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Gumby (1/14)



  1. damn! i'm renting that tonight! after pounding abour 30 beers! hahaha!
  2. might wanna re-check the asprin facts there cheif... I know what I am talking about. Who is the drug chemist around here? sorry guy i was thinking acetominophinwhich in cmobo with drinking gives some stout liver damage and also ibuprofen adn ucler possibilities with alcohol. but aspirin thins the blood, not good when drinking i would imagine...
  3. but the fact remains... there are many climbers. are you suggesting that you just hope that letting the cliffside erode will detter many climbers leaving climbing just to the diehards? the people are there... if you wish to abade erosion, you have to 'modify' the cliffside.
  4. or... no... that will get this thread pulled.
  5. that soudns realistic a waif 93 lb. daddy's girl wavign around a katana... lemme guess taking out 35+ ninjas at the same time too? raaaaght thanks again scott for not adding anything to the discussion. atleast you are consistant with your inane and usually negative posts. personally if i were you i would stop posting until you had something relevant to say. the movie is great! lotsa action and hot chicks, can you ask for more? i can't!!!! go see it!!!! yes a viable plot, believable characters, at least a mediocre sub-plot, character progression perhaps mabe even an original thought if that all isn't too much.
  6. might wanna re-check the asprin facts there cheif...
  7. that was my next suggestion...
  8. I don't recall anyone asking how not to get a hangover. Any moron can figure that one out. apparently not there cheif.
  9. that soudns realistic a waif 93 lb. daddy's girl wavign around a katana... lemme guess taking out 35+ ninjas at the same time too? raaaaght
  10. canadians... sarcasm? noooooooo!
  11. pickle juice... if you are too drunk to drink that, its your problem rummy.
  12. oh my god! someone call the prana police!
  13. i did... so did fence sitter. babnik, fence sitter and marylou that's quite the 3some it was pretty hot. can you not read dru? i was in penticton, she was in entiat. where that fence sitter was, i will never know...
  14. oh and by the way, page top.
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