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9/11 - where were you?


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I was still in bed when my wife woke me up to tell me a plane had hit one of the WTC towers. My first thought was "terrorists" and I hoped the building didn't come down. I immediatly dismissed that thought as being terrible and assumed it was an accident. Then the second plane hit. Now I knew it was the act of terrorists. I briefly watched the updates while I got our daughter ready for school but, like most, I tend to ignore "breaking news" until more objective reporting is available after the event. I flipped the TV back on just as I was leaving and my heart sank when I saw the image of the first tower coming down. This image is burned into my memory forever. My blood boiled instantly because I knew somewhere, someone was celebrating the death of the people still in the tower. I figured it would only be a matter of time before the second tower fell, said a prayer for the folks still in the building and left for work.


I think Al Queida is getting off too easy. I'd be happy if Bush doubled the 87 billion budget to get that sub human piece of Satan's spawn Bin Ladden and his associates.





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I was at work and this joker comes in and says that an airplane was flown into the World Trade Center. Not believing him, I said, "Yeah right." Other coworkers came in, repeating the same news and the awful truth sank in. We then gathered around a TV and watched the events unfold. Even while watching the events on TV, it all seemed so surreal. Meanwhile, this joker started sprouting some crap about Nostradamus.


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I had taken a loong needed day off from work, when my girlfriend came over and asked me if I had turned on the TV. I said no, and she told me that the World Trade Center had collapsed. I looked straight at her and said "I don't believe you" Then I turned on the telly. Then I cracked a beer. that was a bad day.

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I was driving to my first clients house to shoe her horses, I was a horseshoer at the time... pulled over and just listened to the radio for awhile, then got there and she said i could come back and do the horses another time, so i watched the news and drank coffee all morning with her.


Some of you will appreciate this sticker i have on my computer... "How do you like our Al Queida, original recipe or extra crispy!"

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trask said:

Greg_W said:

This is no bullshit: the girl at the mocha stand giving me head told me about the whole thing after I blew my load. Once I heard I tuned in to Howard Stern (he's in New York, after all) and after watching Pamela Lee suck Howard's toes and shave his balls, got the straight dope.


I told you that in the STRICTEST confidence, you asshole! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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