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Hello, everyone.


Does anybody have experience, or knowledge about not paying a speeding ticket in Canada for US residents?


Am I going to be banned form Canada?

Do their collection agencies work across the borders transparently?

One of my headlights was out and they requested that I fix and show up with the car at the nearest police station within 2 days. Is this to annoy me or there is a single f-in police network across the continent?


I am going to pay most likely (hope they choke on in), but interested in options.


Thank you in advance smile.gif

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The RCMP will jump on their horses, ride across the border, and snatch you out of your bed in the middle of the night and drag you back to Canada. Then make you pay for your ticket by forcing you to listen to Enya and Celtic pop for ten hours straight.

Do their collection agencies work across the borders transparently?


Yes they do. It may take a while, like a couple years, but at some point they'll come aknocking. At least they did for me. frown.gif



I dunno about speeding tickets, but I never paid a parking ticket I got in Vancouver about 3 years ago. No redcoats have knocked on my door yet.


Who knew that you had to put money in the meter at 8pm on a Sunday evening!?!?? hellno3d.gif



I got a speeding ticket over two years ago. About six months later I was detained at the border as I tried to cross into Canada to go skiing with my sister (she was already at Blackcomb). I had blown off paying the ticket. Well the border service detained me for an hour or so, got info for the court date and then they let me back into the US.

Anyhow, I would pay, for me it was a long journey to get it resolved. You have to show up in their court but you can't f-ing drive there. I pissed them off a bit more over the phone, the ticket said to pay the crown. I told the guy I wasn't going to give the darn queen of England a single penny. Well, I learned a second thing, don't make fun of the queen of England. Anyhow, a local resident in Canada helped me out, so I'm finally in good graces. But I'd hate to get pulled over again, I can just imagine what they put on my record.


i got a speeding ticket near pritchard BC back in april '99 and i never paid it. i have been getting a letter from ICBC annualy ever since reminding me to pay. ive been up to canada twice since then and had no problems crossing the border. i guess you take your chances.




I received a speeding ticket in Yukon Territory in 1998 for $300cd. I didn't paid the ticket when I returned home to the US. Over two years later I received a letter from the RCMP asking me to pay up and extending a "generous one-time offer" to settle the matter without interest or penalties. It went on to politely state that I would likely be denied entry into Canada or possibly detained pending payment w/interest and late fees upon my next attempt to visit.


I mailed off the $230something USD and have had no problem visiting The Great White North since. I thought their offer was generous. I should have done the right thing to begin with since I was, in fact, guilty.


The one good thing is that it may not be reported to your insurance. I got one for going 119 in a 90, enough to potentially raise my rates, paid it, not reported to my carrier. thumbs_up.gif


And what's the story on the "photo radar enforcement area" signs?


There's one near Yale that a lot of climbers blow through at 80mph in the middle of the night going to Lillooet but I have never heard of them getting photo'ed and cited.


Where, when how? on the photo radar enforcement.

The one good thing is that it may not be reported to your insurance. I got one for going 119 in a 90, enough to potentially raise my rates, paid it, not reported to my carrier. thumbs_up.gif


That is great news for those that choose to speed. Anyone else have a similar experience or know the exact details? Anyone on this board an insurance guru? Is it that way for all US insurance companies?

Time to finally get a radar detector...


They do a lot of random checks in Ontario along the highway (drunk driving and such?). When I was up there in jan the mountie took my climbing partners' radar and said he was going to confiscate it. Said there was a sign at the border stating radar detectors were not allowed. Blah! Blah! Blah! Fortunately he gave it back.


Whooda ever thunk?!?!?! confused.gif

So you might want to think twice about the radar. Just suck it up and do the damn speed limit.


Oh...and yes, I think I still have an outstanding hospital bill in canada from about 3 yrs ago. The collection agency likes to call on American holidays for some reason. shocked.gif

Hello, everyone.


Does anybody have experience, or knowledge about not paying a speeding ticket in Canada for US residents?


Am I going to be banned form Canada?

Do their collection agencies work across the borders transparently?

One of my headlights was out and they requested that I fix and show up with the car at the nearest police station within 2 days. Is this to annoy me or there is a single f-in police network across the continent?


I am going to pay most likely (hope they choke on in), but interested in options.


Thank you in advance smile.gif


No way to predict. Even experts disagree. Past experience may be unreliable. Speaking legally you would probably be better off to pay although that could be taken to mean you admit your guilt.


I'm a US citizen living in Vancouver. My only speeding ticket was ridiculous - exceeding a city limit (50k/h) on a stretch of road with no side roads or residences in good visibility and dry surface and no posted limit. I didn't pay, just sent a letter with my reasons for questioning the fine, and have heard nothing further for > 10 years now, no problems on license renewal.


The treatment you got for a headlight out is way overboard. I thought 1812 was behind us. Did you say anything about the Queen?


Just don't ever walk along the RR tracks around Chicago wearing a bikini and carrying a baseball bat - that is strictly illegal, and the law in that case leaves little room for ambiguity.


We are all crooks but don't plan a career in Evil until you read The Probability That God Exists, by Stephen Unwin.


the ticket said to pay the crown. I told the guy I wasn't going to give the darn queen of England a single penny. Well, I learned a second thing, don't make fun of the queen of England.


Canada is not ruled by the Queen of England. The Head of State in Canada is the Queen of Canada. True, they happen to be the same person, but that's only a coincidence.


The surpreme court in BC found that photo radar was in violation of the Charter, if memory serves. Consequently, anybody who had a photo radar ticket that they hadn`t paid was off the hook, though I do not believe refunds were offered for those who had already paid.


That`s one funny thing about Canada, and BC in particular: the whole concept of individual rights and the concomitant limitation of state police power is still relevant here. Funny, because technically Canada is still a monarchy. . . and America, the land of the free and all that, slides to within spitting distance if a police state.






the ticket said to pay the crown. I told the guy I wasn't going to give the darn queen of England a single penny. Well, I learned a second thing, don't make fun of the queen of England.



Canada is not ruled by the Queen of England. The Head of State in Canada is the Queen of Canada. True, they happen to be the same person, but that's only a coincidence.


If im not mistaken, The Governor General of Canada is our representative of the British Government, at least thats what they taught us in History 12...

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