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So szjakowski jordop and I set off to celebrate Canada Day with a climb of Yellow Brick Road in Marble Canyon. Everything goes smooth at first. On the 7th pitch it is Szy's block starting and he heads out on a 10c pitch. Now its his 1st time ever climbing on limestone and after a couple of meters he decides to head back to the belay. While he is cleaning a TCU from an undercling, which he'd had doubts about but jp and I had assured him was "totally bomber man" a 3 foot by 3foot by 1 foot chunk of the undercling busts off catching him in the side and Jordop in the head & hand and he takes a short factor 2 on the belay... blush.gifblush.gifshocked.gif


One severely chopped rope, one slightly nicked rope, one beat up leg (jammin) two smashed hands (jammin and jordop) and three severely wrecked psyches were the outcome so we bailed and liveds to climb another day. Beers later. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif


I took some pics.. will post em eventually.

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Jordop leads pitch 4, a nice 5.6 groove, first time sun was out enough to take pictures.




Szy sets out on 7th pitch. Block that pulled when offending orange TCU was yarded on during removal indicated. I had told Szy that it was "safe to belay off of" blush.gif


357scar.jpg The scar. This was taken from the belay. Jordop and Szy got hit. I just got scared and my ropes got the chop. shocked.gif Probably we got off lucky.




Main Wall of Marble Canyon where it all transpired.




Back at the car beers are consumed as survival reward. This may be in the Guys of cc.com upcoming Photo Annual under the "man tit" section.




Survival is good. Got beer? bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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shocked.gif Yumpin' yiminee, that's a bad one! The loose rock traffic directors of Marble Canyon are fickle! Glad you weren't too hurt.


I heard Don Serl did that route just recently.


Are the ropes in your pic the same diameter?



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Cairns said:

shocked.gif Yumpin' yiminee, that's a bad one! The loose rock traffic directors of Marble Canyon are fickle! Glad you weren't too hurt.


I heard Don Serl did that route just recently.


Are the ropes in your pic the same diameter?



ya when i got home there was email from serl asking me if i wanted beta! rolleyes.gif nice to hear he finally sent after trying it all those times in the 70s. thumbs_up.gif

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Dru said:

On the 7th pitch it is Szy's block starting and he heads out on a 10c pitch. Now its his 1st time ever climbing on limestone and after a couple of meters he decides to head back to the belay.


you guys let ben take the hard block of pitches when he'd never climbed limestone before? that's fucking hilarious in more ways than one.

Edited by rat
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Just to clarify things a bit the rope was not cut between Ben and the belay device but in a loop of slack hanging down on a ledge about 1m below the belay. It was core shot with only 3 strands left intact. Coreshot was about 12m from the end. We ended up using the 12m of cut rope as rap anchors just like Twight says to in Xtreem alpinism. rolleyes.gif Rapping off with one 56m and one ~48m rope was interesting but there are enough old 1/4" intermediate stations that we made it down with minimal probs. Left a few bail biners behind on the top diagonal rap. (BOOTY) Only got hit once by rope pull induced rock fall on way down.

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fern said:

dude! leave some rock up there for the rest of us who still want to go climb that PoS!


harsh jibbing. you chopped the same rope AGAIN?


no the yellow one got the chop this time!

but i decided to retire both of them now and am gonna buy 2 new ones.

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So was this recent quote with reference to your NEAR DEATH TR?

Dru said:

What are some good ways to convince yourself you are ready for a project you have been thinking about for 6 months, that you know is in condition, you are going with an experienced ropegun, but you still have a little nagging voice telling you you suck and you are gonna epic?


If so, HOLY SH*T!! shocked.gif Better start listening to that little nag more carefully. I guess Iain was right.


Glad you guys made down relatively unscathed. Though Jamn's lead head may not be the same frown.gif .

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No this was supposed to be a training run for BIG SCARY PROJECT which is on granite and has 1/4" stainless bolts dating from the late 80's.... better rock worse fixed pro?


I dont think Jam'n is gonna be as keen on trad limestone unless he has some good exp. on same in da Rockies or on sporto French limestone when he goes to Europe to see Lance bike.

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