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Central Iraqi Republic


Southern Islamic Republic of Iraq




Oil reserves are already equally divided geographically. An agreement would have to be hashed out regarding distribution and access to The Shat'al Arab.


No chance of convincing Turkey (our only true ally in that entire region) of creation of a Kurdish state...

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He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? (Is: "when they are ready to take over, we'll withdraw" a plan?)


He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you? He was supposed to tell us what the plan was. I didn't hear much in the way of a plan. Did you?


MattP asks;



are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? ...


Well fuck, what is his plan?? Guess you don't know either, do you? You must be the bitch that sits in the passenger seat and says "honey, you'll know when we get there" the_finger.gif

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Central Iraqi Republic


Southern Islamic Republic of Iraq




Oil reserves are already equally divided geographically. An agreement would have to be hashed out regarding distribution and access to The Shat'al Arab.


fairweather- once again you just show us how fucking bumb stupid and uneducated redneck you are. there is no point in arguing with someone who has no idea about the subject. period. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DOLT!

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what's a preposition? Is that like a dangling modifier or a predicative adjective?


Prepositions: express relationships between other words, including relationships of time or space. Helpful trick--place the word before "the mountain" (over the mtn, by the mtn, to granny's house we go).


Dangling participle (not modifier): participle placed in wrong part of sentence so it modifies wrong noun


Predicate adjective: are often the same thing. The predicate is the part of the sentence that is not the subject (which usually includes adjectives).


Now picture me as an evil teacher: whipping staff in hand and librarian glasses on nose.

Get it right, young seeker of knowledge. wink.gif

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Bush really doesn't give a fuck about the future of Iraq.


His plan right from the get go was to get Saddam out of power. Even before he took office.


Why? Becuase his daddy did not get Saddam out of power in the first Iraq war, and his daddy, Schwarzkopf, and all the rest of the Hawks (Rumsfeld,Wolfowitz,Schultz) in D.C. felt like a failure for not doing that during the end of the first war negotiations.


But the main reason: W. was pissed off that Saddam had organized an assassination at his daddy after his daddy was no longer in power.


Why do you not think there was no plan for after the war?--they did not give a crap after the war. Ridding Saddam of power was the goal. That's why you are seeing now all the reports of going to war was a key thing for Bushie to go. He was just looking for excuses. 9-11 was a good excuse. So were "weapons of mass destruction".

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Bush really doesn't give a fuck about the future of Iraq.


His plan right from the get go was to get Saddam out of power. Even before he took office.


Why? Becuase his daddy did not get Saddam out of power in the first Iraq war, and his daddy, Schwarzkopf, and all the rest of the Hawks (Rumsfeld,Wolfowitz,Schultz) in D.C. felt like a failure for not doing that during the end of the first war negotiations.


But the main reason: W. was pissed off that Saddam had organized an assassination at his daddy after his daddy was no longer in power.


Why do you not think there was no plan for after the war?--they did not give a crap after the war. Ridding Saddam of power was the goal. That's why you are seeing now all the reports of going to war was a key thing for Bushie to go. He was just looking for excuses. 9-11 was a good excuse. So were "weapons of mass destruction".


So where do you really stand on this issue?


(however, I tend to agree. I just try not to believe anything a politician says until I see it really happen)

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