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Kid's ropeup.


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Those are some great TR and pic's. Had a great time and cool to meet a bunch of the other dad's. Tyler had a great time as well and was out like a light before we even hit US 2. Some highlights.


Walking across the bridge in the semi dark. Kid jumps out at me from under the bridge. "I am a troll" hmmm I think a true cc.com JR.


Kid's playing with light sticks, neika walks up (curly tail) Kid says, and attempts "lets put this light stick in her butt. pitty.gif


Three year old wakes up from first night out in a tent. "I wanna go home" 10 minutes later I saw him running through the woods and saw very little of him the next 2 hours. wazzup.gif


Little guy slightly sketched out up on the rock. "dad I think my knot is coming untied". yeah, now who is sketched out" yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif That was the quickest bug climb I ever did see.


Great time by all. can't wait till next year.


Oh yeah and wondering what all the mom's had to say. Mine took one look and said bathtime. YOU THINK??





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Excellent time Dads and kids!! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


My daughter now wants to go climb some more. I asked my son whether he had a good time and he said "No. I had a GREAT time!! smile.gif".


It was kind of like a Pub Club only with little kids running around in the background, whacking each other with light sticks.


Thanks again Hillweasle for getting us set up with a spot (Chatter Creek group site is NICE!! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif) .


Great meeting all you guys and your progeny. wave.gif



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He has two that I can tell. Bring them along next time Trasky. It'll be a blast!


Hey Chris T, Smith sounds good. How about You and Muffy setting that one up as I have not been there.


Timmay, I thought you had a couple Gremlins of your own?


Bug, Lee, your wives were home?! Mine was out partying wazzup.gif Trask, where were you this weekend madgo_ron.gif

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Bug said:

babnik said:

good job guys! it is so good to see kids out there learning the proper way to do things. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

Yeah. They learned a lot of new words too. Kindergarten should be real interesting this morning. I think that was little larvea's first kid conversation about sex. It took place under the troll bridge apparently. She had all kinds of questions hahaha.gif


Hey now, my son was playing with Bionicles about that time, he knows nothing of those things... grin.gif

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We learned a lot this weekend! Kids can be the best teachers!

1: Dad's aren't allowed to belay their own kids.

2: If they sleep in the car, they'll be up all night playing games.

3: Sugar is aid

4. Rock shoes don't need to be tight fitting

5. playing is more important than eating.

6. When you have a bunch of kids together, Dad's have more time to drink beer.

7. If kids hear you swear, they don't care or pretend not to hear you.

Climbing is all about having FUN!!!




Edited by David_Parker
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Billygoat said:

Bug said:

babnik said:

good job guys! it is so good to see kids out there learning the proper way to do things. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

Yeah. They learned a lot of new words too. Kindergarten should be real interesting this morning. I think that was little larvea's first kid conversation about sex. It took place under the troll bridge apparently. She had all kinds of questions hahaha.gif


Hey now, my son was playing with Bionicles about that time, he knows nothing of those things... grin.gif

OK. Does "Bumping bottoms" sound familiar to anyone? Comon. Fess up.

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Bug said:

Billygoat said:

Bug said:

babnik said:

good job guys! it is so good to see kids out there learning the proper way to do things. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

Yeah. They learned a lot of new words too. Kindergarten should be real interesting this morning. I think that was little larvea's first kid conversation about sex. It took place under the troll bridge apparently. She had all kinds of questions hahaha.gif


Hey now, my son was playing with Bionicles about that time, he knows nothing of those things... grin.gif

OK. Does "Bumping bottoms" sound familiar to anyone? Comon. Fess up.


Bug...how does a smiff kid's ropeup sound???? Maybe early novembe-ish??? Campin' is good and there is lots of stuff in the ez range...


Wish i coulda made it...looked rockin'!!! thumbs_up.gif

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RuMR said:

Bug said:

Billygoat said:

Bug said:

babnik said:

good job guys! it is so good to see kids out there learning the proper way to do things. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

Yeah. They learned a lot of new words too. Kindergarten should be real interesting this morning. I think that was little larvea's first kid conversation about sex. It took place under the troll bridge apparently. She had all kinds of questions hahaha.gif


Hey now, my son was playing with Bionicles about that time, he knows nothing of those things... grin.gif

OK. Does "Bumping bottoms" sound familiar to anyone? Comon. Fess up.


Bug...how does a smiff kid's ropeup sound???? Maybe early novembe-ish??? Campin' is good and there is lots of stuff in the ez range...


Wish i coulda made it...looked rockin'!!! thumbs_up.gif

too cold in november for my guys frown.gif
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

RuMR said:

Bug said:

Billygoat said:

Bug said:

babnik said:

good job guys! it is so good to see kids out there learning the proper way to do things. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

Yeah. They learned a lot of new words too. Kindergarten should be real interesting this morning. I think that was little larvea's first kid conversation about sex. It took place under the troll bridge apparently. She had all kinds of questions hahaha.gif


Hey now, my son was playing with Bionicles about that time, he knows nothing of those things... grin.gif

OK. Does "Bumping bottoms" sound familiar to anyone? Comon. Fess up.


Bug...how does a smiff kid's ropeup sound???? Maybe early novembe-ish??? Campin' is good and there is lots of stuff in the ez range...


Wish i coulda made it...looked rockin'!!! thumbs_up.gif

too cold in november for my guys frown.gif
but I might be able to work something out
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

RuMR said:

Bug said:

Billygoat said:

Bug said:

babnik said:

good job guys! it is so good to see kids out there learning the proper way to do things. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

Yeah. They learned a lot of new words too. Kindergarten should be real interesting this morning. I think that was little larvea's first kid conversation about sex. It took place under the troll bridge apparently. She had all kinds of questions hahaha.gif


Hey now, my son was playing with Bionicles about that time, he knows nothing of those things... grin.gif

OK. Does "Bumping bottoms" sound familiar to anyone? Comon. Fess up.


Bug...how does a smiff kid's ropeup sound???? Maybe early novembe-ish??? Campin' is good and there is lots of stuff in the ez range...


Wish i coulda made it...looked rockin'!!! thumbs_up.gif

too cold in november for my guys frown.gif
but I might be able to work something out

It sounds good to me but actually driving 8hrs to get down there with my kids is a bit of a stretch. All the planning we did was Hillweasel reserved a place and time. The rest of us talked it up. Then we talked some more once we got there. How many kidded climbers are there down there?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Billygoat said:

yeah, who dropped the ball? wazzup.gif


We're looking for some guidance from you Oregon, kid totin' types: Muffy, ChrisT, RumR, bunglehaed....never been to Smith, found it on a map, long drive but should be nice weather there at the end of the month....

Honestly I think that by late October it is going to be way too COLD for little ones to have any fun camping. it drops well below freezing at night and with wind chill even in a down jacket I shiver all day even in the sun ( experience first or second weekend of november last year.) If you all want to get something going next spring when it warms back up, I will be totaly up for that. I will freeze my own ass off, but not my babys' tongue.gif
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