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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Oh, that's reeeeeeeeally funny, Stephen. Ha ha ha. I have to get on the road now, or I'll be late for my rendezvous. OKTHNXBAI!
  2. Thanks, MC. Always wanted to do some ice on OR, too, so this will be my first view of it. Regarding bears, I pretty sure I can run faster than my friend, so no worries there. Although come to think of it, she has been training for a triathlon in September, so that could pose some problems for my fat ass in the event of a bear encounter...
  3. I've wanted to do PR for a long time now, and just haven't gotten around to it. But tomorrow I'll be in Spray Park and Seattle Park doing the touron thing, and armed with camera. What should I be looking for as far as garnering route condition beta here? Can I see anything worthwhile of the ridge from these vantage points?
  4. sobo

    fucking awesome

    Yes, but check slides 17 & 32. Yes, but check slides 14 - 16
  5. sobo

    English Beaver

    You should be smacked across the back of the head for that, bill. Getting my anticipation up and stuff...
  6. sobo

    fucking awesome

    That's HOPA, Stephen. H-O-P-A. Even though the acronym doesn't match the definition, that's how you spell it. I mean, if we're correcting grammar, spelling, and shit. Mebbe it's HOt Piece of Ass. Jus' sayin'...
  7. sobo

    fucking awesome

    Jeebus Christ, Pat, 3 a.m.??? They have melatonin for that, ya know.
  8. This is an incomplete sentence. Oh, the irony!
  9. No, it's because Beckey's a god, that's why.
  10. sobo

    important question

    For the general public and the masses of the Great Unwashed, yes. But in your case, Muffster, the answer would be no. Welcome back, it's been over a year since we saw you last. How are you feeling these days, girl? The back doing any better?
  11. sobo

    Piano stairs.

    "An initiative of Volkswagen" PianĂ¼gen???
  12. sobo

    fucking awesome

    I heard that story on the radio this morning, too. But I heard he grabbed two beers on his way to the evacuation slide. Clearly, he was thinking ahead...
  13. This thread got searched for and resurrected just so ya'll could post about shit Canadian beer? Right on!
  14. That's the kind of aid that I wouldn't waste a shrug to use. If I had it...
  15. "...It's all free. Except the land. And the fruit... It's free, so we should just sell it. At the farmer's market. Cuz it's free and stuff. And we could make money off it..." I want a bag of what she's been smoking...
  16. I've caught some pretty high factor leader falls on my belay device (that I picked up on the ground under a popular gumbie-thon multipitch route). Not disasters so far. "so far" being the operative words...
  17. I'm sorry, I watched his first one. I can't subject myself to that level of pain and suffering again in the same week.
  18. Try to think of it as muscle mass. It's all a matter of perception, as I like to say.
  19. Does he French free on the bolt hanger at 1:03?? Question for BASE jumpers: Why does Mario (the first jumper) exit with his pilot chute in his hand and deploys it immediately, while Ammon (the second jumper) exits "hands-free" and pulls his PC out in flight? Just preferences? Or something else? Enquiring minds want to know...
  20. I generally feel like puking before I get into offwidths...
  21. Shit yeah. Seattle has two of them fuq'n thangs.
  22. "How long before we'll be able to joke with him about this?" Girl: "At least a year." Guy: "I'm going to start immediately." Priceless!
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