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Dwayner represses you!


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I'm afraid I have grown frustrated with you for some of the same reasons stated above. The words sanctimonious, condescending, and pedantic all come to my mind.


When I have tried to discuss the bolting issue with you, most recently via PM, I was shut down with anger and hostility, and then later accused of same. On that particular issue (which personally is not a huge deal to me FWIW), you get so hot under the collar that you can't be rational, despite admitting that you do in fact USE bolts from time to time.


I think you are a very smart guy, and I (mostly) enjoy your contributions to the board....but get off your high horse and play in the sanbox with the rest of us, willya? We're not your stoodents!!


P.s. snaf.gifsnaf.gifsnaf.gif

Edited by allison
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Fucking get this thread back on topic.


In the climbing Forum I try to post only when I THINK I know what I'm talking about. It doesn't mean I do, but I try to be ernest.


When I post to Spray, I have a much lower threshold for spewing forth uninformed opions and that is how I think it should be.


So Muffy, if it's spray, feel free to ingore Dwayner if you like. You are taking him way too seriously. wave.gif

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Sometimes when people have made themselves look like a horse's ass, instead of conceding the point and moving on, they kick and snarl and foam at the mouth in an attempt to regain a position of command and respect. However, in so doing they merely make themselves look more ridiculous and objectionable.


Shalom, Dwayner.

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Sometimes when people have made themselves look like a horse's ass, instead of conceding the point and moving on, they kick and snarl and foam at the mouth in an attempt to regain a position of command and respect. However, in so doing they merely make themselves look more ridiculous and objectionable.
I was Mark Twain who once said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
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sexual_chocolate said:

It wouldn't have anything to do with


sanc·ti·mo·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sngkt-mn)


Feigned piety or righteousness; hypocritical devoutness or high-mindedness.






n 1: the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior [syn: superciliousness, disdainfulness] 2: a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient [syn: disdain, patronage]


would it?


Sexual Chamberlain,


I propose that you are THE LAST person on this board who should call another here "santimonious".

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E-rock said:

Sometimes when people have made themselves look like a horse's ass, instead of conceding the point and moving on, they kick and snarl and foam at the mouth in an attempt to regain a position of command and respect. However, in so doing they merely make themselves look more ridiculous and objectionable.


E-rock....if you are attempting to refer to me, I have nothing to retract or concede. I've just reread my original post in light of the ones that follow and I stand by my comments. Perhaps you are referring to yourself in your quote. I accept your apology. No hard feelings....have a beer bigdrink.gif and some sausage: HCL.gif


"frustrated" Allison: there is no anger here. On the other hand, I have no interest in discussing anything controversial with you. The first time we ever met you started that up and I'm not interested in repeating the experience (and it ain't because I felt you had the upper hand.) I think we get along better talking about things that don't have to do directly with the outdoors or climbing.


Muffster: I ain't upset. THIS IS SPRAY, to which you contribute at least your fair share. Listen to catbirdseat...If you don't like my opinion, you can always ignore me. I ignore you 99% of the time. But don't expect everyone to agree with your views. Relax, who the hell cares what Dwayner thinks? Take it or leave it. It's a doggone internet spray parlor!Again, if you're going to resort to name calling, at least check your spelling. It's "horse's ass".

Here...Dwayner's gonna buy Muffy a beer: bigdrink.gif

I hope you like it....it's Mickey's, and a lot of people enjoy it if you don't tell them what it is or show them the bottle. Kind of like Spam....

"what's in this here sandwich? It's good!"

Why it's Spam!

"But I don't like Spam!"

Have you ever tried it?

"No. But I don't like Spam!"

Then call it something else and you'll feel better about it. So here's a Spam sando to go with the Mickey's: cheeburga_ron.gif

mmmmm good! Enjoy your weekend and keep on sprayin. Really!


Sexy-Cocoa.......ah, never mind....I'm not even going to dignify you with anything more than "keep on Moon-Dancing", whatever the heck that is.


Jon...I hate to admit it, but you're right. This thread, which was meant as a semi-provocative/semi-humorous Spray topic (Just consider the title!), has taken a number of obnoxious turns. Yes, the shark has been jumped here. Not once, but perhaps three or four times. If anything positive has come out of this, it would be the thread-drifters who posted the cool photos of El-Cap and "Canary" on Castle Rock.


