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lone star suckage


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AlpineK said:

Here I sit

ass a-flexin

giving birth to another Texan evils3d.gif


Fuck Texas thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifthe_finger.gifwazzup.gifwazzup.gif




didn't you want your poem to be a truer reflection of you?:


"here I kneel

my ass a flexin'

takin' it up the chute

from this gang of Mexicins'"


....yeah, that's what you really meant. the_finger.gif


Texas rules! GW is da' prez.

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Fence_Sitter said:

fairweather is the greatest troller ever... gets you guys to shit your britches everytime... yellaf.gif


Wrong. Sweet Granite in Renton was better and so was Amber. Fairweather is just another lobotomized republican. In your case FS you didn't even need a lobotomy. You were born retarded. moon.gif

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catbirdseat said:

Texas is as flat as Cher's chest. It's useless to climbers and useless for just about anything. Their beer sucks.


Spoken like someone who doesn't boulder or has never been to Hueco Tanks (the only redeeming quality to the state). boxing_smiley.gif


Shiner Bock sucks, tastes like Texas Longhorn piss. thumbs_down.gif

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catbirdseat said:

Texas is as flat as Cher's chest. It's useless to climbers and useless for just about anything. Their beer sucks.

enchanted rock is pretty cool to visit. but go in the winter. and then only if you gotta go through texas.

i once spent an enjoyable night in pecos shooting pool and drinking beer with some bikers. texans are alright with me.

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The bass fishin rocks out of San Antonio, other than that I don't have much to say other than Dallas is a true sucker of ass place to be any and all times of the year or life span...

Luckenbock is cool... but they have no mountains thumbs_down.gif...


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Ursa_Eagle said:

don't forget northern Jersey (especially Newark), definately gives Texas a run for its money

Troy, NY can hold it's own on the list, but I don't think it's quite of the same caliber (it at least has a few redeeming qualities)


Texas blows chode!



Redeeming qualities? confused.gif

Are you sure you are talking about the right place??

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If it sucks so bad then please don't go there. It is crowded enough when I go visit, I don't need or want any of you tree hugging, stinky hippies, down there. Many of you would get you're ass beat just walking around town there. Please spread the word that Texas sucks, and please no one else move there.


cheers butt monkeys the_finger.gifthe_finger.gifwave.gif

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trask said:

Texas women look burnt out and haggard. My friend dated a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader once upon a time, and swore up and down that she could suck the chrome off a tailpipe.


Whatever, Texas has the highest percentage of hot women than any place I've ever been. And I have heard this from many, many non-Texans. If you spent some time there you would know.


And Austin always gets great reviews about being one of the best cities in the US to live in. Good mountain biking and a bit of rock climbing in the city limits ~ 5 mins from down town. Lakes all around that you actually want to get in. Good night life. Best university in the country....


Oops, I take it all back. Yeah, Texas sucks. Don't go. yelrotflmao.gif

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Dustin_B said:

If it sucks so bad then please don't go there. It is crowded enough when I go visit, I don't need or want any of you tree hugging, stinky hippies, down there. Many of you would get you're ass beat just walking around town there. Please spread the word that Texas sucks, and please no one else move there.


cheers butt monkeys the_finger.gifthe_finger.gifwave.gif




I wish I had known it was you on Easy Ridge a couple weeks ago. We may have been the only "right-thinking" people in all of the Cascades that day!

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