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Everything posted by sobo

  1. The grey one in front, gittin' some nipply...
  2. You are for sure going to hell now! Au contraire! I just got out!
  3. Not mine. Mine neither. Nor was my divorce.
  4. sobo

    Fun graphic

    That's pretty sobering. But here's one that's even faster... in real time
  5. :lmao:
  6. A conversation between me and my Little League baseball coach many years ago, during a game in which I knew my skills could save us from certain defeat, if he would just put me in... Coach: Just calm yourself down, Sobo. Remember, there's no "I" in "team." Me: Yeah, but if you rearrange the letters, there is a "ME." I rode the bench for that game...
  7. Fixed it for ya, JayB.
  8. Now this I like... Again, not exactly a bumper sticker, but WTF cares? I wish I had the nerve to put something like that on the quarter panel of my rig...
  9. That would be an acceptable solution that I think we all could enjoy, yes.
  10. I think his facial expression pretty much gives that away, rob. Jus' sayin'...
  11. Not exactly a bumper sticker per se, but these things annoy the fuq outta me: The only way I could see myself putting some shit like this on the rear window of my rig would be if I could somehow draw a red circle with that diagonal slash through it and superimpose that over the "wife" figure. Now that would be cool... So why hasn't someone come up with that graphic yet, huh? I mean, there must be a market out there for it. Like about 50% of the folks that ever got married, that is, and that's a pretty sizeable market. Jus' sayin'...
  12. that was back when she was still blowing him. She sure does have a purdy mouth...
  13. sobo

    fucking idiots

    Yes, but sadly, I cannot post them, no. They would be too graphic, even for this site.
  14. sobo

    fucking idiots

    Well, calisthenics ARE important. As are Kegels...
  15. Is there an app for that??
  16. My favorite, from the top of Page 9 of this old bumper sticker thread. "No matter how hot she looks, some guy out there is fucking tired of her shit." Never has that bumper sticker made more sense to me than now...
  17. sobo

    fucking idiots

    It's never too late to learn. Computer Based Training?? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?? Confidentially, it just so happens that I *do* have a ball stretcher at home...
  18. sobo

    fucking idiots

    Permission to enter the romper room??
  19. Yup, and I should know...
  20. Thanks, C. Love the new avatar, BTW.
  21. I like it. But you are a joker...
  22. Sorry Billy, but I just couldn't resist...
  23. sobo

    Biggest Sprayer?

    You misplaced an image tag when you copy/pasted all of that gecko shite, that's
  24. That's the same accident that has already been posted here.
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