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Approach Shoes?


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So what are everyone's favorite approach shoes? I need to pick up a new pair cause my old ones are rags. Looking for low tops in which I can rig crampons. Saw some made by La Sportiva a couple weeks ago. They were pretty new but I forgot what they were called. Thanks.

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I have had a pare of fivetens, that i have beat the dog shit out of and never had a tear, or even the sole peel away from the shoe, the laces are still the origanals... the soles are do for a resole now but they are great for rocky terain, well any terain. the shoe name starts with an I, but with out them hear I couldn'y tell ya... two years is along time for shoes and me. the only problem is the insole is paper thin and I replaced it with a nice insole...


hears two of my favorite sites to order shoes from...



ok so the other site is to fucking slow for me right now, so do your own seaching...


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the zamberlan calanques is a wicked boot like shoe. i climbed slesse in a pair and never bust out my rock shoes. takes strap on poons good, stiff enough to kick steps.


the mtn master is only OK if you are not gonna do any snow. but i trusted them enough to wear soloing up the approach pitches to calculus crack. i get about 2 yrs out of a pair of MMs before the inside heel gets all worn through from my bone spurs. they will only last 6 months if you wear em around town though. the LS boulders are such thin soles they probably wear out in like a week.....


i heard good stuff about kayland spiders.

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Yup, Mountain Masters stick like glue, especially on slab. I ran up the Dreamer approach slabs in them on a hot day. If I'm crossing a glacier or something, I just bring pons and they work fine.


I've got bone spurs on my heels, too, but my shoes are always tougher than my feet, so I get nasty blisters instead of worn-out shoes. cry.gif


What are the Kayland shoes you saw at FF, Fleb? Are they burly or light?

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I really like my new Nike Cinder Cones. Very sticky soles, they did great on the wet slabs below the pocket glacier on Slesse. I didn't crampon up for the avalanch debris, but I liked the comment someone made about universal bindings! However, these shoes are expensive.

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DFA's got some Lowa low-top things (forgot the name, dammit!), and they kick serious ass. They're super comfy and supportive for hiking; they work well for backpacking, too, which could be nice for those silly alpine approaches. They fit really well, but have sort of a roomy toe box at the same time, which is a great asset when putting them back on after your feet have been numbified by rock shoes all day, or for long hikes downhill when your toes would usually be stuffed painfully against the front of your shoes. Very cush, you should check 'em out.




Also, never needed any sort of break-in, and never got any type of blisters, even on their first use, which was hiking 10 miles outta the Grand Canyon. Bonus! wave.gif

Edited by Dr_Flash_Amazing
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I second Colt45's suggestion of the Solomon's. Just picked them up on Sierra Trading Post and they are nice. First day out I Tr'ed Fat Crack in them and they didn't do too bad! Haven't had a chance to put my aluminums on them yet, but have done some basic appraoches and thought they were nice. Also, a couple other options from 5.10 on Sierra Trading Post. Go check it out.


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