?


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Yes, its got to be the mothers. Evil bitches.


Or maybe it is only your mom? How did she manage to raise such a thankless bastard?


what? somehow mothers are immune from being scared sheep? wake up girlie. look who's driving all the SUV's. who seems to think it's necessary to know where their kids are every second of the day?


my mom's fine thanks. touch a nerve did we? a little self-reflection is a wonderful thing.

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hey...fuck off tongue.gif


now, that's just pathetic. what? you get to insult males all you want but I can't besmirch the supposed 'sanctity' of women/mothers at all? grow up.


wait a minute here--i adore men, i generally only besmerch them in obvious jest. what i resent is the fact that you tie soccer mom's to the downfall of this country. yeah--as a mom, i take my son to soccer. better that than video game camp. yeah--i worry a bit too much about his safety and well being. that's what parents do. it's normal. it's not turning our children into pansies. that comparison is just pathetic.


perhaps you ought to be attacking those things that are turning the soccer moms into fat cows instead of attacking something that is totally appropriate.

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i blame fat paranoid soccer moms who believe their precious little Bratleigh and Snotleigh are the saviors of mankind and therefore they can't risk letting them out of their sight. well, that and the fact that they kids themselves don't want to do anything but play Halo and eat Cheetos (yea, big surprise there eh.....we probably would too if we had Halo way back when).


you obviously aren't a parent...

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[nerd] Statistically speaking with regards to the popularity of various sports, there are more soccer moms in Europe and South American than the US.[/nerd]


They make their kids ride a bike to soccer practice, they don't drive them there in SUV/minivan.

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that's true. however, my parents didn't keep us on a leash in the front yard and sent us off hiking by ourselves in the Alaskan wilderness. i know they worried about us, but they also didn't want us to grow up sitting around the house. people worry about pedophiles abducting kids and such but, statisically, child abductions most often occur by someone the child knows (usually a divorced parent). at least, those are the statistics i've seen....

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Fear is a great motivator.


The US has to fear somebody. That way the US Government can run up huge deficits and the business that run the military machine can profit. Think I am foolin' you? Check out the US annual budget deficits and see when the Cold War ended and this Terrorism thing started.

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Fear is good if it's based on actual threats. Not so good if it is used to distract and guide us sheeple.


I fear that we are spending outselves into such a hole that the $ will no longer be the world's reserve currency. If that happens we're just another medium-sized country in a very big world.

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I recently came back from a month of climbing and hiking in the Dolomites and besides the great landscape, I was struck by the attitude of the Italians, and other Europeans, regarding risk - of any sort.


They drove fast but efficiently - you drive slower than 130 km and you move over to the right. On the windey Dolomite roads they pass when they can - no one freaks out. Old and young are in the mountains on narrow and exposed paths - they deal with it without emotional trauma or lawyers.


The best was at the airports. They do the security thing without the fan fare. Arriving back in the US you're greeted with monitors playing a tape from DHS and Tom Ridge telling you how they are standing between you and the terrorists. STFU and just do the job already.


Maybe it's the news here - child abductions, terror cells in our midst, mother-killers, father-rapers, etc, etc. I found it refreshing when people feel they can go about their lives without much of the paranoia I see here.


I got into some interesting conversations with some Italians, Chechs, and Brits regarding collective percieved threats from terrorism, crime, and the mountains. They were aware but not fixated.


I think that some of this is regional and specific to certain locales and socio-economic brackets.


While this mentality may be endemic to the Volvo-driving, latte-swilling, bed-bath-and beyond flocking, "OHHHHMYGODLITTLEJOEYLEFTTHEHOUSEWITHOUTTHEGPSIMPLANT!!!!!!!!!" folks in the Seattle, I suspect that it's rather less common amongst the crowd that's cracking a PBR while driving the '86 F-150 to the Skynyrd Reunion Concert.


I just spent a couple of weeks driving from the Gulf Coast to central Illinois, and excessive anxiety or nervous energy about anything, much less everyday hazards, still less terrorism - didn't seem to be exerting a significant influence on their lives.

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Fear is a great motivator.


The US has to fear somebody. That way the US Government can run up huge deficits and the business that run the military machine can profit. Think I am foolin' you? Check out the US annual budget deficits and see when the Cold War ended and this Terrorism thing started.


I'm personally just thankful that at least we haven't become paranoid and prone to constructing conspiracy theories to justify our political beliefs as a result of the epidemic of fear that's afflicting our national psyche.

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