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Cool Sayings


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My dad is a good ol fashioned redneck. I've got a million.


"It's raining like a cow peeing on a flat rock."

"Shit fire and save the matches."

"Colder than a well diggers butt."

"Useless as tits on a boar hog."

"I poked some fun at her and she took me seriously." (he told me that one on my birthday.) madgo_ron.gif

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Quotes from the work of one of my favorite authors:


"Nudity, however, is better portrayed by actuality than simulation. Such has been our experience."


"Consider the human mind! It is capable of amazing feats when used properly. Conversely, without exercise it atrophies to a lump of grey-yellow fat."


Definition of "art": I suspect that the word was invented by second-rate intelligences to describe the incomprehensible activities of their betters.


"This is not enough. I despise foul baboons like yourself who insult one, then think to smirk themselves free of the consequences."


* Proselytism:

Why foist the beliefs of an obscure Arabian tribe upon a people with highly developed traditions of their own?


"Banish Evil from the world? Nonsense! Encourage it, foster it, sponsor it. The world owes Evil a debt beyond imagination. Think! Without greed ambition falters. Without vanity art becomes idle musing. Without cruelty benevolence lapses to passivity. Superstition has shamed man into self-reliance and, without stupidity, where would be the savour of superior understanding?"


"The person who, let us say, expects generosity from a bank, efficient flexibility from a government agency, open-mindedness from a religious institution will be disappointed. In each purview the notions represent immorality. The poor fool might as quickly discover love among the mantises."


"While we are alive we should sit among colored lights and taste good wines, and discuss our adventures in far places; when we are dead, the opportunity is past."


"Work and fatigue are well-known cures for restlessness!"


"The tune is recognizable, though many times I have heard it played correctly."


"Sex is something a sensible man doesn't want to read about, any more than a hungry man likes a cookbook."


"Freedom, privileges, options must constantly be exercised, even at the risk of inconvenience. Otherwise they fall into desuetude and become unfashionable, unorthodox - finally irregulationary. Sometimes the person who insists upon his prerogatives seems shrill and contentious; but actually he performs a service to us all. Freedom naturally should never become license; but regulation should never become restriction."


"No reason we can't have a stupid god"

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