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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Ask summitchaser. He would know. It's all about him, ya know...
  2. Well, that's not being very capricious. Perhaps you should change your title...
  3. I have this eerily discomforting feeling that I'm being taken out of context. Oh, nevermind...
  4. @mneagle- Now that was funny. Nice work!
  5. sobo


    but to some extent, aren't we all...??
  6. sobo


    ...or the father for that matter... Ba-dum, kishhhh!
  7. sobo


    My kids are awesome, too. At what in particular, I don't yet know. But they're awesome!
  8. And bashing on you and summitchaser is the other half. Sorry, kev, but that just screamed to be said.
  9. sobo

    Score: 2?

    I've always liked this one: "50% chance of rain. It either will, or it won't."
  10. Yeah, that happens a lot... Prepare for epicdom. Think Yoder-Briody...
  11. Yet you drool over him. Non sequitur. No - more testosterone than the average Canadian "male" Hmmmm... I think I'll leave this thread alone for a while...
  13. Then I guess I'm going to die penniless...
  14. Damn, Off, urban sprawl in Tenino? WTF has the world come to??? Mebbe you should put up some parking meters or sumpin. Jus' sayin'...
  15. sobo


    Ya know, you could've STFU and remained silent, and the storm would've passed you by. Now you're just gonna get rained on. Your problem is that you practically beg for this shit, just like kevbone used to do. Learn something from this, and him, if that's at all possible for you.
  16. Call me crazy, but I have been known to lug a pair of bolt-cutters and several quick-links up routes to perform required maintenance. No need to close the route/pull the chains down, since it's maintained in situ. Simply cut the worn links, install the new quick-links, bring up the second, and move on to the next station. The QLs are replaceable by anyone with a wrench as they become worn in later years, so shortening of the chains is not an issue. My problem has been to convince someone to belay me on these ventures, as they are somewhat time-consuming (especially the multi-pitch routes) and are not most climbers' first choice of use of time while at the crag.
  17. sobo


    I was wondering when summitdoucher was gonna get another reamin' from you.
  18. sobo


    Mebbe you should look into a 12-step program to help alleviate those urges. Jus' sayin'...
  19. Yet you drool over him. Non sequitur.
  20. sobo


    RuMR = Never one to miss an opportunity to bash kevbone.
  21. At the 2005 Rope-Up, dkemp (DoxManDude) and I did GHD. We managed to complete the route, then the skies opened up on us at the top of the climb. We had a single 60m rope and were able to extricate ourselves from the downpour admirably. Moral: A single 60 will get you down. Re Bathtub Dome, if you're talking about Just Ducky, then you will need two ropes to get down.
  22. I like fuq'n in the twilight. But it's been a while...
  23. sobo


    I'm more into raspberries... I give them out freely.
  24. Is bad sex a safe idea...??
  25. Somebody should tell that kid that his mouth goes on the other end...
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