- Dwayner



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Fairweather said:

sexual_chocolate said:

It wouldn't have anything to do with


sanc·ti·mo·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sngkt-mn)


Feigned piety or righteousness; hypocritical devoutness or high-mindedness.






n 1: the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior [syn: superciliousness, disdainfulness] 2: a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient [syn: disdain, patronage]


would it?


Sexual Chamberlain,


I propose that you are THE LAST person on this board who should call another here "santimonious".


Who, ME? hahaha.gif


But you can't deny that the kettle is black!

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Dwayner said:

E-rock said:

Sometimes when people have made themselves look like a horse's ass, instead of conceding the point and moving on, they kick and snarl and foam at the mouth in an attempt to regain a position of command and respect. However, in so doing they merely make themselves look more ridiculous and objectionable.


E-rock....if you are attempting to refer to me, I have nothing to retract or concede. I've just reread my original post in light of the ones that follow and I stand by my comments. Perhaps you are referring to yourself in your quote. I accept your apology. No hard feelings....have a beer bigdrink.gif and some sausage: HCL.gif


"frustrated" Allison: there is no anger here. On the other hand, I have no interest in discussing anything controversial with you. The first time we ever met you started that up and I'm not interested in repeating the experience (and it ain't because I felt you had the upper hand.) I think we get along better talking about things that don't have to do directly with the outdoors or climbing.


Muffster: I ain't upset. THIS IS SPRAY, to which you contribute at least your fair share. Listen to catbirdseat...If you don't like my opinion, you can always ignore me. I ignore you 99% of the time. But don't expect everyone to agree with your views. Relax, who the hell cares what Dwayner thinks? Take it or leave it. It's a doggone internet spray parlor!Again, if you're going to resort to name calling, at least check your spelling. It's "horse's ass".

Here...Dwayner's gonna buy Muffy a beer: bigdrink.gif

I hope you like it....it's Mickey's, and a lot of people enjoy it if you don't tell them what it is or show them the bottle. Kind of like Spam....

"what's in this here sandwich? It's good!"

Why it's Spam!

"But I don't like Spam!"

Have you ever tried it?

"No. But I don't like Spam!"

Then call it something else and you'll feel better about it. So here's a Spam sando to go with the Mickey's: cheeburga_ron.gif

mmmmm good! Enjoy your weekend and keep on sprayin. Really!


Sexy-Cocoa.......ah, never mind....I'm not even going to dignify you with anything more than "keep on Moon-Dancing", whatever the heck that is.


Jon...I hate to admit it, but you're right. This thread, which was meant as a semi-provocative/semi-humorous Spray topic (Just consider the title!), has taken a number of obnoxious turns. Yes, the shark has been jumped here. Not once, but perhaps three or four times. If anything positive has come out of this, it would be the thread-drifters who posted the cool photos of El-Cap and "Canary" on Castle Rock.


- Dwayner



Hmmm.... Just a little too transparent, if'n you ask me. But I think he convinced himself, though, at least partially! hahaha.gif

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Interesting point, Language-Goat....that's a word I rarely encounter but it's a good one.


O.K., Since we're in correction mode, Mr. Goat, re: your autosig:

"Many are called, few are chosen" attributed to "Haiku Master DW" is actually part of a parable told by Jesus in Matthew 22. The specific verse, (22:14) can be read "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Revised Standard Version.)


Ahoy! Dwayner



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allison said:


When I have tried to discuss the bolting issue with you, most recently via PM, I was shut down with anger and hostility, and then later accused of same. On that particular issue (which personally is not a huge deal to me FWIW), you get so hot under the collar that you can't be rational, despite admitting that you do in fact USE bolts from time to time.



It is not hypocritical to occasionally clip bolts and at the same time be vocal about the abuse of bolt applications in climbing. A quality route that needs a bolt or two is not so objectionable. A cliff at which we find bolts trails crowded one after the other is something worth discouraging. That you, Allison, cannot understand this is ONE reason Dwayner won't enter into a bolting "disscussion" with you.


Also, what makes you think you're qualified to discuss this issue?

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Dwayner said:

If anything positive has come out of this, it would be the thread-drifters who posted the cool photos of El-Cap and "Canary" on Castle Rock.


Thank you thank you Dwayner and everyone. I will now take this occasion to name the trhead after myself!!!








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Dwayner said:


Yes, the shark has been jumped here. Not once, but perhaps three or four times


It should be noted that just last week the reclusive genius known to all y'all as Dr. Flash Amazing coined the phrase "jumproping the shark" to describe the very phenomenon Mr. D. Wayner mentions above. Bleeding-edge lingo-slingers take note!



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