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Anyone else notice that we are SLOWLY getting our ass kicked in Iraq these days? They just keep pickang away at us, and, if anything, are becoming more aggressive as their intelligence builds. A beautiful example of guerilla warfare. They all went to ground before we rolled in, and now they're picking away, picking away, picking away...

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Necronomicon said:

Anyone else notice that we are SLOWLY getting our ass kicked in Iraq these days? They just keep pickang away at us, and, if anything, are becoming more aggressive as their intelligence builds. A beautiful example of guerilla warfare. They all went to ground before we rolled in, and now they're picking away, picking away, picking away...


We got one Ashcroft call in the Storm Troopers!


It now seems obvious that this was the strategy since before the war "ended". The fact that there seems to be unlimited amounts of bombs for booby traps. The fact that they find houses stocked to the gills with munitions. The fact that the Republican Guard unexpectedly "collapsed". The fact that we haven't found any WMD's.


It appears as if they're taking it to us, in perhaps the exact manner in which they planned. Just think if there really are some actual WMD's floating around hellno3d.gif. I hope it's not true, but I don't think we've seen the worst of this.


All you folks who pissed about George Sr. not going after Saddam back 1991, maybe we now see one reason he was reluctant to "finish" the job?


I have nothing positive to add. Unfortunately this situation just seems to suck no matter which way you look at it.




Re: the Draft Board


This is not exactly new...it's been going on since 2001, here's a link to a Houston Chronicle Article


that addresses the same thing...notice this article ran in Sept '01.


I don't think the administration is dumb enough to use the draft. It'd be politcal suicide, especially since the core voters (boomers) saw Vietnam draft era firsthand.

willstrickland said:

Re: the Draft Board


This is not exactly new...it's been going on since 2001, here's a link to a Houston Chronicle Article

that addresses the same thing...notice this article ran in Sept '01.


published on sept 21 2001. there is also much evidence out there pointing to plans for foreign ventures prior to 9/11 (both afghanistan and iraq). from your link: "Earlier this week, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the Selective Service System remains in caretaker mode, as it has been for two decades. But the agency has been ordered to prepare itself in case President Bush and Congress reverse course." i suspect it is equivocal.


I don't think the administration is dumb enough to use the draft. It'd be politcal suicide, especially since the core voters (boomers) saw Vietnam draft era firsthand.


political suicide prior to 2004 but they could still use it during a 2nd term if needed, by which time it wouldn't matter for bush anyway. we'll see.




Everywhere I've traveled recently in Iraq I've run into Americans, ranging from generals down to privates, who ask perplexedly; What are we Americans supposed to be doing here? Are we going to take over this place and stay here forever?


Judging by reports received here from the United States, this perplexity of Americans in Iraq is matching by the perplexity of Americans at home. We have got into this Iraqi job without understanding what we were tackling or why. Imagine how incredulous we would have been if anybody had told us---even so recently as five years ago---that hundreds of thousands of Americans would be camped in the middle of Iraq in 2003, completely responsible for the conduct and welfare of approximately 20,000,000 Iraqis?


How does it happened that even some of our topmost officials in Iraq admit that they don't know what they are doing here? The answer can be expressed, I believe, in one word---secrecy. . . .'


This is actually an excerpt from an article originally printed in the the Saturday Evening Post in January, 1946 in which I simply changed the words from Berlin to Baghdad, Iraq to Germany, Roosevel to Bush, etc. The original text is below:


"January 26, 1946


How We Botched the German Occupation

By Demaree Bess




Everywhere I've traveled recently in Germany I've run into Americans, ranging from generals down to privates, who ask perplexedly; What are we Americans supposed to be doing here? Are we going to take over this place and stay here forever?


Judging by reports received here from the United States, this perplexity of Americans in Germany is matching by the perplexity of Americans at home. We have got into this German job without understanding what we were tackling or why. Imagine how incredulous we would have been if anybody had told us---even so recently as five years ago---that hundreds of thousands of Americans would be camped in the middle of Europe in 1946, completely responsible for the conduct and welfare of approximately 20,000,000 Germans?


How does it happened that even some of our topmost officials in Germany admit that they don't know what they are doing here? The answer can be expressed, I believe, in one word---secrecy. . . ."






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