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Governor Arnold


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Now that Arnold has apparently won the governorship of California, who wants to bet that the Dem's, either directly or through a proxy, will challenge the results or the constitutionality of this recall election?


Question #2: How many anti-Arnold stories will The LA Times run in the next 365 days?

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I'll be glad when it is over and we can get on with all our lives. Someone needs to tell the media that California is NOT at the center of the universe, and that the remaining 280 million of us could care less.


Now the demos are talking about a recall if Schwarzenegger makes it. Sure - upheaval - that will sure help that state. What the hell is wrong with people? Why can't they loose gracefully? Or at least say - well gee - he won - let's see what we can do to salvage our state.....

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trask said:

I'll be glad when it is over and we can get on with all our lives. Someone needs to tell the media that California is NOT at the center of the universe, and that the remaining 280 million of us could care less.


THANK YOU fruit.gifbigdrink.gif
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JayB said:

Funny - virtually all of the groups attacking Schwarzenegger on this issue spared nothing in their efforts to excuse Clinton of the same conduct. Weak.


Again "A stife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles."


Oh, sorry I guess I missed the part when Bill Clinton said he admired Hitler. My bad!

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marylou said:

JayB said:

Funny - virtually all of the groups attacking Schwarzenegger on this issue spared nothing in their efforts to excuse Clinton of the same conduct. Weak.


Again "A stife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles."


Oh, sorry I guess I missed the part when Bill Clinton said he admired Hitler. My bad!


Actually, Clinton's stated mentor and object of his admiration was William Fulbright, avowed segragationist and communist sympathizer. BTW, better check your info regarding Schwarzeneger's supposed Hitler comments. I believe they've been debunked.



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I love how all the conservitives come out to support Arnold simply because he is not a democrat. Face it, it's a farce the guy was elected. He has no business in public office and was elected soley because he is a well known actor. It's a sad state when having a well known name can get you into an important political office. It also sets a horrible precedent. Do we really want to make it known that public leaders can't make tough decisions for fear of being recalled by some zealots on the other side of the political spectrum with an axe to grind?

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Oh, shoot I missed something on TV again. Thank GOD he had a good excuse for THAT nonsense, as well as saying he didn't want to talk about the groping of the women. They were all for sure just glad to get groped by such a famous guy. Who wouldn't want that?


I'm sure he will make a super governor for California!

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JayB said:

Funny - virtually all of the groups attacking Schwarzenegger on this issue spared nothing in their efforts to excuse Clinton of the same conduct. Weak.


huh? do you have problems understanding what "no" means? i.e. the difference between physical harassment and consensual sex?


anyhow schwarzy couldn't be worse than reagan (although i said the same thing about bush). what a joke.

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JoshK said:

I love how all the conservitives come out to support Arnold simply because he is not a democrat.


I love how he has such Republican support when his few stated positions (pro choice, pro gun restrictions) put him at odds with their platform. Not to mention the Good Christian Family Values he represents with all that groping and group sex. But as long as he has an ® after his name, that's all that matters! yellaf.gif

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I thought that the beauty of the government in this country was that anyone can become a representaive of some kind. Sure it helps that you have a recognizable name. People who feel only politicians should run for office annoy me. FWIW, I voted for Tom McClintock not Ahhnold.


Politics, Poly: many, tics: blood sucking parasites grin.gif

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Fairweather said:

marylou said:

JayB said:

Funny - virtually all of the groups attacking Schwarzenegger on this issue spared nothing in their efforts to excuse Clinton of the same conduct. Weak.


Again "A stife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles."


Oh, sorry I guess I missed the part when Bill Clinton said he admired Hitler. My bad!


Actually, Clinton's stated mentor and object of his admiration was William Fulbright, avowed segragationist and communist sympathizer. BTW, better check your info regarding Schwarzeneger's supposed Hitler comments. I believe they've been debunked.




I think you better check your facts because he was quoted as saying he admired Hilter because he worked his way up. But added as a caveat that he didn't admire what he did with his power. hellno3d.gifhellno3d.gif

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TIGHE said:

Fairweather said:

marylou said:

JayB said:

Funny - virtually all of the groups attacking Schwarzenegger on this issue spared nothing in their efforts to excuse Clinton of the same conduct. Weak.


Again "A stife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles."


Oh, sorry I guess I missed the part when Bill Clinton said he admired Hitler. My bad!


Actually, Clinton's stated mentor and object of his admiration was William Fulbright, avowed segragationist and communist sympathizer. BTW, better check your info regarding Schwarzeneger's supposed Hitler comments. I believe they've been debunked.




I think you better check your facts because he was quoted as saying he admired Hilter because he worked his way up. But added as a caveat that he didn't admire what he did with his power. hellno3d.gifhellno3d.gif

j_b, no matter how wrong you are, you'll always pretend that you're right. Tool. thumbs_down.gif

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i think it is great!!!!!! go california!!!! that state is messed up as is, i don't think arnold will do any worse then a professional politician.


i love how people always need to dwell on the past, always. really silly way to live one's life.


go california!!!!


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